英语人>词典>汉英 : 微型 的英文翻译,例句
微型 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
minitype  ·  minisize

更多网络例句与微型相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, acetylsalicylic acid, cyclohexanone Preparation of micro-content of the experimental design, in different reaction conditions were carried out under analysis to optimize the improvements and chemical experiments on the basis of conventional experimental and micro-experimental comparison, being The experimental results consistent with the premise, fully reflects the micro-chemistry experiments to save time, save the amount of reagents, as well as many advantages such as reducing environmental pollution.


An experiment system is setup for the blade flapping motion measurement, a model of micro helicopter rotor manipulation mechanism is designed and completed, in order to obtain continuously changing angular velocity, a angular velocity control unit is also designed which consists of a power supplier and a voltage distributing circuit.


The exchange film can be used in micro direct carbinol fuel battery with high stability good for reducing battery sizes to improve utility of micro liquid fuel materials.


Cold and hot appetizers 1、steamed fresh scallop seasonal price 2、deep fried lobster in salt and chilli seasonal price 3、braised lobster with ginger and spring onions seasonal price 4、crispy sqring rolls 5、sesame prawn on toast 6、grilled prawn in salt and chilli 7、paper prawn on toast 8、king prawn cutlet in breadcrumbs 9、prawn cocktail 10 sweet and sour won ton 11 deep fried minced squid with thai sauce 12 deep fried squid in salt and chilli 13 deep fried squid 14 barbecue spare ribs 15 mini spare ribs in o.k sauce 16 mini spare ribs in honey sauce 17 mini spare ribs in salt and chilli 18 capital spare ribs 19 satay chicken 20 szechuan style lettuce wraps 21 pang pang chicken 22 shredded chicken in yellow bean sauce 23 paper wrap chicken 24 crispy seaweed 25 crispy lamb wraps with lettuce 26 griddled fried pork dumblings 27 steamed pork dumplings 28 stir fried mussels in black bean sauce 29 special crispy platter(minimum for 2 people)(spring rolls satay chicken crespy seaweed.barbecue spare ribs and sesame prawn on toast) 30 seafood platter (minimum for 2 people) sesame prawn on toast deep fried seallops.

冷和热的开胃菜 1、steamed新鲜的扇贝季节性价格 2、油炸了在盐和辣椒季节性价格的龙虾与姜和春天葱季节性价格的3、braised龙虾4、crispy sqring的卷在多士的5、sesame大虾在盐和辣椒的6、grilled大虾在多士的7、paper大虾 8、king在面包渣的大虾炸肉排 9、prawn鸡尾酒 10糖醋被赢取的吨 11被油炸的剁碎的乌贼用泰国调味汁 12在盐和辣椒的被油炸的乌贼 13被油炸的乌贼 14烤肉排骨 15在好的调味汁的微型排骨 16在蜂蜜调味汁的微型排骨 17在盐和辣椒的微型排骨 18资本排骨 19 satay鸡 20 szechuan样式莴苣套 21剧痛剧痛鸡 22在黄豆调味汁的切细的鸡 23纸套鸡 24酥脆海草 25酥脆羊羔套用莴苣 26烤了油煎的猪肉dumblings 27蒸的猪肉饺子 28混乱油煎了在黑豆调味汁的淡菜 29特别酥脆盛肉盘(2个人的极小值)(春卷satay鸡在多士的crespy seaweed.barbecue排骨和芝麻大虾) 30海鲜盛肉盘(2个人的极小值)在多士被油炸的seallops的芝麻大虾。

Based on the classifying, identifying and counting of protozoan and metazoan, the relationship between microfauna community structure and operation performance of WWTP was discussed in detail, which might be used to indicate and assess the WWTP and be benefited to build control system oriented sludge population optimization.


In this paper, the general situation of the overseas applications of micro fuel cells is introduced in detail. The feasibility of micro fuel cells fabrication using MEMS technology and characteristics of different types of MEMS-based micro fuel cells are briefly discussed. Combining with the critical components including the monopolar plate and membrane electrode assembly, the latest research progress of MEMS-based micro fuel cells are also summarized systematically. Finally, the existing problems and development trend are analyzed, and the urgent demand for developing MEMS-based micro fuel cells in our country is demonstrated.


