英语人>词典>汉英 : 性细胞遗传的 的英文翻译,例句
性细胞遗传的 的英文翻译、例句


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Keywords potato virus Y, coat protein gene, transgenic tobacco, RNA-mediated,,,,resistance, genetic analysis, cytopathology

马铃薯Y病毒;细胞病理学; CP基因;转基因烟草; RNA介导的抗病性;遗传分析

In recent years, by using sex chromosome or cell surface antigen as a marker, the characteristics of proliferation and differentiation of spleen colony-forming cells have been studied systematically.

近年来,许多学者采用天然的性染色体或是细胞的特异表面标志作为细胞遗传标志深入、系统地研究了脾结节生成细胞(spleen colony-forming cell,CFC-S)的增殖与分化性能。

Sickle cell disease, also called sickle cell anemia, is a genetic condition that deforms red blood cells.


Gimelbrant et al. determined the proportion of human genes that can be expressed monoallelically, in patterns that are epigenetically stable (for example, chemical modifications of DNA, such as cytosine methylation, that do not alter the sequence but are heritable within cell populations).

Gimelbrant等确定部分人类基因,能够单等位基因性表达,在表达模式上,后生同类物稳定(例如,化学修饰的DNA ,如胞嘧啶甲基化,不改变序列,但内细胞群是可遗传的)。

2N gametes are the result of meiotic mutation during micro- and mega-sporogenesis that bear the sporophytic rather than the gametophytic chromosome number. This paper reviewed the genetic markers including the morphologic, cytological, isozymes and DNA markers, which have been employed in the generation, inheritance, heterozygosity and marker-assisted breeding of 2n gametes based on the frequency of large pollen grains, cytological analyses, unexpected occurrence of polyploidy progeny and the associations between parents and progenies.


Micronucleus test results exhibited that significant differences in micronuclear rates were determined between 0.4 mL bone cement and 0.4 mL microsphere-coated bone cement groups and negative control group, but no significant difference was detected among other groups. This revealed that this microsphere-coated bone cement leaching liquor did not show significant cell heredity toxic effects. Nevertheless, microsphere-coated bone cement in the high concentration and high dosage groups exhibited low toxic effects, mainly showing increased hemolysis rate and micronuclear rate. Thus, it was necessary to control the dosage and concentration of microsphere-coated bone cement.

微核实验结果显示除0.4 mL骨水泥组和0.4 mL微球骨水泥组的微核率与阴性对照组差异有显著性意义,其余各组差异无显著性意义,说明该微球骨水泥的浸提液无明显细胞遗传毒性作用,但是高浓度和高剂量组的微球骨水泥仍有较低的毒性作用,主要表现为溶血率和微核率的提高,因此在应用时要适当控制微球骨水泥的剂量和浓度。

Majority of acute leukemias in infant, either acute lymphoblastic leukemia or acute myeloblastic leukemia, posses a chromosomal translocation affecting the 11q23 chromosome region which specifically inoles the mixed-lineage leukemia gene.1-3 Most pediatric leukemias with MLL rearrangement clearly hae a remarkably short latency.1,4 MLL gene rearrangement is also associated with secondary leukemias of patients preiously treated with the topoisomerase II inhibitors.4 The latency of these secondary leukemias is similarly ery short.4 Of note, the concordance rate of leukemia with MLL rearrangement in infant monozygotic twins approximates to 100%,1,4 and identical breakpoint in the MLL gene was shared in these pairs of identical twin infants with concordant ALL.1,4 Moreoer, the unique and clonotypic MLL fusion gene was detectable in neonatal blood spots for Guthrie cards from non-twined indiiduals who subsequently deeloped ALL.1,4 These obserations indicate not only that MLL fusion is generated in utero but also that MLL fusion proteins could be capable of inducing leukemic transformation with few, if any, secondary mutations.2,3,4 Greaes et al speculate that an MLL fusion protein somehow promotes rapid transition to full-blown disease in patients ia ery rapid clonal expansion, genetic instability, or inhibition of DNA damage repair.4 In general, for clonal expansion of malignancies, tumor cells often hae acquired strategies that escape immune sureillance of the hosts.5,6 Immune escape mechanisms also contribute to the failure of graft-ersus-leukemia effect after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.7 Therefore, leukemia cells could acquire some immune escape mechanisms during leukemogenesis.

