英语人>词典>汉英 : 心包内的 的英文翻译,例句
心包内的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The direct signs of Pulmonary embolism were luminal constriction,emphraxis,branched decreased,intraluminal lowD filling defect of blood vessel;while the indirect signs,formation of pulmonary infarction focus,pleural effusion,pneumonia,atelectasis,pulmonary dilatation and hydropericardium,etc.


At catheterization, all patients had elevated intrapericardial pressure (median, 12 mm Hg; interquartile range, 7 to 18) and elevated right atrial and end-diastolic right and left ventricular pressures.

在进行导管插管时,所有病人的心包内压都升高(中位数为 12mmHg,四分位数间距为 7~18mmHg),右房压以及左室和右室舒张期末压也都升高。

This paper included: the pathogenesis and resuscitation of commotio eordis ; traumatic pericardial rupture associated with heart luxation and/or diaphragmatocele in pericardial cavity; indication selection of emergency room thoracotomy for severe heart injury and traumatic aortic disruption treated with endovascular stent graft.


Methods To review and analyze the clinical data of 42 cases of the intrapericardial total pneumonectomy.


To summarize the experience of surgical resection of intra-pericardial pneumonectomy of lung cancer at the middle or late stage.

目的 总结171例心包内处理肺血管全肺切除治疗中晚期肺癌的外科手术经验。

Objective To explore the surgical procedure,postoperative respiration,blood gas analysis and heart function changes relevant to intrapericardial total pneumonectomy.Methods To review and analyze the clinical data of 42 cases of the intrapericardial total pneumonectomy.

目的 探讨经心包内处理肺血管全肺切除术的手术操作、术后呼吸、血气及心功能的变化方法回顾性分析42例经心包内全肺切除术患者的临床资料。

Objective To discuss the indication and op erating technique of intrapericardial pneumonectomy,the repair of pericardial d efect,prevention of cardiac herniation and the postoperative arrhythmia.

目的 探讨心包内全肺切除术的适应证,手术技术,心包缺损修补和心脏疝预防,术后心律失常的处理等问题。

Cardiac index and intrapericardial, left ventricular end-diastolic, right atrial, and right ventricular end-diastolic pressures were measured during basal state, after fluid overload, and after pericardiocentesis. Twenty-eight patients (57%) had physical signs of tamponade, and 10 (20%) were hypotensive.


Intrapericardial pneumonectomy was decided in operation;to repair pericardial defect in operation can prevent cardiac herniation;continue EKG was necessary wi thin one week after operation.

结论术 中探查才能决定是否行心包内全肺切除术;术中妥善修补心包可预防心脏疝;术后1周内心电监护是必要的。

Later, under the untypical parasternal four-chamber view which can thoroughly display the ostium of coronary sinus, the catheter was promoted further to the ostium of coronary venous sinus. Then the echocardiography technician adjusted the transducer of TTE in order to thoroughly confirm the position of the catheter tip. After confirming the position of catheter tip in the coronary venous sinus, the operator inserted the catheter into the coronary venous sinus for 3~4 mm farther. It was noted that if resistance was encountered by operator, the operation must be stopped, which was the same as x-ray fluroscopy as image guiding. TTE guiding His bundle elactric cahteter、high right atrium electric cahteter and right ventricular electric catheter in site: It is difficult using TTE singly since there are too many crossroads in inferior venous.


更多网络解释与心包内的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Constrictive pericarditis:缩窄性心包炎

缩窄性心包炎(constrictive pericarditis)指心脏被致密厚实的纤维化心包所包围,使心脏舒张期充盈受限而产生一系列循环障碍的临床征象. 近几年临床观察到急性心包炎1-3个月内可以发生心包粘连、缩窄,迅速进展为缩窄性心包炎.

coronary sinus:冠状窦

1.冠状窦(coronary sinus) 接收绝大部分静脉回流. 位于冠状沟后部,左心房和左心室之间,其右端开口于右心房. 主要属支有:心包(pericardium)是包裹心和出入心大血管根部的纤维浆膜囊. 分内、外两层. 外层为纤维性心包,内层为浆膜性心包.

pericardial effusion:心包积液

1.心包积液 心包积液(pericardial effusion)的液体可为浆液性、浆液血性、血性、化脓性及乳糜性等. 心包积液时,心包腔内压力升高,当达到一定程度时,便可压迫心脏,使心房和腔静脉压力升高,以至静脉回流受阻,同时,心室舒张及血液充盈亦受阻,

pericardial cavity:心包腔

浆膜性心包(serous pericardium)薄而光滑,分脏、壁两层. 脏层即心外膜. 壁层衬于纤维心包内面,与纤维心包紧密相贴. 脏、壁两层在大血管根部相互移行,形成潜在的腔隙称心包腔(pericardial cavity),内含少量浆液,起润滑作用,可减少心跳动时的摩擦.

Purulent pericarditis:脓性心包炎

四、化脓性心包炎(purulent pericarditis) 由胸内感染直接蔓延、膈下或肝脓肿穿破、或心包穿透性损伤感染而引起,也可由血行细菌播散所致. 心包渗出液最初为浆液纤维蛋白性的,其后转为化脓性,随着病程进展,炎症可使渗液脓稠、机化导致心包粘连,


支气管镜不仅可被用于诊断和治疗气管支气管内病变,还可用于评价肺外周疾病,甚至帮助支气管肺癌的分期,指导治疗.心包 pericardium 心 heart 胸部 第三讲心包 pericardium 心包 (pericardium) 纤维心包(fib

fibrous pericardium:纤维心包

支气管镜不仅可被用于诊断和治疗气管支气管内病变,还可用于评价肺外周疾病,甚至帮助支气管肺癌的分期,指导治疗.心包 pericardium 心 heart 胸部 第三讲心包 pericardium 心包 (pericardium) 纤维心包(fibrous pericardium) 浆膜心包(ser

serous pericardium:浆膜心包

观察理解心包(pericardium) 是包裹心和出入心的大血管根部的圆锥体形纤维浆膜囊,分内,外两层,外层称纤维心包(fibrous pericardium),内层称浆膜心包(serous pericardium).纤维心包为坚韧的结缔组织囊,


组织间隙或体腔内过量的体液潴留称为水肿(edema),然而通常所称的水肿乃指组织间隙内的体液增多,体腔内体液增多则称积水(hydrops). 水肿可表现为局部性或全身性,全身性水肿(anasarca)时往往同时有浆膜腔积水,如腹水(ascites)、胸腔积水(hydrothorax)和心包腔积水(hydropericardium).

cardiac tamponade:心包填塞

其次为电气烧灼导管管径较粗,在心脏跳动的情况下,引起心脏穿孔,造成心包膜腔出血,心包填塞(Cardiac tamponade)使病患血压下降,需及时引流心包腔内的积血,或以开刀打开心包膜来挽救病患生命.