英语人>词典>汉英 : 心脏病 的英文翻译,例句
心脏病 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

heart disease · heart trouble · cardiac disease
更多网络例句与心脏病相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sum up as follows now. This group uses 1 clinical data ancon vein is pressed determine heart function of the patient 44, male 24, female 20; age 46 years old of ~79 year old, average 56 years old of; classification by function of new York heart, heart failure Ⅲ spends 6,Ⅱ spends 23,Ⅰ spends 15; right heart failure 31, complete heart failure heart disease of sex of source of 13; lung 14, hypertensive heart disease 8, coronary heart disease 5 (among them acute cardiac muscle straightens dead 2), outspread sex cardiac muscle is ill 7, rheumatism sex heart disease 4, hypertensive heart disease is amalgamative coronary heart disease 3, be short of disease of cardiac muscle of courage and uprightness 2, congenital heart disease 1. 2 detect 2.1 equipment treat the method dish 1, l measure press glass to be in charge of 1 (long 30cm, internal diameter 4mm), also can use measure a head to press a canal to replace, 10mL injector 1, 12500U heparin fluid 1. 2.2 operations patient is taken smooth lie, make be exhibited outside the upper arm show ° of 45 °~60 with trunk, and difficulty breathes like the patient in same horizontal; with right atrium, desirable lie partly, arm height is equivalent to the 2nd costal region.


Stent implantation is a new therapeutic modality that has added to the armamentarium of the paediatric cardiologists and cardiac surgeons in treating congenital heart disease.


It often occurs as a symptom of coronary artery disease, the most common type of heart disease.


A specific antigen from group A streptococcal cell membrane and 1% PHA used as a stimulant to test the peripheral blood lymphocyte adherence inhibition percent and procoagulant activity in 30 cases of active rheumatic carditis, 24 cases of inactive rheumatic carditis and 38 cases of normal controls.

用A组乙型溶血链球菌特异性菌膜抗原和1%植物血凝素作为刺激物,分别测定38例健康对照组,30例风湿性心脏病风湿活动组,24例风湿性心脏病静止组的外周血淋巴细胞贴壁抑制百分率(Lymphocyte adherence inhibition percent, LAIP)和促凝血活性(Procoagulant activity, PCA)。

Background: Hyperkinetic pulmonary hypertension is a common complication of congenital heart disease with left to right shunt, which has an important effect on achievement ratio of surgical correction and long term survival of patients with CHD.


Indeed, people with type 2 diabetes are as likely to suffer a heart attack as people without diabetes who have already had a heart attack.


Cardiologistsare most likely to be visited by patients seeking care for cardiacdisorders. It is rare for an asymptomatic, young person to visita cardiologist.


Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the insertion/deletion polymorphism of the angiotensin- concerting enzyme gene and congenital heat disease and to ques the predisposing gene of congenital heart disease by analyzing the polymorphism of the ACE gene of the patients of congenital heart disease. So that we can intervene earlier and reduce the incidence of congenital heart disease.

目的 通过对先天性心脏病患儿血管紧张与转换酶基因多态性的分析,探讨血管紧张素转换酶基因插入/缺失多态性与先天性心脏病的关系,寻找与先天性心脏病发病有关的易感基因,以便及早进行干预,减少先天性心脏病的发病率。

Group A Streptococcus is a Human pathogen which causes 18.1 million cases disease and 0.51 million people dies. GAS causes severe disease including scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, rheumatic heart disease and acute glomerulonephritis, the rheumatic heart disease is the major reason which causes heart disease in the children and young people.


We have enough evidence from this study and others to show that it is important to include sleep in any discussion of heart disease,\" says Dr. Tracy Stevens, spokesperson for the American Heart Association and a cardiologist at Saint Luke's Mid-America Heart Institute. \"

在美国心脏病协会代言人和Saint Luke's Mid-America Heart Institute 的心脏病学家Tracy Stevens说&我们有足够的来自此项研究和其他研究的证据表明在讨论心脏病时考虑睡眠因素尤为重要&。

更多网络解释与心脏病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


20多年来,美国心脏病学会(ACC) 和 美国心脏病协会(AHA) 就已经公布了临床诊疗方针来为心血管疾病的患者的治疗提供相关的建议. ACC/AHA方针目前所用的是根据证据的层级和建议的类别所制定的一个分级方案.


breast乳房 | cardiac心脏的,心脏病的;患心脏病的人 | cardiological心脏病学的

hyperthyroid cardiopathy:甲状腺机能亢进性心脏病

hypertensive small vessel disease 高血压性小血管疾病 | hyperthyroid cardiopathy 甲状腺机能亢进性心脏病 | hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 肥厚性心脏病

organic cardiopathy:器质性心脏病

organ tolerance dose 器官耐受剂量(X线) | organic cardiopathy 器质性心脏病 | organic heart disease 器质性心脏病

heart disease:心脏病

心脏病(heart disease)是心脏疾病的总称,包括风湿性心脏病、先天性心脏病、高血压性心脏病、冠心病、心肌炎等各种心脏病. 心脏病患者的用药需特别留意以防因药物导致心脏病发作或其他不良反应的出现.

heart disease:心脏病(慢性)heart attach急性心脏病

retreat from meat远离肉 | heart disease, 心脏病(慢性)heart attach急性心脏病 | legume 豆类食物.

coronary heart disease:冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病

冠心病(CHD)是冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(coronary heart disease)的简称,也称缺血性心脏病(ischenic heart disease). 一段时期在欧美一些国家统计占人口总死亡的1/3-1/2,占心脏病死亡数的50-75%,我国据北京、天津、上海等一些大城市的统计虽然不及欧美国家占的比例那么大,

rheumatic heart disease:风湿性心脏病

风湿性心脏病(rheumatic heart disease)包括急性期的风湿性心脏炎和静止期的慢性风湿性心脏病(主要是心瓣膜病). 几乎每位风湿病患者都有心脏炎,只是轻者不易被察觉和可能不引起慢性风湿性心脏病而已. 风湿性心脏病多见于青壮年,17~18岁为高峰.

Congenital heart disease:先天性心脏病

先天性心脏病(congenital heart disease)是指胚胎时期心和大血管发育异常,又称先天性心脏畸形. 先天性心脏病是新生儿和儿童时期(特别是4岁以下的儿童)最常见的心脏病. 其病因和发病机制尚未完全明了,一般认为主要由于孕妇在怀孕的最初三个月内受病毒感染、放射性辐射和某些药物的影响,


cardiopath 心脏病患者 | cardiopathic 心脏病的 | cardiophobe 心脏病恐怖症患者