英语人>词典>汉英 : 微不足道的人 的英文翻译,例句
微不足道的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

a mere nobody · small potatoes
更多网络例句与微不足道的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm a human being so I make lots of mistakes, but they're insignificant.


He is a negligible person in the government.


He's a person of no account.


I'm just a peanut next to him.


He is a small potato in the company.


Don't speak of him. I think he is only a small potato.


He thinks he's a mainstay of the company, but he's really rather small beer.


Seryozhka in himself is a nonentity, a sluggard, a drunkard, and a wastrel, but when he has his red lead or compasses in his hand he is at once something higher, a servant of God.


A complete stranger, idiot, nonentitySeryozhka in himself is a nonentity , a sluggard, a drunkard, and a wastrel, but when he has his red lead or compasses in his hand he is at once something higher, a servant of God.


The acts of vandalism that these pranksters had actually___were insignificant compared with those they had___but had not attempted.


更多网络解释与微不足道的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a hill of beans:毫无价值 微不足道

a high number | 大数 | a hill of beans | 毫无价值 微不足道 | a hog in armour | 举止笨拙的人

a mere nobody:无足轻重的人, 微不足道的人

Russian riding horse 俄罗斯骑乘马 | a mere nobody 无足轻重的人, 微不足道的人 | decamethylene diamine 癸二胺

a mere pittance:微薄的报酬, 一点点薪金或津贴

a mere nobody | 无足轻重的人, 微不足道的人 | a mere pittance | 微薄的报酬, 一点点薪金或津贴 | a mile | 一哩

damp vibration:缓冲振动, 衰减振动

scuba-diving 配戴水肺的潜水 | damp vibration 缓冲振动, 衰减振动 | a remote circumstance [美口]无用的东西, 微不足道的人

decamethylene diamine:癸二胺

a mere nobody 无足轻重的人, 微不足道的人 | decamethylene diamine 癸二胺 | rotating rheostat box 旋转式可变电阻箱


insignificance /无关重要/低微/无意义/无价值/ | insignificancy /无关重要的事物/无关重要的人/无关重要/低微/ | insignificant /无关紧要的/微不足道/无关紧要/


snippet 微不足道的人 | moppet 小孩,小女孩 | puppet 傀儡,木偶人,受别人操纵的人

piss on:亵渎 形迹可疑的人; 不正派的人 不体面的行为

piss off 滚开, 滚蛋 激怒 | piss on 亵渎 形迹可疑的人; 不正派的人 不体面的行为 | small potatoes [美俚]微不足道的人[物]

rush candle:微光; 微不足道的人; 孤陋寡闻

not worth the candle 不值得, 不上算, 得不偿失 | rush candle 微光; 微不足道的人; 孤陋寡闻 | smell of the candle tallow candle 脂烛; 蜡烛

potato a hot potato:棘手的问题

keep the pot boiling 谋生,维持生计 | potato a hot potato 棘手的问题 | small potatoes 微不足道的人