绪论 绝大多数的婴儿白血病,不管是急性淋巴性白血病或是急性骨髓性白血病,在染色体11q23部位有染色体易位的情况;这个部位的染色体易位牵连了混合谱系白血病基因。大多数具有MLL基因重排的儿童白血病潜伏期明显短很多。MLL基因重排也和经拓扑异构酶II抑制剂治疗后的继发性白血病有关。这些继发性白血病的潜伏期类似地都非常的短。很重要的是,单卵双胞胎婴儿同时患有或同时免于MLL基因重排阳性的白血病的一致性接近100%;并且同样患有ALL的同卵双胞胎的MLL基因的断裂点是一致的。而且,这种独特的克隆特异性的MLL融合基因能够从那些得ALL的非双生个体出生时的血斑标本中检测到。这些发现表明MLL融合基因产生在胎儿还在子宫的是后,而且MLL融合蛋白能过和其他的基因突变一起诱导白血病的产生。Greaes 等推测MLL融合蛋白在某种情况下同过快速克隆增殖,遗传的不稳定性或是DNA损伤修复的抑制促使疾病迅速地全面爆发。恶性肿瘤细胞的克隆增殖通常已经获得了逃避机体免疫监视的能力。免疫逃避机制也归因于异体外周血干细胞移植后移植物抗白血病作用的失效。所以,白血病细胞在白血病的产生过程中可能获得了某些免疫逃脱机制。

Apoptotic cells have immunogenicity,and may be the major source of autoantigens in lupus BXSB mice.Lupus genetic factors and Yaa gene can potentiate the immunogenicity of apoptotic cells or accelerate their inducing the lupus nephritis.


Apoptotic cells have immunogenicity,and may be the major source of autoantigens in lupus BXSB mice.Lupus genetic factors and Yaa gene can potentiate the immunogenicity of apoptotic cells or accelerate their inducing the lupus nephritis. Apoptosis; Mice,BXSB; Lupus erythematosus,systemic


Some stimulators, including viruses, tumor cells and hot shock, could promote the expression of NKG2 receptors and their ligands via activating certain transcription factors which are capable of up-regulating NKG2 promoters' activity. Meanwhile, epigenetic mechanisms including DNA methylation and histone posttranslational modifications are also critical to expression of NKG2 receptors and their ligands and may control the clonally distribution of some NK cell receptors.


更多网络解释与性细胞遗传的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


关键词:急性粒细胞性白血病;核型;M2;易位t(18;21) 急性白血病(AL)的形态学、免疫学及细胞遗传学(MIC)分型对诊断、治疗、预后判断有重要的临床意义,其中细胞遗传学分型对急性粒细胞白血病(AML)亚型的判断具有更重..

homologous chromosomes:同源染色体

同源染色体(homologous chromosomes)有丝分裂中期看到的长度和着丝点位置相同的两个染色体,或减数分裂时看到的两两配对的染色体. ...同源染色体上常含有不同的等位基因,减数分裂时又进行了交换并随机地分配到不同的性细胞中去,这对于遗传重组有重要意义.

malignant melanoma:黑素瘤

此外,基底细胞痣综合征(basal cell nevus syndrome)、恶性黑素瘤(malignant melanoma)等属于遗传性肿瘤. 还有一些肿瘤既有遗传的,也有散发的. 前者临床上按常染色体显性方式遗传,属遗传型,常为双侧性或多发性,发病早于散发型病例.

membranous cataract:膜性白內障

发病为双侧性,为常染色体显性遗传;6P膜性白内障(membranous cataract)先天性全白内障晶状体液化的内容被吸收后,前后囊膜因接触而发生机化,晶状体纤维和上皮细胞的剩余部分被夹在机化的前后囊膜之间而使整个膜性白内障呈厚薄不均匀的混浊.


概 述: 视网膜母细胞瘤(retinoblastoma)是小儿最常见的眼内肿瘤,多见于婴幼儿,2/3在3岁以下,5岁以上者少于5%. 此瘤不仅危害患儿视力,更威胁患儿生命. 本病有两种情况:一是有遗传倾向与家族性常为多发病灶且发生其他恶性瘤的几率增多,

Sickle Cell Disease:镰状细胞病

镰状细胞病(sickle cell disease)是指红细胞含有血红蛋白S(HbS)的一种常染色体显性遗传的溶血性疾病. 本病有三种类型:①HbS的纯合子称为镰状细胞性贫血;②杂合子称为镰状细胞特征(sickle cell trait);③HbS与地中海贫血或其他异常Hb基因组合成的双重杂合子称为混合型镰状细胞综合征.

autosomal dominant:常染色体显性

乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis virus B,HBV)家族性视网膜母细胞瘤呈常染色体显性(autosomal dominant)遗传. 能引起动物肿瘤或在体外实验中能使细胞发生恶性转化的逆转录病毒,其基因组中含有某些RNA序列,这些序列不是病毒复制所必需的,






mutation rate 突变率:在每个单位时间(如每个世代)细胞发生突变的数. | muton 突变子:最小的突变单位,现已知为一对碱基. | narrow heritability 狭义遗传力:加性方差占表型方差的比例.