英语人>词典>汉英 : 心包的 的英文翻译,例句
心包的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pericardiac  ·  pericardial

更多网络例句与心包的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The fibrin often results in the the finding on physical examination of a "friction rub" as the strands of fibrin on epicardium and pericardium rub against each other.


Objective:To find a good protocol of decellularization and dye-mediated photooxidation in bovine pericardium,evaluation the feasibility as a new biomaterial substitution in cardiac surgery.


Trypsin is the most effective in four kinds of enzymes for degradation.


The concept of trauma of heart and great vessles; the etiopathogenisis, pathology, clinical manifestations of hemopericardium, the significance, diagnosis and emergency treatment of Beck triad.


Note the dark red blood clot forming the hemopericardium. The hemopericardium can lead to tamponade.


It is possible and safe to drain a lot of hydropericardium by pericardiocentesis and indwelling catheter.


There were no nick infection, chorioamnionitis and other complications. Eight/sixteen fetal lambs were undergone intro-utero cardiac intervention. The values of body weight and Hct of lambs which were executed. pre-term and full-term delived were (1.77±0.14) kg vs.(2.15±0.23) kg vs.(2.41±0.19) kg and 29%-33% vs. 27%-35% vs. 37%-41%. In autopsy, hydropericardium was found in 4/8 with 1-2.5 mL and 1/8 with 5 mL. Besides 1/8 with interventricular septum centesis injury, there was no centesis damage to endocardium, valve, chordae tendineae, papillary muscles and aortic tunica intima.

病理解剖发现施行手术的8例胎羊/新生羊胸壁穿刺点均位于左侧心前区,心脏进针部位在左室心前区近心尖部位6例,近流出道1例,近室间隔1例;4只少量心包积液(1~2.5 mL),1只心包积液5 mL,3只未发现心包积液;除1只胎羊有室间隔穿刺伤外,其余胎羊心内膜、瓣膜、腱索、乳头肌及主动内膜均未发现损伤;未发现肺、肝等胸腹腔脏器穿刺损伤;均未发现心包、胸腔感染迹象。

Compared to the patch dealt with glutaraldehyde, the autologous pericardial patch treated by distilled water is living, and calcification is not easily to happen. At the same time, after treated by distilled water, pericardial patch is incrassated mildly, and can be handled easier than fresh pericardium. The early-moderate team results of reconstruction of RVOT using autologous pericardial monocusp patch treated by distilled water are satisfactory.


Objective Pericardiocentesis and drainage are the common measures for the treatment of cardiac temponade and massive pericardial effusion.

目的 持续性心包穿刺引流是治疗大量心包积液和心包填塞的常用方法,本文旨在探讨心包穿刺引流的合并症。

If pericardial tamponade is diagnosed, pericardiocentesis before surgery can be harmful because it may counteract hypotonic haemostasis and eventually cause more pericardial bleeding and intractable tamponade.16


更多网络解释与心包的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Constrictive pericarditis:缩窄性心包炎

缩窄性心包炎(constrictive pericarditis)指心脏被致密厚实的纤维化心包所包围,使心脏舒张期充盈受限而产生一系列循环障碍的临床征象. 近几年临床观察到急性心包炎1-3个月内可以发生心包粘连、缩窄,迅速进展为缩窄性心包炎.

chronic constrictive pericarditis:慢性缩窄性心包炎

2.慢性缩窄性心包炎 慢性缩窄性心包炎(chronic constrictive pericarditis)的特点是由于渗出物机化和瘢痕形成(. 本病常于一年内进展为缩窄性心包炎. 用激素和心包穿刺治疗虽能取得暂时疗效,但不能防止其发展为缩窄性心包炎,故治疗主要依靠心包剥离术.

pericardial neoplasm:心包肿瘤

心包疾病(pericardial disease)的临床谱包括心包先天性缺陷、心包炎(干性、渗出性、渗出性一缩窄性、缩窄性)、心包肿瘤(pericardial neoplasm)和心包囊肿(pericardial cysts)等.


periarticular 关节周的 | pericardiac 心包的 | pericardium 心包


pericardiac 心包的 | pericardial 心包的 | pericardial cavity 围心腔

pericardial:心囊的; 心包的 (形)

periblast 细胞质; 细胞浆 (名) | pericardial 心囊的; 心包的 (形) | pericarditis 心包炎 (名)


peri- 周,周围,附近 | periarticular 关节周的 | pericardiac 心包的

pericardiacophrenic artery:心包膈动脉

pericardiac branch 心包支 | pericardiacophrenic artery 心包膈动脉 | pericardial 心包的


pleuroparietopexy 胸膜胸壁固定术 | pleuropericardial 胸膜心包的 | pleuropericardialadhesion 胸膜心包粘连

uremic pericarditis:尿毒症性心包炎

近年来肿瘤性心包炎有增多趋势,已成为心包...肾功能不全的晚期,尿毒症性心包炎(uremic pericarditis)的发生率为40%~50%,多为纤维素心包炎,但多数伴有血性心包积液.