英语人>词典>汉英 : 急剧的 的英文翻译,例句
急剧的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
quick  ·  quicker  ·  sharp  ·  sharps  ·  sharped  ·  sharping

更多网络例句与急剧的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now I in which a sharp pain.


Simpler procurement systems are just extensions of the accounting department's accounts payable program.


In the time between the Bora and Golf launch, the market had drastically changed.


In recent weeks, however, things have taken a nosedive.


The pertussis vaccine was used in animal experiments to help produce anaphylactic shock, and to cause an acute autoimmune encephalomyelitis.


Nonetheless, the rapid proletarianization process has given impetus to the development of workers' movement.


Barrel is the key part of artillery. In shot process, propellent gas of high pressure and high temperature flows in the tube at a high rate of speed, which brings an upheaval to the temperature field of the composite barrel. As to the composite barrel with metal inner, its poor thermal conductivity is more likely to cause uneven temperature distribution and bigger temperature gradient, to produce improper deformation and to make the work temperature of metal inner rise, all of which will affect the life span of barrel.


To drop sharply and rapidly; plummet:急剧下跌;骤降: Stock prices dove 100 points in a single day of trading.


With the development of China, social structure has under drastic change, the social stratum differentiation has been more and more obvious.


The feeble group- Peasantries who are unprivileged also are being divided sharply.


更多网络解释与急剧的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a bear market:熊市(股票价格急剧跌落的市场)

23.bear熊 | a bear market熊市(股票价格急剧跌落的市场) | a bear garden嘈杂喧闹的场所或会议


17.arbiter 裁决人,决定者;仲裁人 | 18.brightening 光明的 | 19.surging 急剧上升的(动词surge急剧上升;上涌)

torrential downpour:急剧的倾盆大雨

magic spells神奇的咒语 | torrential downpour急剧的倾盆大雨 | launch首映


sharp 急剧的 | sharply 急剧地 | significant 巨大的


194.a dramatic increase 急剧的增长 | 195.shortsightedness 短视的行为,无远见的行为 | 196.quit school 辍学

significant significantly:有意义的 重大的 重要的

戏剧性的 生动的 dramatic dramatically | 有意义的 重大的 重要的 significant significantly | 锐利的 明显的 急剧的 sharp sharply

Slippery slope:灾难性的急剧下滑

这被用作反对对同性恋采取更宽容的态度的一个"灾难性的急剧下滑"(slippery slope)的论据. 如果这种特别的性行为是合法的和可以宽容的,争论将继续,对"性变态"的"水闸"就会打开.

soaring demand:急剧增加的需求

snuff out the remaining embers of a fire 灭掉仍在冒烟燃烧的灰烬 | soaring demand 急剧增加的需求 | soaring utility rates 飞涨的公用事业费

steep steeply:急剧(升降)的

锐利的 明显的 急剧的 sharp sharply | 急剧(升降)的 steep steeply | 稳固的 坚定不移的 steady steadily

magic spells:神奇的咒语

GLOSSARY 词汇表 | magic spells神奇的咒语 | torrential downpour急剧的倾盆大雨