英语人>词典>汉英 : 徐缓地 的英文翻译,例句
徐缓地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Order memorializes an emperor when beginning , the violin uses broken bow to play out the slow tremolo lightly on A major, the water wave having roused the earth , Danubian sunk in sleep seem as if auroral dawn pushes upper mist of river level aside, turns in soft field.


Unparalleled fascination of red and black enkindles night's atmosphere.


After remarking that negroes and mulattoes enjoy an immunity from certain tropical diseases, he observes, firstly, that all animals tend to vary in some degree, and, secondly, that agriculturists improve their domesticated animals by selection; and then, he adds, but what is done in this latter case by art, seems to be done with equal efficacy, though more slowly, by nature, in the formation of varieties of mankind, fitted for the country which they inhabit.


It all started in the 1920s, when a geologist from the University of Chicago named J Harlan Bretz concluded that the overblown topography in the Scablands was created by a sudden deluge, not the slow uniform processes of erosion and glacial scouring.


Inside the urn my ash still warm bunches of flowers reluctant to part listening to serious slow sad music the family sobbing too loud guests bowed bones, clothes rustled how selfless, open, above-board the memorial speech low-pitched all the flaws removed from my life in a break I heard this woman weeping third from the right, last row then the urn burst into flame that was my power kindled from grief that was my ash burnt again Translated by Agnes Vong and Christopher Kelen


About her bronze, over the bar where bald stood by sister gold, inexquisite contrast, contrast inexquisite nonexquisite, slow cool dim seagreen sliding depth of shadow, eau de Nil.


更多网络解释与徐缓地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


大多数天鹅归於天鹅属(Cygnus). 天鹅体形优美,具长颈,体坚实,脚大,在水中滑行时神态庄重,飞翔时长颈前伸,徐缓地搧动双翅. 天鹅,分布范围它们在我国的北部和西部繁殖,在华中及东南沿海越冬. 天鹅是一种冬候鸟,喜欢群栖在湖泊和沼泽地带,


whiff 一吹 | whiffet 小狗 | whiffle 徐缓地


whiffet 小狗 | whiffle 徐缓地吹 | whiffy 发臭气的


laxity /徐缓/松弛/散慢/ | laxly /松懈地/缓慢地/ | laxtive /轻泻的/


whiffle 徐缓地吹 | whiffy 发臭气的 | Whig 辉格党