英语人>词典>汉英 : 得罪人的 的英文翻译,例句
得罪人的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

off time
更多网络例句与得罪人的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To whom, when sickened with the praises of all other men, I could daily betake myself, and be known as the vilest of all sinners, methinks my soul might keep itself alive thereby.


To whom, when sickened with the praises of all other men, I could daily betake myself, and known as the vilest of all sinners, methinks my soul might keep itself alive thereby.


I thought my article was harmless, but I have ''.'raised'.


I thought my article was harmless, but I have raised a hornet's nest about my head.


He is well intentioned but not tactful enough in his speech, thus he often rubs others up the wrong way.


In Jiangsu Province to a cosmetics counter doing BA, she风风火火, nothing is taboo, but also not afraid of offending people, shrewish, head of the counter for her one-third of all, this is justified, why is the eldest sister cattle being good in the sales on, then you can use one word to describe the "bull!"


Your article is sensible enough, and balanced, but your leader:"China's tetchy and brutal leadership" is really offensive.


The ocean defends the water, the hurricane defends the air, the King defends Royalty, the democracy defends the people; the relative, which is the monarchy, resists the absolute, which is the republic; society bleeds in this conflict, but that which constitutes its suffering to-day will constitute its safety later on; and, in any case, those who combat are not to be blamed; one of the two parties is evidently mistaken; the right is not, like the Colossus of Rhodes, on two shores at once, with one foot on the republic, and one in Royalty; it is indivisible, and all on one side; but those who are in error are so sincerely; a blind man is no more a criminal than a Vendean is a ruffian.


Swearwords offend many people in america .


Swearwords offend many people in America.


更多网络解释与得罪人的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


时下到处是咬牙切齿咒骂贪污的群众,貌似贪污犯是他们得杀父仇人. 进而一些人开始惊呼:中国共产党(CPC)完了!仿佛中国共产党全都是罪人,仿佛他们已经被党所抛弃. 其实大不必如此.


而现在的"精英"(elitist) 头衔,更使得他跳进黄河洗不清. 在我们外人看来,他们自己说的一些话并不是多得罪人,再说支持者说的话,也不该株连九族搞连带,但是现实就这么残酷,他们说的每一句话都被成千上百万的耳朵听着,动辄得咎.