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必然论的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与必然论的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this articl, the background, the thoretical source and the basic content of Cuvis catastrophism are discussed, It is shown that it is not a subjective fabrication by Cuvier, but rather it is inherited from reforming former catastrophic ideas, on the basis of his long-term scientific practic, Therefore it helped to push forward the dvelopment of gology and biology.


This paradox is the leading, epochal one in various moral education paradoxes, which is inevitable.


We can conclude that the necessary truth of content externalism is justified by modalintuitions.

我们能得到结论:内容外在论的必然真通过modal intuitions得到辩护。

As some semanticists believe, then we have modal evidence speaking against the necessarytruth of content externalism.

如果一些怀疑论假说是可设想的,和一些版本的内容内在论,那么我们就拥有了modal evidence以反对内容外在论的必然真。

The conclusion is that the present economic level of China is approximately equal to that of the developed countries in 1970s, and the present Chinese FDI outflow is approximately equal to that of the developed countries between 1960s and 1970s, and that the Chinese FDI outflow lags behind its economic development. In its demonstration of the industrial transfer limit theory, the paper puts forward its main viewpoint, namely, FDI is a means of transferring behindhand industry and heightening industrial structure adopted by developed countries, but this type of industrial transfer will not move in a cycle and the limit of the transfer will occur inevitably. In other words, FDI is not a means of improving industrial structure for such big developing countries as China and India. The paper, too, advances the theory of institution advantage, holding that the development of Chinese TNCs will not be explained reasonably unless institution advantage is entered into the OIL paradigm. This theory enriches and complements the theory of TNC.

这种研究在笔者所查阅的资料文献中尚属少见,其基本结论是,中国的经济发展相当于发达国家1970年代的水平,但中国对外的FDI相当于其1960 ~1970年代的水平,相显滞后;本文论证了产业转移极限论,主要观点是,对外进行FDI是发达国家转移落后产业,提升自己产业结构的手段,但这种产业转移不能顺次循环下去,必然会出现转移的极限,即对外直接投资不会是中国、印度等较大的发展中国家提升产业结构的手段;本文还提出了制度优势论的观点,即在OIL范式中,还须增加制度优势,方能对中国的跨国公司成长做出合理的解释,这是对跨国公司理论的一个完善和补充。

The theorem of Lebesgue integral is one of the most important parts in real variable function. About Lebesgue integral,there are different definition modes.


Philosophical necessitarianism stands for an ultimate impersonalism: consistent Christianity stands for an ultimate personalism.


Futures Studies conceptualized in 1940, from 1960 to 1970 went through the peak of development in Philosophy of Science. The main proponents of Philosophy of Science, such as Positivism, Postpositivism and Critical Realism deeply influenced the futurists' ideas of the time concept in Future Studies. The understanding of time in Philosophy of Science continues the linear time frame of modern physics. Future is happening after the present event. In the field of Futures Studies, people expect futurists to predict futures accurately. When futurists are predicting futures, and mapping possible futures, they employ Holism and Utopian thinking. Karl Propper opposed Historicism of trying to plan a blueprint for society.


Of course, it is not necessarily that difficult to deny the conclusion of the Putnam-derived PTA.


These opposition exposed their defect,andmade them to make a concession to each other,so cominningthem together became a necessary ask of practice andtheory.


更多网络解释与必然论的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


由此引出一个悖论:公民权的扩张破坏着市民社会赖以为基的相互性(mutuality)与集体性(communality). 用哈贝马斯的话来说,"生活世界的殖民化"是"生活世界理性化"的必然结果. 相比之下,邓正来的市民社会理论由于缺乏一个中介性的分析概念和分析单位,

consequentially ascribed:必然归属的

and phenomenology,与现象论 | consequentially ascribed,必然归属的 | depends on evaluative judgement,依赖于评价性判断


不管是从直观论(intuitionism)或神秘主义的角度,或从其他的观点来攻击现代科学,都是无效的. 对理知的反叛是针对另一个目标. 这个目标不是自然科学,而是经济学. 对自然科学的攻击,只是攻撃经济学的时候逻辑上必然的后果.


而针对古希腊剧作家阿里斯托芬(Aristophanes)的名剧>(Lysistrata)中的台词,不同的译者所作的不同处理足以让我们对异国情调刮目相看. 隐形不仅是文化交流的必然产物,也是翻译理论研究的新的增长点. 勒菲弗尔以他的"三要素"论,


nebulosity 星云状态 | nebulous 星云的 | necessarian 必然论


necessary 必需品 | necessitarian 必然论的 | necessitarianism 必然论


necessitarian 必然论的 | necessitarian 必然论者 | necessitous 穷困的


necessarily /必定/必然/不得已/必/一定/ | necessitarian /必然论的/必然论者/ | necessitarism /宿命论/


necessitarian 必然论的 | necessitarianism 必然论 | necessitate 成为必要


nebulous 星云的 | necessarian 必然论 | necessarily 必要地