英语人>词典>汉英 : 徐徐的 的英文翻译,例句
徐徐的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与徐徐的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We were heading S.S.W., and had a steady breeze abeam and a quiet sea.


Standard strategy of China is pulling open heavy curtain slowly, go downstage.


And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep Steady thy laden head across a brook; Or by a cyder-press, with patient look, Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.


"And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep Steady thy laden head across a brook; Or by a cider-press, with patient look, Thou watchest the last oozings, hours by hours."


When they get on the ship there was a light breeze blowing .


He stood suddenly, his feet beginning to sink slowly in the quaking soil.


I sometimes fancy how it feels like if piercing a sabre into the flesh of a live person.


As the gates of the prison sally port open, Pope barks out," What's this prisoner doing out of his cell?"


It is a life full of vitality, in the cool breeze sailed a day in the past you tired, trouble, so that you can think clearly what happened that day.


Shining star light trees, bridges issued by flesh-colored lights to show off non-stop change entrenched high light-colored roof lanterns Xuxu De breeze, darkness and light in the sparkling lake, the lake where the fish free, small leisurely way of people, all feeling is leisure.


更多网络解释与徐徐的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


徐徐slowlygently | 徐徐的gradualness | 徐徐地inchmealinsensibly


gradualness 徐徐的 | gradualness 逐渐的 | graduated 分度的

insensibly:不知不觉地; 徐徐地; 极细微地 (副)

insensible 不知的, 无知觉的, 昏迷的 (形) | insensibly 不知不觉地; 徐徐地; 极细微地 (副) | insensitive 对...没有感觉的, 感觉迟钝的 (形)


insensibility /无感觉/不在乎/不关心/ | insensibly /不知不觉地/极微地/徐徐地/ | insensitive /对...没有感觉的/感觉迟钝的/

Murmuring Zephyrs:(徐徐的微风)

168.Murmuring Brook(汩汩的溪水) | 169.Murmuring Zephyrs(徐徐的微风) | 170.My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice(你甜蜜的声音牢记我心头)

Murmuring Brook:(汩汩的溪水)

167.Moon Rises,The(月亮升起) | 168.Murmuring Brook(汩汩的溪水) | 169.Murmuring Zephyrs(徐徐的微风)


inching /见/ | inchmeal /逐渐地/徐徐地/ | inchoate /刚开始的/早期的/未发达的/

The wind, sailed:有风,徐徐的

令人刹那安静下来. It is quiet in a moment... | 有风,徐徐的, The wind, sailed, | 那些优雅的粉粉的梧桐花瓣从枝头漫漫地纷飞舞起, Those elegance of the Indus Fenfen petals falling from the branches long t...

Murmuring Zephyrs:<徐徐的微风> Adolf Jensen [德]阿道夫.简森

168. Murmuring Brook <汩汩的溪水> E.Poldini [意]波尔蒂尼 | 169. Murmuring Zephyrs <徐徐的微风> Adolf Jensen [德]阿道夫.简森 | 170. My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice <你甜蜜的声音牢记我心头>

Murmuring Zephyrs:<徐徐的微风> Adolf Jensen 阿道夫.简森

168. Murmuring Brook <汩汩的溪水> E.Poldini 波尔蒂尼 | 169. Murmuring Zephyrs <徐徐的微风> Adolf Jensen 阿道夫.简森 | 170. My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice <你甜蜜的声音牢记我心头>