英语人>词典>汉英 : 心包膈的 的英文翻译,例句
心包膈的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与心包膈的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What the microscope thinning out the skin tumour malignantly sees has it's characteristic is that the identical tumour of outward appearance forms festival in single's tumour tubercles or naked eyes having the obvious various block of wood Same organization is constitutive.


On the way down, it gies off some branches, such as the pericardiophrenic branch and the anterior intercostal arteries, and it is cloaked by enae comitanes, which drain to the respectie brachiocephalic ein ia the internal thoracic ein.9


Methods Thoracopagus twins were admitted for evaluating possible separation and repair before surgery.X-rays, CT, MRI and ultrasound scan of torso showed separated and normal gastrointestinal, biliary tracts and heart,conjoined pleura,conjoined pericardium,connected diaphragm and liver parenchyma.

目的 通过胸腹联体双胎婴儿的分离手术提供联体婴儿外科治疗方法方法术经 X 线、CT、MRI 和 B 超等检查确诊,该联体儿肝脏相连、膈肌相连,胸膜紧贴、心包紧贴,有2 完全独立的心脏,两副消化道和胆管。

Methods Thoracopagus twins were admitted for evaluating possible separation and repair before surgery.X-rays, CT, MRI and ultrasound scan of torso showed separated and normal gastrointestinal, biliary tracts and heart,conjoined pleura,conjoined pericardium,connected diaphragm and liver parenchyma.

术前经 X 线、CT、MRI 和 B 超等检查确诊,该联体儿肝脏相连、膈肌相连,胸膜紧贴、心包紧贴,有2个完全独立的心脏,两副消化道和胆管。

更多网络解释与心包膈的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Purulent pericarditis:脓性心包炎

四、化脓性心包炎(purulent pericarditis) 由胸内感染直接蔓延、膈下或肝脓肿穿破、或心包穿透性损伤感染而引起,也可由血行细菌播散所致. 心包渗出液最初为浆液纤维蛋白性的,其后转为化脓性,随着病程进展,炎症可使渗液脓稠、机化导致心包粘连,

pericardiacophrenic artery:心包膈动脉

pericardiac branch 心包支 | pericardiacophrenic artery 心包膈动脉 | pericardial 心包的


pericardiolysis 心包松解术 | pericardiomediastinitis 心包纵隔炎 | pericardiophrenic 心包膈的


pericardiomediastinitis 心包纵隔炎 | pericardiophrenic 心包膈的 | pericardiopleural 心包胸膜的


pericardiophrenic 心包膈的 | pericardiopleural 心包胸膜的 | pericardiopuncturaepigastrica 上腹心包穿刺术