英语人>词典>汉英 : 忍冬科的 的英文翻译,例句
忍冬科的 的英文翻译、例句


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Major results were summarized as follows:(1) A total of 58 tree species from 53 genera in 36 families among which 8 species were Rosaceae, 5 species were Liliaceae, 5 species were Eriaceae, 3 species were Ranunculaceae, 3 species were Compositae, 2 species were Cupressaceae, 2 species were Caprifoliaceae, 2 species were Umblliferae, and other 28 tree species were only one receptively. These were recorded in the 8 plots of the A. georgei var. smithii forest;(2) Number of families, genera, species and Margalef index correlated negatively with altitude (P.05), with a peak at 3600 m.(3) Shannon-Wiener index correlated negatively with altitude (P.01), and maintained stable at the altitudes between 3700~4100 m, evenness with altitudes, however, this trend was insignificant.(4) Jaccard index increased sharply with increasing altitude at the altitudes between 3600~4100 m, and was lower between different vegetation types at the altitudes between 4100~4200. Cody index β(subscript c decreased with an increasing altitude, but there were 2 troughs between 4000~4100 m and 4200~4300 m.(5) Maximum tree height H(subscript max and HH(subscript max=37 mcorrelated negatively with altitude (P.05); but basal area and BA BA(subscript max=5.3m^2 correlated with altitudes, however, this trend was insignificant.

结果表明:(1)在调查的8个急尖长苞冷杉林样地内共有植物58种,分属于36科53属,其中植物较多的科有蔷薇科8种、百合科5种、杜鹃花科5种、毛茛科3种、菊科3种、柏科2种、忍冬科2种、伞形科2种,其余的28科各只有1个种;(2)物种科、属、种数、Margalef指数D(下标 M与海拔存在显著的负相关性(P.05),在分布急尖长苞冷杉最低海拔3600m处出现物种丰富度的最大值;(3)多样性指数与海拔之间有极显著的负相关性(P.01),并且在3700~4100m之间多样性指数保持稳定;均匀度指数与海拔梯度之间存在负相关性,但不显著;(4)Jaccard指数C(下标 j在海拔3600~4100m随海拔的升高而升高,在生境过渡带的4100~4200m之间Jaccard指数C(下标 j较低;Cody指数β(下标 c随海拔的升高呈下降的趋势,但在4000~4100m和4200~4300m 海拔区间出现2个低谷;(5)最大树高H(下标 max和最大胸径DBH(下标 max与海拔之间存在显著负相关性(P.05);胸高断面积之和和立木密度与海拔之间存在负相关性,但不显著。

However, the taxa of strictly tropical distribution are still underrepresented in the flora of southeastern Yunnan compared to Indo-Malaysian flora, and the families of mainly subtropical to temperate distribution, such as Magnoliaceae, Theaceae, Cornaceae, Styracaceae, Symplocaceae, Aquifoliaceae and Caprifoliaceae, are well represented in the flora. Some characteristic families of temperate East Asia, such as Diapensiaceae, Dipentodontaceae, Eupteleaceae, Grossulariaceae and Toricelliaceae are also present in the flora of southeastern Yunnan.


The dominant families or the characteristic families are Theaceae, Aquifoliaceae, Fagaceae, Caprufoliaceae、Lauraceae、Vutaceae、Compositae、Myrsinaceae、Araliaceae、Euphorbiaceae、Eriaceae、Moraceae、Rubiaceae, and most of them are of tropical-subtropical distribution.


The species diversity of Dipentodon sinicus communities in Yushe National Forest Park of Guizhou province was studied based on the quadrate method. The results showed that Rosaceae, Ericaceae, Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Theaceae, Lauraceae, Caprifoliaceae, Cornaceae were the dominant families in D. sinicus communities of Yushe National Forest Park. In the 10 sample plots, there were 8 which were absolutely dominated with D. sinicus population, the importance value came up to 135.69 on average, and it was far higher than the others. For D. sinicus communities, the abundance index (2.847), Simpson index (0.601), Shannon-Wiener index (1.523), probability of inter-specific encounter (0.601) and species evenness (0.569) of the tree layer were lower than those of the shrub layer (5.580, 0.830, 2.377, 0.829, 0.672, respectively) on the whole. It markedly showed a species diversity characteristic of the mixed broadleaved evergreen and deciduous forest in middle subtropics. In the 10 sample plots, the species diversity level of Q1 was the highest, followed by Q3, Q5 and Q6 was the lowest.


ResultsThere are 6 medicinal plants, 1 variety of the Caprifoliaceae in Ziwuling forest district of Gansu Province.


Results The re are 6 medicinal plants, 1 variety of the Caprifoliaceae in Ziwuling forest district of Gansu Province.


It is valuable for science research in phylogeny, systematic classification, species evolution of Caprifoliaceae and a excellent ornamental treespecies.


Methodsfird investigation , sample collection and identification and literature review.resultsthere are 6 medicinal plants, 1 variety of the caprifoliaceae in ziwuling forest district of gansu province.they belong to 2 genuses.


Lonicera japonica T. has been used in Chinese medicine for a long time and used as a healthy food in recent years.


Lonicera japonica T. has been used in Chinese medicine for a long time and used as a healthy food in recent years.


更多网络解释与忍冬科的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Caulis lonicerae:(忍冬藤)

ubra) 毛茛科植物芍药或川赤芍的根杜仲(Cortex Eucommiae) 杜仲科植物杜仲的树皮辛夷(Flos Magnoliae) 木兰科植物望春花、玉兰或武当玉兰的花蕾夹竹桃叶(Folium Nerii) 夹竹桃科植物夹竹桃的叶忍冬藤(Caulis Lonicerae) 忍冬科植物忍冬的


feverfew 菊科植物 | feverroot 忍冬科的药草 | fewer 较少的


twiner /走锭拈线机/搓绳机/缠绕植物/ | twinflower /忍冬科的一种匍匐植物/ | twinflue /双联火道/




caprifig | 野生无花果的一种 | caprifoliaceous | 忍冬科的 | capriform | 如山羊的


辐射对称或两侧对称, 4或5基数. 雄蕊为花瓣裂片的同数、倍数或较少;子房下位或半下位,心皮常2或3,稀5,1--数室,每室含1--多数倒生胚珠. 胚珠在有些室内常不发育. 本目共有忍冬科、败酱科(Valerianaceae)、川续断科(Dipsacaceae)等4科.


feverishness /发烧/热病/疯狂/ | feverous /发烧的/热病的/不安定的/ | feverroot /忍冬科的药草/


金银花(Honeysuckle)是我国传统的常用清热解毒中药,来源于忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae)忍冬属(Lonicera)植物忍冬及同属多种植物的干燥花蕾. 由于其花初开时为白色,经二三日变为黄色,新旧相参,黄白相映而得名"金银花". 又因其凌冬不凋,


合瓣性 sympetaly | 聚合果实的 symphoricarpous | 雪莓属(忍冬科) Symphoricarpus


辐射对称或两侧对称, 4或5基数. 雄蕊为花瓣裂片的同数、倍数或较少;子房下位或半下位,心皮常2或3,稀5,1--数室,每室含1--多数倒生胚珠. 胚珠在有些室内常不发育. 本目共有忍冬科、败酱科(Valerianaceae)、川续断科(Dipsacaceae)等4科.