英语人>词典>汉英 : 形成溃疡的 的英文翻译,例句
形成溃疡的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ulcerated  ·  helcotic  ·  exulcerans

更多网络例句与形成溃疡的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After 180-min stress, the diencephalon contents of 5-HT and 5-HIAA correlated positively with the plasma levels of corticostreone and 〓· These results indicate that brain 5-HT participates in the activation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axes during stress.


This patient had severe ulcerative, friable atheromatous plaques and had undergone angiography, which increases the risk for such emboli.


Excitement of the HPA axis can affect the centrum, such as blues, angst, anorexia, pugnacity et al, these symptom accelerate gastric ulcer.


The diabetes foot is the foot department pathological changes, that is nerve pathological changes , blood vessel pathological changes and infection;Once the foot department external injury or pathological changes , the foot department will become ulcerate easily even get bad putrefaction to cut a limb , then influence the work , family and social level etc.

前言糖尿病足是指足部产生神经病变、血管病变及感染的足部病变,一旦足部外伤或病变易形成溃疡甚至坏疽而截肢,进而影响到工作、家庭、社会层面等(Giurini &Lyons, 2005;Stein, Yaacobi,& Steinberg, 2003林、陈,2006)。

The process of ulcer formation; the process of becoming ulcerated ulcerative

a。 使。。。形成溃疡的溃烂,腐败

All tumors were ulcerated and may infiltrate the surrounding soft tissue and bone.


Fluid of profess to convinced of glue of result compound bee can restrain the formation of reserpine ulcer significantly, the heal of acerbity to second burn ulcer has apparent stimulative effect, can restrain the formation of pylorus ligate ulcer significantly, reduce cankerous area significantly, its action and positive contrast medical Xi Mi comparatives for man.


and discussion The research results indicate that WCL has a function of resisting ulcer and accelerating healing of ulcer and it is safe to use in clinic. WCL is helpful for preventing gastric ulcer of different causes, including muriatic acid-ethanol ulcer, pylorus ligated ulcer, cold-restraint-stress ulcer, and chronic acetic acid ulcer.


Outside the clinical expression of ooze is behaved commonly for strut, bilge painful, be spent in or spend ache to be burn normally again, smartly, local and red, time smoke do not have a blood, or local bleb, the skin is nigrescent harden, form ulcer.


Lamey in Belfast , Northern Ireland and sponsored by Access' UK licensee, Strakan Ltd. The clinical trial was a parallel comparative study to determine if by applying amlexanox in the prodromal stage of aphthous ulceration, the development of an ulcer can be prevented.

Lamey 教授领衔进行的,目的在于观察在阿弗他溃疡的初始阶段,使用氨来占诺糊剂(5%)能否防止溃疡的形成。

更多网络解释与形成溃疡的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


阿米巴病(Amoebiasis)是由溶组织阿米巴原虫所引起的疾病. 近年来,由于性观念和性方式的改变,在西方社会的同性恋和异性恋者中,阿米巴病的发病率显著增加,因而列为性传播疾病. 在人体内最常侵犯的部位是结肠粘膜,原虫在该处形成溃疡,


2.2水泡(bubble) 是皮肤表层下组织聚积透明液体的小水泡,水泡容易破溃形成溃疡. 主要见于口蹄疫,口蹄疫分良性口蹄疫和恶性口蹄疫. 口蹄疫是由口蹄疫病毒所引起的偶蹄动物的一种急性热性高度接触性传染病.

peptic ulcer:消化性溃疡

消化性溃疡(peptic ulcer)主要指发生于胃和十二指肠的慢性溃疡是一多发病、常见病. 溃疡的形成有各种因素其中酸性胃液对粘膜的消化作用是溃疡形成的基本因素,因此得名. 酸性胃液接触的任何部位如食管下段、胃肠吻合术后吻合口、空肠以及具有异位胃粘膜的Meckel憩室绝大多数的溃疡发生于十二指肠和胃,故又称胃、十二指肠溃疡


10、溃疡:(ulcer)是黏膜或皮肤表层坏死而脱落形成凹 陷为溃疡. 11、假膜:(pseudomembrane)也叫伪膜,为灰白色或黄白 色的膜. 由炎症渗出的纤维素形成网架,将坏死脱落的上皮细胞和炎症渗出的细胞聚集在一起而形成.


ulcer 溃疡 远极孔 | ulcerate 成为溃疡 | ulcerated 成为溃疡的 形成溃疡的


ukraine 乌克兰国名 | ulcerated 形成溃疡的 | ulcerated 成为溃疡的


ulcerated 形成溃疡的 | ulcerated 成为溃疡的 | ulcerative 溃疡性的

ulcerated:成为溃疡的 形成溃疡的

ulcerate /溃疡/ | ulcerated /成为溃疡的/形成溃疡的/ | ulceration /溃疡/

ulceration:溃烂 溃疡形成 破溃

ulceratingdermatitis 溃烂性皮炎 | ulceration 溃烂 溃疡形成 破溃 | ulcerative 溃疡的 溃疡性的

Pseudomonas mallei:鼻疽假单胞菌

病的体征是在鼻腔、喉头、气管黏膜或皮肤形成特异的鼻疽结节、溃疡或瘢痕,在肺脏、淋巴结由鼻疽假单胞菌(Pseudomonas mallei)引起的单蹄兽传染病. 以在上呼吸道粘膜、肺、或其他实质器官中形成鼻疽结节和为特征. 是一种古老疾病,许多国家史书上都有记载.