英语人>词典>汉英 : 忧郁症患者 的英文翻译,例句
忧郁症患者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hypochondriac  ·  melancholiac  ·  melancholic  ·  melancholious

更多网络例句与忧郁症患者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Much more. In one scene, a hypochondriac inadvertently dirties his hand while helping an old man to the toilet.


They are notoriously hypochondriac.


This study is to translate Angst's Hypomania Check List-32 item into Chinese, and a total of 400 cases will recruited into 4 groups: bipolar I, bipolar II, unipolar depression and normal control, 100 cases in each group. Reliability and validity will be analyzed, and the cut-off scored will be established to assist the clinicians in correct diagnosis.

本研究拟翻译由Angst等人(2005)所编制的32项目轻躁症状自评量表(Hypomania Check List-32 item, HCL-32),取样单极型忧郁症患者、第一型双极症患者、第二型双极症患者与社区正常控制组各100名,进行此量表之信、效度等计量分析,并建立筛选标准值(cut-off point),以协助临床工作者对双极症患者的正确诊治。

Generally, the 20 fitted BDI-II items that constituted a unidimensional construct of depression would be able to discriminate different levels of depression severity and were suitable to measure the depression severity of the clients with major depressive disorders.


Electroshock therapy, which consists of running an electric current through a patient while under anesthetic, is administered only to those victims who are suicidal and require immediate treatment, or to those with severe refractory depression.


Electroshock therapy, which consists of running an electric current through a patient while under anesthetic, is administered only to those victims who are suicidal and require immediate treatment, or to those with severe refractory depression.


Electroshock therapy, which consists of running an electric current through a patient while under anesthetic, is administered only to those victims who are suicidal and require immediate treatment, or to those with severe refractory depression.


Electroshock therapy, which consists of running an electric current through a patient while under anesthetic, is administered only to those victims who are suicidal and require immediate treatment, or to those with severe refractory depression.


Electroshock therapy, which consists of running an electric current through a patient while under anesthetic, is administered only to those victims who are suicidal and require immediate treatment, or to those with severe refractory depression.


Electroshock therapy, which consists of running an electric current through a patient while under anesthetic, is administered only to those victims who are suicidal and require immediate treatment, or to those with severe refractory depression.


更多网络解释与忧郁症患者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


+ 在Harpo的自传里,他解释说把Milton叫做Gummo是因为他老在戏院里蹑手蹑脚地跑来跑去,像是个穿橡皮套靴(gumshoe)的侦探Marx and Barber, p. ?? . 其他资料中说Gummo是一家人中的忧郁症患者,从小体弱多病,


melancholia 忧郁症 | melancholiac 患忧郁症的 | melancholic 忧郁症患者


melancholia with delirium 谵妄性忧郁症 谵妄性忧郁症 | melancholiac 忧郁症患者 | melancholic 忧郁症的

melancholiac; melancholic:忧郁症患者

僵性忧郁症 melancholia attonita | 忧郁症患者 melancholiac; melancholic | 忧郁症皱眉 omega melancholicum


melancholiac 患忧郁症的 | melancholic 忧郁症患者 | melancholy 忧郁


melancholiac 忧郁症患者 | melancholic 忧郁症的 | melancholic temperament 抑郁质


(2) 精神疾病:如忧郁症(melancholia),此病的患者常受到自杀的诱惑,由其所谓抑郁狂发作之际,另外精神分裂症(schizophrenia)和多疑症(paranoia)的患者;当表现惧怕和逃避时,也会萌发自杀的念头.