英语人>词典>汉英 : 心包膜 的英文翻译,例句
心包膜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pericardium  ·  pericardia

更多网络例句与心包膜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The major symptoms of SLE are the following: butterfly shaped Malar rash particularly on cheeks, discoidal rash, Photosensitivity, regular oral ulcers, nonerosive Arthritis, Pleuritis or Pericarditis, renal disorder, neurologic disorder, hematologic disorder, immunologic disorder, Anti-nuclear Antibody Test positive. Patients who are present any four of above symptoms can be clinically classifi-ed as SLE patients.

SLE的主要临床徵候包含:脸上呈蝴蝶状分布的红斑、身体出现圆盘状红斑、对阳光过敏、经常口腔溃疡、多发性关节炎、胸膜炎或心包膜炎、肾功能障碍、神经系统异常、血球计数异常、免疫系统异常、抗核抗体(Anti-nuclear Ab,ANA)阳性;只要在以上11项中出现四项以上即符合SLE的诊断。

When he disappeared in November, his doctor said he was also suffering from pericarditis, an inflammation of the heart's lining.


I'm removing the pericardium to be used later as vascular tissue.


Other unusual cases may be associated with pneumopericardium, subcutaneous emphysema, splenic abscess, tension pneumothorax, gastropleural fistula, gastrobronchial fistula, gastropancreatic fistula, gastroenteral fistula, and penetration into the heart and aorta.


A central venous catheter was inserted for hemodynamic monitoring and blood transfusion. Cardiac tamponade occurred secondary to perforation of the superior vena cava by the central venous catheter. The patient's hemodynamic status became stable after pericardiocentesis. One week later she was discharged with no sequelae during the three month follow-up.


The patient recovered uneventfully after emergency pericardiotomy.


Prompt recognition and treatment of cardiac tamponade are imperative if a disastrous outcome is to be prevented.


Objective: Cardiac tamponade has a high mortality rate if aggressive and proper therapeutic measures are not undertaken.


Found granulomas in lucy's pericardium.


In a previous study, a porous acellular bovine pericardium was developed by our group as an extracellular matrix to repair a surgically created myocardia defect in the right ventricle of a rat model.


更多网络解释与心包膜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


3.心外膜 心外膜(epicardium)是心包膜的脏层,其结构为浆膜(serous membrane),它的表层是间皮,间皮下面是薄层结缔组织,与心肌膜相连. 心外膜中含血管和神经,并常有脂肪组织. 心包膜壁层衬贴于心包内面,也是浆膜,与心外膜连续.


一、心肌炎 (myocarditis):如克沙奇 (coxsackie virus ),ECHO等病毒由上呼道感染,而经病毒血症 (viremia)至心脏肌肉,造成性肌炎,同时亦可能造成心包膜炎 (pericarditis).

Acute pericarditis:急性心包膜炎

417,\\"OTHER DISEASES OF PULMONARY CIRCULATION\\",\\"其他肺循环疾病\\" | 420,\\"ACUTE PERICARDITIS\\",\\"急性心包膜炎\\" | 421,\\"ACUTE AND SUBACUTE ENDOCARDITIS\\",\\"急性及亚急性心内膜炎\\"


当我摸到名叫心包膜(pericardium)的纤维囊时,我知道装在里面的心脏正颤动着. 我指尖可感受到一种不协调的、不规则的心脏颤动,这就是教科书上所说的心室颤动,是心脏停止前的痛苦挣扎. 我用未消毒的双手,拿着剪刀剪开了心包膜,


心包膜穿刺放液术 Pericardiocentesis | 心包膜切除术 Pericardiectomy | 心脏缝补术 Cardiorrhaphy for heart wound or injury


探查性心包膜切开术Pericardiotomy with exploration | 心包膜穿刺放液术 Pericardiocentesis | 心包膜切除术 Pericardiectomy

Pericardiotomy with exploration:探查性心包膜切开术

气管内腔置管术Tracheal stent intubation | 探查性心包膜切开术Pericardiotomy with exploration | 心包膜穿刺放液术 Pericardiocentesis

pleuropericardial membrane:胸膜心包膜

pleuropericardial friction sound 胸膜心包摩擦音 | pleuropericardial membrane 胸膜心包膜 | pleuroperitoneal canal 胸腹膜管


\\"嗅膜\\",\\"membrane,olfactory\\" | \\"胸心包膜\\",\\"membrane,pleuropericardial\\" | \\"膜部\\",\\"membrane,portion\\"

haematogenous pericarditis:血因性心包膜炎

造血脏器 haematogenic organ | 血因性心包膜炎 haematogenous pericarditis | 血环细胞 haematogonium