英语人>词典>汉英 : 必须的 的英文翻译,例句
必须的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
integrant  ·  obligate  ·  obligated  ·  obligatory  ·  prerequisite  ·  obligates  ·  obligating

更多网络例句与必须的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Balanced giving and receiving is a necessity in order to have an auric field that continuously rotates and moves as it should in order to fuel one's ascension.


Any number of development tools can be used to compile and run the .c and .f files found on this course site. C++ compiler is required to compile the .cc files.


It may be a cake walk to hire one in no time, but, definitely not when you have to make sure the genuineness of the company which is a must.


So from this angle for, I feel the development of a lot of enterprises of China it must be drawn lessons from to traditional culture of China, must consider a lot of characteristic of Chinese culture, characteristic, include the character of a lot of this respects of the Chinese, I feel is must, but a lot of things of the west do Internet like us same, internet of that is to say this thing its technology, product is Hesperian invention more very, but the distinguishing feature that you can see in China's successful Internet company it has very strong China, in fact if you China, the mode of the Internet that succeeds the United States moves China entirely, making affirmation according to that means is unsuccessful.


Life is a line segment, the intersection after the separation.


The petition must be accompanied by all required documentation and signed by the petitioner.


Some players were concerned that meant they had to go deep Unholy in order to be effective at PvP.


Mutual Exclusion – not required for sharable resources; must hold for nonsharable resources.


There must be contests, and you must win.


Located on the shore of Sullivan's Island off the coast of South Carolina, the award-winning cube-shaped beach house was built to replace one smashed to pieces by Hurricane Hugo 10 years ago.


更多网络解释与必须的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a must:必须的条件,不可缺少的东西

a million times 一百万次,很多次 | a must 必须的条件,不可缺少的东西 | a phone call away 一个电话之外(意为愿意帮忙,只要打个电话,另一方就会跑过来帮忙)

Required, as a necessity requires:必要的,作为一种必须的要求

The great pond and its waste of the lilies, all this 那宽阔的池塘和长着... | Had to be imagined as an inevitable knowledge, 要被想象,作为... | Required, as a necessity requires. 必要的,作为一种必须的要求.

bounden:必须的, 非做不可的; 感激的, 受惠的 (形)

bounded 有界限的; 有界的 (形) | bounden 必须的, 非做不可的; 感激的, 受惠的 (形) | boundless 无限的 (形)

indispensable to:必须的

627. indicative of 指示的,暗示的 | 628. indispensable to 必须的 | 629. indispensable for必不可少的


在希腊语和英语中"必然"(necessity)这个词都有"道德上必须的(indispensable)和不可避免的(inevitable)"两种含义. 对于人类行为者而言,只有前一种含义才是适用的. 即使面临着死亡的威胁,也很难想象有什么行为是"不可避免的". 康德曾举例说,


是系统提供的,可由用户在外部看到的服务,这些服务满足了用户的需求.UFIDA U9在进行领域工程时,将特征三种主要的类型,即:必须的(Mandatory),可选的(Optional)和多选一的(Alternative).其中:基于对这一软件产业发展模式的引领和推动,


二、花费是常见的(ordinary)和必须的(necessary). 「常见的」定义是,其花费在行业内、商业上很平常,被业者广泛接受. 「必须的」的定义是该花费对生意很有帮助. 这里的关键因素是旅行的主要目的是商业,其中穿插几天游玩也可视为常见的.



prerequisite for:是必须的, ...是先决条件

order of the day 某一时间内必须做或通常做的事 | prerequisite for ...是必须的, ...是先决条件 | see to it that... 一定注意到...; 务必


notable 值得注意的 | necessitated 必须的 | ultra 过度的极端的