英语人>词典>汉英 : 快速通过 的英文翻译,例句
快速通过 的英文翻译、例句


rush through
更多网络例句与快速通过相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is thought that calcium artificially added to food pa es through the body too quickly to be properly a orbed and therefore fails to perform the same functio as foods which are naturally rich in calcium, such as milk, cheese and leafy green vegetables.


While urgent vehical arriving,such as fire engine or police wagon,all traffic lights are put to be red in order that they can pass by quickly. Consequently,the mode improves the efficiency of traffic.


Registered in Provo, Utah, the car was destroyed on August 2, 2006 at the Utah Fast Pass Road Rally while traveling at nearly 200mph on a closed-off section of rural highway.

登记在若佛,犹他,车被销毁, 2006年8月2日在犹他州的快速通过公路拉力赛的旅行时在近二○○英里每小时在已封闭的小康的一段农村公路。

If you would have just told us in the beginning that this was going to be a railroad.

如果你一开始就告诉我们这是个快速通过案 railroad

JA transportation is likely to be through ray parenchyma cell, vessel tube and sieve tube in H.


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Do you want to be a smashing successful man on all kinds ofspoken English test ?


Sediments with particle size less than 0.15 mm and larger than 0.55 mm are more suitable for the survival of T. tubifex. The former had higher organic matter content, while the latter had larger pore size in the particles, which allows the T. tubifex to move and obtain more food from the particles.


They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith.

他们被中断,因为他们的unbelief ,但你的立场,快速通过的信仰。

Sprint! You often can outsprint Fido when he's more interested in fooling around than in actually attacking.


更多网络解释与快速通过相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anarchist, Man-Thing:生成酸:通过接触或喷射,可生成酸进行伤害. 例

快速痊愈:所受的伤会迅速痊愈,具体速度依各个角色有所不同. 例:Wolverine, Lobo | 生成酸:通过接触或喷射,可生成酸进行伤害. 例:Anarchist, Man-Thing | 动物模仿:使用某些动物的能力. 例:Animal Man, Vixen

Wolverine, Lobo:快速痊愈:所受的伤会迅速痊愈,具体速度依各个角色有所不同. 例

快速痊愈:所受的伤会迅速痊愈,具体速度依各个角色有所不同. 例:Wolverine, Lobo | 生成酸:通过接触或喷射,可生成酸进行伤害. 例:Anarchist, Man-Thing | 动物模仿:使用某些动物的能力. 例:Animal Man, Vixen

rush out:突然出现

rush into 匆忙做某事 | rush out 突然出现 | rush through 匆忙做完,快速通过

rush out of:奔出

rush one's fences 鲁莽 | rush out of 奔出 | rush through 快速通过

rush through:匆忙做完,快速通过

rush out 突然出现 | rush through 匆忙做完,快速通过 | save for 留供...用

rush through:快速通过, 赶紧做

book the flight 订机票 | rush through 快速通过, 赶紧做 | advanced degree 高学历

rush through:快速通过

rush out of 奔出 | rush through 快速通过 | rush up 催促

save for:留供...用

rush through 匆忙做完,快速通过 | save for 留供...用 | save on 节省,节约



rapid prototyping:快速原型法

快速原型法(rapid prototyping)快速原型法是近年来提出的一种以计算机为基础的系统开发方法,它首先构造一个功能简单的原型系统,然后通过对原型系统逐步求精,不断扩充完善得到最终的软件系统.