英语人>词典>汉英 : 性能不足 的英文翻译,例句
性能不足 的英文翻译、例句


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The disadvantages of this method are analyzed. Based on the analyses, an improved training method for the self-organizing map neural network is proposed to reduce the approximation error.


The product series of coated sand efficiently solved the problems: insufficiency of organic binder in high temperature, high expansivity of natural silica sand and much gas of coating of organic molecular in high temperature.


Structure and characteristics of rotating film-evaporator are introduced, its new type and technological process have been developed to remedy the defects of the original type and flow sheet.


For the shortages of explosives used on explosive hardening at present, a new polymer bonded plastic plosive is developed.


Finally, simulation software was developed with Visual C++ and Delphi for 2D molding analysis of MIM, which affords facilities for the quality forecast of 2D thin wall parts and optimal design of mold and process parameters. In the research of molding performance of MIM feedstock, for the shortcoming of capillary rheometry, it was propounded that using spiral mold test molding performance of feedstock, and a set of spiral mold was creatively designed with quickly exchange gates and closed mold cavity. With the spiral mold, an orthogonal experiment was made on getting regress equation of flow length L〓 of the heavy alloy feedstock. Then the rule of L〓 varying with Q〓, P〓, and ΔT〓 was discovered. Q〓 ranks first in the influence on process parameters of molding performance, P〓 and Δ T〓 second. Therefore the injection rate Q〓 should be controlled primarily to improve the flow performance of feedstock.


As to cause serious shortage of electricity is the people and power system of consciousness, for example, the original building property within the sonic basic are now using light touch and original hand touch hands of the sonic, convenient, so rarely used, televox lights are always interference, virtually great waste power, but it still is used, then have a convenient and energy-saving?


As to cause serious shortage of electricity is the people and power system of consciousness, for example, the original building property within the sonic basic are now using light touch and original hand touch hands of the sonic, convenient, so rarely used, televox lights are always interference, virtually great waste power, but it still is used, then have a convenient and energy-saving?


Based on the relation between the performance parameters of cylinderpressure and the single cylinder fault of underpower, a fuzzy diagnosis system formarine diesel engine by using fuzzy interfere principle is investigated, which canautomatically identify the single cylinder underpower. The researches provide thefoundation for the practical application of the instantaneous angular speed and thecylinder pressure methods.


Aiming at a typical complex electromechanical system—temper mill, the study takes its main driving control system as object of study, works out such a difficult problem that many parameters are coupled mutually, hard to be set and configurated in complex electromechanical system, and makes the performance goal of the control system be optimal in the adjustable ranges of parameters.


In the research of visual simulation software development, in order to build the software system model and flow analysis algorithm based on Cross-WLF viscosity model, and realize functions such as pre-processor, solver, parameter regress, data management, graph operations, some advanced software methods as OOSE (Object Oriented Software Engineering) and UML were applied to set up user model, static model and dynamic model of MIM simulation software. These models describe system function, event flow, structure and relation of classes, object interaction, structure of database and I/O file format.


更多网络解释与性能不足相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



calcium ammonium nitrate:硝酸铵钙

硝酸铵钙(Calcium ammonium nitrate)是一种新型化学肥料,在发达国家一直得到广泛使用. 在欧洲一些国家中,硝酸铵钙的消费量已占整个硝铵类肥料消费总量的60%,价格也在持续上涨. 在国内,由于对硝酸铵钙性能及肥效认识不足,加上工艺复杂,技术指标含量不一,

graft copolymerization:接枝共聚

耐久性差和强度不高,采用接枝共聚(graft copolymerization)和交联(crosslinking)反应可以有效改善它的不足,获得某些特殊性能. ...


德国工业标准(DIN) 中国国家标准(GB) 国际标准(ISO)普通楔式卡盘通过楔槽机构将卡盘活塞的轴向运动转换成卡爪的径向移动. 这类卡盘结构简单,但在高速时由于卡爪的离心力作用,夹持力丧失较多. 为了弥补这类卡盘高速性能的不足,


加速不足将会残留过多的锡元素,进而使得沉积镀层产生附着性能不佳以及剥离(Peeling)与脱落(Pull Away拉离)的现象. 如果使用其他形式的加速剂,则过度加速以及加速不足的情形,将可能会发生. 检查一下钻孔制程所用的钻针是否锐利,


该车在技术方面的先进性及挑战性确实令人钦佩,但也有不足之处,而且本田还没有找到解决办法. 为了追求赏心悦目的外观并同时确保冲撞时的安全性能,便要保持车内较大的空间,其结果便是,前面A柱(pillar)产生的弯曲造成了车内的死角.


测试结果表明,英联邦军队自一战起装备的英国"汤米"(Tommy)式钢盔的综合防护性能最差. 尽管德军M35型钢盔在综合防护性能上领先于其他国家的制式钢盔,但仍旧具有许多不足之处. 费加罗报:"众所周知,中国源源不断地为美国的巨额贸易清单赤字提供资金来源,