英语人>词典>汉英 : 必要地 的英文翻译,例句
必要地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I don't know whether you realize it,but this condition is essential to us.


While the teaching of the Catholic Church that Mary was a virgin is not accepted by a number of liberal Christian scholars who argue that the Greek term parthenos in Luke 1:27 does not necessarily have to mean "virgin " but that there is also evidence for it signifying any "young woman", it is generally agreed that Mary was very young when she conceived Jesus.


The castle was built by Teutonic knights at a strategic location beside the Vistula River and was the scene of many battles.


The castle was built by Teutonic knights at a strategic location beside the Vistula River and was the sc ene of many battles.


Since ancient times, Botou Tunca is an important commercial port and the Quartet A competitive strategic location.


This means that the evaluation of new dossiers will be handled in two phases: the evaluation of the original dossier and, if necessary, a single request for additional information.


更多网络解释与必要地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


凌晨五点要赶飞机,就是没法diaarm,响声大作. 只好拔电源拔电池. 有一套是好,让人放心. 俺这个还有开门就响铃(beep)的功能. 晚上上楼前上弦儿. 放心. 出门前上弦儿,那哇哇响声也能吓跑鬼子. 监控是无必要地.

cynicism: n.1:愤世嫉俗,对世间真善悲观怀疑 2.冷嘲,讥讽,吹毛求疵

congeniality: n.1.协调一致,情投意合 2.合意,相宜,愉快 | cynicism: n.1.愤世嫉俗,对世间真善悲观怀疑 2.冷嘲,讥讽,吹毛求疵 | necessarily: adv.1.必要地,必需地 2.必定,必然地

diminish: v.1:减少,缩减,降低 2.贬低,轻视

jeopardize: v.使处于危险境地,危及,损害 | diminish: v.1.减少,缩减,降低 2.贬低,轻视 | necessarily: adv.1.必要地,必需地 2.必然地

expressly: adv.1:明显地,明确地 2.特意地,专诚地,专门地,故意地

necessarily: adv.1.必要地,必需地 2.必定,必然地 | expressly: adv.1.明显地,明确地 2.特意地,专诚地,专门地,故意地 | evoke: v.1.唤起,引起 2.使人产生(回忆,联想等) 3.使再现,描绘出

irresponsible: a.1:不承担责任的,不需负责的 2.无责任感的,不可靠的

necessarily: adv.1.必要地,必需地 2.必然地,必定 | irresponsible: a.1.不承担责任的,不需负责的 2.无责任感的,不可靠的 | gift: n.1.礼物,赠品 2.赠送 3.天赋,才能


with unnecessary care 怀着不必要的顾虑 | necessarily 必要地 | You should necessarily go to the party. 你一定要参加这个舞会.

necessarily: adv.1:必要地,必需地 2.必定,必然地

acquaintance: n.1.相识 2.熟人 | necessarily: adv.1.必要地,必需地 2.必定,必然地 | prudence: n.1.审慎 2.精明,深谋远虑 3.节俭

necessarily: adv.1:必要地,必需地 2.必然地,必定

implicate: v.1.含有...有意思 2.使某人牵连于(罪行) | necessarily: adv.1.必要地,必需地 2.必然地,必定 | irresponsible: a.1.不承担责任的,不需负责的 2.无责任感的,不可靠的

necessarily: adv.1:必要地,必需地 2.必然地

diminish: v.1.减少,缩减,降低 2.贬低,轻视 | necessarily: adv.1.必要地,必需地 2.必然地 | arbitrary: a.1.随心所欲的,个人武断的 2.反复无常的 3.专制的,任意的

necessarily ad.1:必要地,必需地 2.必定地,必然地

nerve n.1.神经 2.勇气,胆量 | necessarily ad.1.必要地,必需地 2.必定地,必然地 | necessary a.1.必要的,必须的 2.必然的,势必的,不可避免的 n.[pl.]必需品