英语人>词典>汉英 : 忽视 的英文翻译,例句
忽视 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bypass  ·  bypassing  ·  disregard  ·  forgetfulness  ·  ignore  ·  ignored  ·  marginalize  ·  neglect  ·  negligence  ·  overslaugh  ·  inobservancy  ·  bypassed  ·  bypasses  ·  disregarded  ·  disregarding  ·  disregards  ·  ignores  ·  ignoring  ·  neglecting  ·  neglects  ·  overslaughed  ·  overslaughing

go-by · pass off · pass sb by · short shrift · give a cold shoulder · sit loose
更多网络例句与忽视相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the world, become world the biggest fruit to produce a country, but long-term since because take crop seriously, negligence quality, take measure of the increase production before collecting seriously, negligence collects an aftertreatment, store up treatment, the decay after causing fruit greens product to collect is degenerative and serious, loss is great, main show is in these problems the following respects: 1Structure of breed of product of.1 fruit greens is unreasonable although the crop of fruit greens product of our country is tall, but quality is poorer, market price is low, breed structure is unreasonable, early, medium scale of ripe, late-mature breed is undeserved, do not have especially comfortable the high grade breed at treatment, restricted our country fruit to machine the development of course of study apparently.

因此提高果蔬产品的质量,发展贮藏加工业,是我国果蔬产业发展亟待解决的问题。1 目前我国果蔬产业发展中存在的问题自 1993年以来,我国果品产量跃居世界第 1位,成为世界第一大水果生产国,但是长期以来由于重视产量,忽视质量,重视采前增产措施,忽视采后处理、贮藏加工,造成果蔬产品采后腐烂变质严重,损耗极大,这些问题主要表现在以下几个方面:1.1 果蔬产品品种结构不合理我国的果蔬产品产量虽高,但质量较差,市场售价低,品种结构不合理,早熟、中熟、晚熟品种比例不当,非凡是没有适于加工的优质品种,明显制约了我国果品加工业的发展。

The practice of the Church, devoutly followed by the faithful, is to begin and end the day with prayer; and though morning and evening prayer is not of strict obligation, the practice of it so well satisfies our sense of the need of prayer that neglect of it, especially for a long time is regarded as more or less sinful, according to the cause of the neglect, which is commonly some form of sloth.


Similarly patients with hemispheric neglect have been found to process visual information presented to their 'neglected' side.


But when our ignoring or exceeding the power of the nature, the hugger the achievement we get, the hugger the threat of the nature. We have saw the cost paying for ignoring the enlistment from the discipline of the nature.


You ignore me , I will ignore you!!!


In the cultivation process,the problems of improper function of teachers′ guiding roles and the l...


There are two issues which have to be elaborated again: in the first place, according to their own experience in their environment, an effective experience will be regarded as a correct understanding, for the time being, it can not be considered to be an effective understanding, because the activities must rely on common sense. But common sense is often a result of collective consciousness and the mutual influence in our social environment. Second, after the people having grasped what is "reality", they also will have expectations beyond their conditions. They need a certain neglectfulness, neglecting their own responses, ignoring the "general" statements and rules that follow common sense.


Results: 1. Childhood trauma history: the patients with BPD had significantly higher scores of emotional abuse, physical abuse, sex abuse, emotional neglect and physical neglect than the non-personality disorder patients. 2. The parental rearing style: comparing with the Chinese norm, the scores of emotional warmth / comprehension of BPD group were lower; the scores of punishment/rigorousness and rejection /deny of BPD group were higher; The differences were significant. 3. Family environment: comparing with Chinese norm, the scores of intimacy/ affection expression/ independence/ success/ culture/ entertainment/ morality and religion/sense of organization of BPD group were lower; the scores of contradictory were higher.4. Correlation analysis revealed that the childhood trauma history of BPD was correlated with the unhealthy parents' rearing style and family environment. 5. Logistic regression analyses revealed that gender, emotional abuse, physical abuse, emotional neglect are the risk factors for BPD.

结果1、BPD儿童期创伤经历:BPD患者在情感虐待、躯体虐待、性虐待、情感忽视、躯体忽视及总体虐待程度显著高于精神科门诊中非人格障碍患者。2、 BPD父母养育方式:BPD患者的父母养育方式与中国常模相比存在较多显著差异,父亲在情感温暖理解、过度保护方面远低于对照,而在惩罚、严厉,拒绝、否认方面远高于对照;母亲在情感温暖、理解方面远低于对照,而在拒绝、否认,惩罚、严厉方面远高于对照。3、 BPD家庭环境:患者家庭的亲密度、情感表达、独立性、成功性、文化性、娱乐性、道德宗教观、组织性等方面均显著低于中国常模;而矛盾性方面显著高于常模。4、 BPD儿童期创伤与不恰当的父母养育方式和不良的家庭环境显著相关。5、BPD的影响因素:经Logistic回归分析,性别、年龄,情感虐待、躯体虐待、情感忽视是影响BPD患病与否的关键因素。

Objective 1 To investigate the incidence of neglect syndrome and hemianopia after brain damage, and explore the influence factors of the incidence of neglect syndrome and relations between neglect syndrome and brain damage location, and also neglect syndrome and hemianopia.


The "dazzle" phenomena in literature has five characteristics: Firstly, pursue reality excessively, neglect ideal; Secondly, pursue sexual desire excessively, neglect spirit pursuing; Thirdly, pursue utility excessively, neglect hyper-utility; Fourthly, pursue the indulgency of the sense organs excessively, weaken the reasonable strength; Fifthly, pursue incitement excessively, neglect diapason.


更多网络解释与忽视相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

brush aside:不理;忽视

1. flare up 发火;爆发;燃烧 | 2. brush aside 不理;忽视 | 3. bring through (从病中)脱险;度过难关

brush brush aside:忽视,置之不理

bring s.th. into play 使发挥作用 | 7. brush brush aside 忽视,置之不理 | brush up 改进,提高

brush aside/brush away:to refuse to pay attention to:解释:忽视,不顾

Brush n.刷子 vt.拂拭;拭去;掠过;轻擦而过 | 1.brush aside/brush away:to refuse to pay attention to解释:忽视,不顾 | example:She brushed his protests aside.她不顾他的抗议.


译文及重点词汇重现:但是人类的大脑在一瞥(glimpse)之下就能发现一个迅速变化的场景(changing scene),随即忽视(disregard)百分之九十八的不相关(irrelevant)部分,瞬间把注意力集中(focus on)到蜿蜒的森林小路边上的猴子身上或大群人中的一张可疑面孔上.

disregard noun:漠视,忽视

bad debt noun 呆帐(收不回的帐) | disregard noun 漠视,忽视 | face value noun 票面价值


斯特兰奇教授学术生涯的一个特点也许要用"忽视"( neglect)来概括. 她一直在发现这些"忽视". 除了发现了国际政治学和国际经济学的相互忽视外,她不断地指出其它大的、长期的"忽视". 例如,


neglect;忽视;; | neglected;忽视;疏忽;被忽视(儿童);; | neglected child;被忽视儿童;;

negligent:忽视的, 粗心大意的

confidential 机密的 | 21) negligent 忽视的, 粗心大意的 | negligible 可忽视


21) negligent 忽视的, 粗心大意的 | negligible 可忽视的 | 22) momentary 瞬时的, 短时的

oihori sain:好极了,忽视的

oihori/好极的,漂亮极了 | oihori sain/好极了,忽视的 | oihorilambi/疏忽,忽视