- 更多网络例句与快捷地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Apart from that, it comes with full alphanumeric slide out keyboard that allows you to type quickly and easily.
Among them the genome data of man, ascidian and rice hold the top three.
其今年一个新的变化是为我们提供了序列查询工具,通过访问SOAP 服务器和网上服务从WWW上大量的生物数据库中快捷地获取正确的资料和工具;同时还开放了其基因表达数据库CIBEX。
The DNA replication is usually assayed by denatured gel electrophoresis and autoradiography, which are complex, time-consuming, and incapable of acquiring the dynamic data in real time.
In strengthening the management of outside sales at the same time, the company constantly improve the internal management, the company sales and financial, statistical work all through remote management software synchronization realize, through internal management to improve and strengthen the company can better and more quickly meet customer demands and recommendations Benchley Rui Technology Co., Ltd. will be happy to cooperate with you in constant growth, expansion.
The basic idea is as follows: first, a kind of plane α-B-spline interpolation curve with a shape control parameter a is constructed; then, by converting the first derivatives of the curve into Bernstein polynomial, the positive conditions of Bernstein polynomial can be used to get the necessary and sufficie nt conditions for the monotonicity of α-B-spline interpolation curves, i.e., the range of the parameter a. Therefore, monotone-preserving interpolating curves can be obtained succinctly.
Therefore can be quickly and the supply of many varieties for different uses carbide material or mold.
Renting Centrex means a user has the ultimate flexibility — ability to jump quickly into new technology.
租用Centrex 服务意味着用户拥有最大的灵活性,能够快捷地转入新技术行列。
This paper discussed several methods of the evaluation on total cumulative pitch error of gear: diagram, tabulation, coordinate conversion.
By using this device, we can ensure the symmetry degree of the square lens parts quickly and accurately.
Every Ergoline sunbed has been designed to ensure that all components that require servicing are easily and quickly reached. Low-maintenance materials ensure easy cleaning for your salon staff.
- 更多网络解释与快捷地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
positional cloning:位置克隆
功能性基因组计划的根本目标是发现占基因组3%左右有表达功能的区域,为此将构建大片段DNA文库作位置克隆(positional cloning)和作大规模的表达序列目标(ESTs)分析,以期经济快捷地抢占基因资源.
使企业内部人员方便快捷地共享信息,高效地协同工作;改变过去复杂、低效的手工办公方式,实现迅速、全方位的信息采集、信息处理,为企业的管理和决策提供科学的依据,提高企业内人员之间沟通(Communication)、 协作(Cooperation)和控制(Control) 水平,
database engine:資料庫引擎
本文件是一份介绍如何在 Unix 系统快捷地建立一个 SQL 资料库引擎 (Database Engine) 及前端工具的"实用指南". 它也讨论国际标准的 ANSI/ISO SQL 语言及探讨在互联网中"开放式开发"环境 ("open development" environment) 开发 SQL 资料库引擎的优点.
extra-curricular activities:课外活动
约克外语学校独一无二的教育理念能使您最快捷地提高您的英语技能.独特的3E教育理念:最好的环境(Environment), 最丰富的课外活动 (Extra Curricular Activities)以及最佳的学习效果 (Efficiency),并坚持一人, 二机, 三实战 的教育方法.
CERANA是一种白榴石(leucite)加强玻璃陶瓷,白榴石晶体能够防止裂痕的扩大. 类似牙釉质,表面易于打磨与抛光. 具良好的生物兼容性,可与复合树脂一样的简快捷地操作.
营业员通过提取在订座系统中本公司的常旅客档案,可以方便快捷地查询到旅客的■ 3.PNR的暂存和提取(PSS)■ 4.暂存中的PNR的合并(MER)在每次使用HB指令后,一个辅助服务项HTL产生在订座系统的旅客名单记录(PNR)中.
当地一流的公共交通系统让您便利快捷地前往法兰克福市内、奥芬巴赫(Offenbach)、美茵茨(Mainz)或威斯巴登(Wiesbaden). 从法兰克福火车总站搭乘火车只需5分钟便可直接前往酒店,从法兰克福机场前往酒店也只需20分钟.
slide into:(快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进
You look exhausted; you need rest. 你看起来很疲倦,您需要休息. | slide into(快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进...... | She slid into a room without anyone noticing.她悄悄溜进房间而不被人发现.
简单快捷地制作报表--从只有简单图表与图案的基本报表,到内含多层嵌套子报表(subreport)、交叉报表(cross-tab)等各种类型报表. 如意报表(Ming-WebReport)可以快速地远程布署和更新Web报表.