In this paper, the general situation of the overseas applications of micro fuel cells is introduced in detail. The feasibility of micro fuel cells fabrication using MEMS technology and characteristics of different types of MEMS-based micro fuel cells are briefly discussed. Combining with the critical components including the monopolar plate and membrane electrode assembly, the latest research progress of MEMS-based micro fuel cells are also summarized systematically. Finally, the existing problems and development trend are analyzed, and the urgent demand for developing MEMS-based micro fuel cells in our country is demonstrated. Contents


In view of these shortcomings this frequency meter has made the radical innovation in the design its merit is: Uses the core component is the advanced monolithic special-purpose frequency measurement component -- monolithic frequency meter the integration rate is high the volume is small consumes the electricity province function has realized the frequency meter high integration and the microminiaturization; So long as the monolithic frequency meter adds on the crystal oscillator the measuring range choice the frequency demonstrated and so on the very few components then constitute DC to the 10MHz miniature basic frequency measurement electric circuit; But the biggest merit was this frequency meter has realized monolithic frequency meter frequency sampling electric circuit and the monolithic microcomputer three between hardware and the software connection completely caused the frequency measurement measuring range the choice the frequency data survey the sampling as well as the code frontier transformation and the data dump possible monolithic microcomputer software programming automatically to carry on thus has realized the frequency measurement and the sampling work intellectualizes completely causes this system already to be possible to constitute a miniature intelligence to measure rate the instrument core electric circuit independently also might take in the large-scale automatic control or a test system intelligent subsystem.


My company mainly produces all kinds of precision stainless steel shaft pin, various micro-metal axis pin, pin terminal used to connect the needle used in the public needles, mother-pin, public side, the mother side, jack shaft, stainless steel shaft core, copper-axis batteries, pins, PIN needles, medical wire cable with connectors, copper needle, needle charger, probe, copper head, tiny needle-axis, negative ion needles, needle massage, hair-dryer with copper pieces, green needle, stainless steel needle environmental protection, environmental protection copper needle, environmental protection stainless steel axle, aluminum pieces, pins, copper feet, Copper Cylinder, solder columns, air plugs with pins, rivets, screws, axles, flower axis, micro-axis, optical axis, copper axes, iron column, iron shaft, aluminum shaft, strap pins, glasses, axle core, copper, suo core, lock beads, copper beads environmental protection, steel, copper tablets tablets stainless steel, steel sets, stainless steel tube, precision copper tube , copper sets, aluminum kits,ú, axial needle, the needle shaft, the needle, Cylinder, components, micro-metal shaft, strap accessories, jewelry fittings, micro-screwdriver parts, micro-electronic precision lathe automatic lathe parts of various micro - axis system of pieces of car!


This research applies the micro forming process with other mass production techniques to construct the key components of the micro/meso gear transmission. The final prototype is the planetary gear transmission with outer diameter 6mm and gear module less than 0.15mm developing in 3 years. The purposes and developing technologies of this project are as follows: 1. setting up the design and analysis of parts and system; 2. the mold design of gear and planet plate; 3. assembly modules of planetary gear train; 4. inspection of gear profile and gear train; and 5. heat treatment of micro parts.


更多网络解释与微型相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


超小型(Tiny),微型(Diminutive),超微型(Fine)生物:非常小的生物占据空间比一个方格小. 这意味着一个方格内可以进入多个这种生物. 一个超小型生物通常占据2-1/2尺见方,因此四个正好可以占满一个方格. 二十五个微型生物或者100个超微型生物可以占满一个方格.

miniature electrocardiograph:微型心电图机

miniature diagnostic X-ray unit 小型X射线诊断机 | miniature electrocardiograph 微型心电图机 | miniature hemostat 微型止血钳

miniature hemostat:微型止血钳

miniature electrocardiograph 微型心电图机 | miniature hemostat 微型止血钳 | miniature needle holder 微型持针钳

microprocessor intertie and communication system:微型处理机交联通信系统

microprocessor instruction sets | 微型处理机指令表 | microprocessor intertie and communication system | 微型处理机交联通信系统 | microprogram | 微程序

microchip resistor:微型片状电阻器

microchip 微型芯片 | microchip resistor 微型片状电阻器 | microcircuit 微型电路

microchip resistor:微型片状电阻器sjG中国学习动力网

microchip 微型芯片sjG中国学习动力网 | microchip resistor 微型片状电阻器sjG中国学习动力网 | microcircuit 微型电路sjG中国学习动力网

microprocessor chip:微型处理机芯片、微型处理机集成电路

microprocessor automated sputterer 微处理曝制的溅射装置 | microprocessor chip 微型处理机芯片、微型处理机集成电路 | microprocessor controlled bonder 微处理曝制的热压焊装置

One-Chip Microcomputer:单片微型计算机

在电子学中,单片微型计算机(One Chip Microcomputer)就是是微型控制器,简称单片机. 单片的含义是这种微型计算机中只有一块主芯片(集成电路). 由于单片微型计算机的设计充分考虑了控制上的需要,它具有独立的硬件结构'指令系统和多种输入/输出功能的设计充分考虑了控制上的需要,

hand microtelephone:手持微型电话机,手提式微型电话机

hand microphone 手持式传声器 | hand microtelephone 手持微型电话机,手提式微型电话机 | hand microtome 手工切片机,哈氏切片机

micromesh:微型小网眼料子, 微型小网眼尼龙

Okazaki 冈崎[日本本州岛中南部城市] | micromesh 微型小网眼料子, 微型小网眼尼龙 | stable quantity 稳定量