英语人>词典>汉英 : 忧郁症 的英文翻译,例句
忧郁症 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hypochondria  ·  hypochondrium  ·  melancholia  ·  barythymia  ·  lypemania  ·  lypothymia  ·  Melancholia  ·  tristimania

更多网络例句与忧郁症相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this case series of 274 patients with sleep disorders seen in specialty clinics from 1999 to 2002, diagnoses included narcolepsy, hypersomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, insomnia, and atypical hypersomnia cases such as familial cases, narcolepsy without cataplexy or without HLA-DQB1*0602, recurrent hypersomnias, and symptomatic cases secondary to Parkinson disease, depression, Prader-Willi syndrome, or Niemann-Pick disease type C.

在他们的研究中,从1999年到2002年为止,共选取274位睡眠障碍患者,包括:猝睡症、嗜睡症、阻塞性睡眠窒息症、肢体运动感觉异常、失眠,及非典型的嗜睡症,例如:家族性病例、无猝倒症现象或无HLA-DQB1*0602的猝睡症、再发性嗜睡症、帕金森氏症引发的症状、忧郁症、普拉多威力症候群(Prader-Willi syndrome),或C型尼曼匹克症(Niemann-Pick disease type C)。

Cyclothymic Disorder involves alternating hypomania and depressive episodes. Like bipolar, cyclothymia involves cycling between highs and lows, but it never reaches full mania or major depression. It was previously called cycloid personality. Over a lifetime, the chances of having Cyclothymic Disorder are from 0.4% to 1%.

轻度躁郁症包含交替的躁跟郁的症状,跟躁郁症一样,轻度躁郁症包含躁跟郁的循环,但是未达躁症和重度忧郁症的程度以往叫做循环性人格终生发病的机率是 0.4% to 1%。

The authors therefore recommend additional studies in persons, including men, who before treatment have a history of binge eating, depression, personality disorders, substance abuse, or self-injurious behavior.


Neuroimaging in geriatric depression found more subcortical ischemic vascular lesion, which is called vascular depression.


The patient is currently manic, with psychotic symptoms (as in F30.2), and has had at least one other affective episode (hypomanic, manic, depressive, or mixed) in the past.


About one in 10 new mothers experience some degree of postpartum depression; women with severe premenstrual syndrome are more likely to suffer from it.


About one in 10 new mothers experience some degree of postpartum depression; women with severe premenstrual syndrome are more likely to suffer from it.


The parameters for depression will involve a stepwise progression from supportive therapy for mild depression to more structured psychotherapies and antidepressant medications, typically SSRIs, for moderate to severe depression, Dr.


Previously known as depressive neurosis, dysthymia could be considered a minor depression, except the depressive symptoms last for at least two years without a break.


In a study presented here at the American Psychological Association 116th Annual Convention, researchers from the University of North Dakota found individuals with severe depression who were taking antidepressants had reduced concentration and slower reaction times behind the wheel than their counterparts with milder depression who were also taking antidepressants.


更多网络解释与忧郁症相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


hypochondria 忧郁症 | hypochondriac 忧郁症的 | hypochondriacal 忧郁症

involutional melancholia:衰老期忧郁症

谵妄性忧郁症 melancholia with delirium | 衰老期忧郁症 involutional melancholia | 衰老性忧郁症 melancholia involutionis

senile melancholia:老年忧郁症

焦虑忧郁症 anxiety melancholia | 老年忧郁症 senile melancholia | 经期忧郁症 melancholia menstryalis


melancholia 忧郁症 | melancholiac 患忧郁症的 | melancholic 忧郁症患者


melancholia with delirium 谵妄性忧郁症 谵妄性忧郁症 | melancholiac 忧郁症患者 | melancholic 忧郁症

melancholiac; melancholic:忧郁症患者

僵性忧郁症 melancholia attonita | 忧郁症患者 melancholiac; melancholic | 忧郁症皱眉 omega melancholicum


在西方的古典思想史中,"怀旧"(nostalgia)这个概念是与忧郁症(melancholy)以及四种体液说(胆汁质、多血质、抑郁质、黏液质)相联系的. 也就是说,学者们往往借助于对忧郁症的研究来理解怀旧的症候. 而忧郁症,最初则纯粹是一个医学上的概念.


hypochondriac 忧郁症的 | hypochondriacal 忧郁症的 | hypochondrium 忧郁症

melancholia recurrens; cur rens:反复性忧郁症

疑病性忧郁症 melancholia hypochondriaca | 反复性忧郁症 melancholia recurrens; cur rens | 嫌人性忧郁症 melancholia misanthropica

climacteric melancholia; involutional melancholia:经绝期忧郁症

癔病性忧郁症 hysterical melancholia | 经绝期忧郁症 climacteric melancholia; involutional melancholia | 更年期忧郁症 involutional depression; involutional psychotic reaction; ....