英语人>词典>汉英 : 急迫的 的英文翻译,例句
急迫的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dear  ·  dearer  ·  urgent

更多网络例句与急迫的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is the most pressing task at present.


It's best to connect with other professionals when they won't feel pressured by your request.


For a long time I knew how the day went, by the imperious clangour of midday and evening bells striking down upon the houses and the edge of the lake.


The urgency of his voice galvanized them into action.


This is the most pressing task at present .


I think that that's urgent.


We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline.


His eyes flickered as he considered the problem, the to him now wholly real and urgent problem.


This approach determines the downlink and uplink sub-frames by reserving the bandwidth for the most urgent requests and then proportionating the remaining bandwidth according to the non-urgent ones.


Not urgent in the way she'd been wishing--that fine urgency was remoter than ever.


更多网络解释与急迫的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

imminent danger:急迫的危险

immigration 移住 | imminent danger 急迫的危险 | imminent threat 紧迫的威胁

imminent threat:紧迫的威胁

imminent danger 急迫的危险 | imminent threat 紧迫的威胁 | imminent 危急的


大白天,不是为了一个秘密的(secret),预料到了的(expected),额外的(extra)电话,而是为了一个急迫的(quick)电话作者会忽然出去. 作者就会跟这个人打,跟那个人打,心里总是告诫(tell)就再打一个,而不是强迫(force),给予(give)和限制(limit)自己.

Unsated with killing me:急迫的要置我于死地

Breathing my footsteps 嗅着我的足迹 | Unsated with killing me 急迫的要置我于死地 | Slowly 缓缓地


inform通知,告知 | upcoming急迫的,即将来临的 | presume假定,假设

clamant:吵闹的, 喧嚣的, 急迫的

clam | 蛤 | clamant | 吵闹的, 喧嚣的, 急迫的 | clamatorial | (鸟)京燕的,叫禽类的


clamant | 吵闹的, 喧嚣的, 急迫的 | clamatorial | (鸟)京燕的,叫禽类的 | clamber | 爬上, 攀登

3.The most urgent issue is the question of unemployment:3.政府最急迫的问题是失业问题

2.That's only a question of time.2.那只是时... | 3.The most urgent issue is the question of unemployment.3.政府最急迫的问题是失业问题. | 4.That's a question that will take a few minutes for me.4.对我来...

Wild Asses:野骡:急迫的急板

02. Hens And Cockerels 母鸡和公鸡:中庸的快板 | 03. Wild Asses 野骡:急迫的急板 | 04. Tortoises 乌龟:庄严的行板

Requires sorest need:需要最急迫的需求

To comprehend a nectar 體會像甘露一般的滋味 | Requires sorest need. 需要最急迫的需求 | Not one of all the purple Host 今日那些舉著旗子像帝王般尊貴的主子們