英语人>词典>汉英 : 彩色图表 的英文翻译,例句
彩色图表 的英文翻译、例句


chromaticity diagram
更多网络例句与彩色图表相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this color chart we use the New York Exchange Daily Advance-Decline Line to define the cash build-up phase which defines the left side of the T.


If you would like to have gemstones that match chakra colors see our Gemstones by Color chart.


See our Gemstones By Color chart to help you find gemstones of specific colors.


It is planned to be a summary of the whole book in an hour with coloured charts and illustrations.


Formal in tone, the book includes location maps; a time line; colorful diagrams; realistic artwork; and an array of clear, color photos (some may find that the close-ups of mummies, fleshless skulls, and other mortal remains make them queasy).


The Doberman Pinscher Club of America wishes to express appreciation to Mr.


Whenever individuality of "atomic" components is important for correct representation of whatever is modeled by graphs, the model is refined by imposing additional restrictions on the structure, and other mathematical objects are used: digraphs, labeled graphs, colored graphs, rooted trees and so on.


If you would like to have gemstones that match chakra colors see our Gemstones by Color chart.


Be sure to check how many skeins of each color you will need so you don't run out.


Be sure to check how many skeins of each co lor you will need so you don't run out.


更多网络解释与彩色图表相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gauss curvature:高斯曲率

此外,还可以用analysis-surface analysis工具,对曲面的最小曲率半径、最大曲率半径、高斯曲率(gauss curvature)等项目进行检测,从曲率图表、彩色图象的颜色变化,可以直观地了解曲面的光滑性,如图4所示.

color analyzer:彩色分析器

collotype 重铬酸盐制版法参阅附录 | color analyzer 彩色分析器 | color chart 彩色图表