英语人>词典>汉英 : 强烈的 的英文翻译,例句
强烈的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
blazing  ·  consuming  ·  fierce  ·  forceful  ·  great  ·  inspissate  ·  intense  ·  keen  ·  spanking  ·  strong  ·  strongest  ·  tangy  ·  keened  ·  fiercer  ·  inspissated  ·  inspissates  ·  inspissating  ·  intenser  ·  keens  ·  tangier  ·  tangiest  ·  exquisites  ·  fiercest  ·  richest  ·  ripest  ·  stiffest  ·  wildest

gung-ho · high-octane
更多网络例句与强烈的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A violent attack; a violent person; violent feelings; a violent rage; felt a violent dislike.


Wisconsin original, first made by John Rossie in 1877. Called Brick cheese because original cheesemakers used bricks to press moisure from the cheese. Flavor ranges from mild to sharp and piquant. Pungent, tangy, often described as a cross between Cheddar and Limburger.

原产于威斯康星州,1877年由J o h n Rossie首次制造;因为最初制造者用砖把奶酪中的水分挤出,而得名砖奶酪;味道从温和到强烈,到辛辣;味道浓烈,有强烈的盐味,介于Cheddar奶酪和 Limburger 奶酪之间。

Conceptually, it's very strong, probably the strongest of all my albums..


The core of conventional values have three sides: 1 in the respect of handling the relations of human and natural world, there are the concept of human and nature getting along well , and human being enslaved by natural world;2in the respect of keeping the social system run effecting, there are the concept of worshiping emperor, and rigid rank;3in the respect of personal life-style .life-significance, there are the concept of :strong provincialism strong familism, active sprit of entering world , strong internal tendentiousnessand the doctrine of the mean .the concept above belongs to all Chinese .


An ancient Hebraic text says:" love is as strong as death". It seems that not everyone experiences this kind of strong love.


At the same time it is a non-equilibrium process , linear approximation can′t describe it properly, a strong dependence of damage on stress must be taken on.


Tornado is a strong, small-scale air vortex is extremely unstable weather from the air campaign have strong convection, clouds from thunderstorms stretching to the ground at the end of the funnel cloud have a strong whirlwind, Its wind up 12 more, up to 100 meters per second over, the general with thunderstorms, sometimes accompanied by hail.


INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- DAY (1966) 225 内景—安迪的号房—白天Red and others listen to violent barfing from below.


The aniline HDN was strongly stressed by the presence of quinoline and DHQ and the HDN of quinoline proceeds exclusively via a pathway which involves fully saturated intermediates on the MCM-41-supported nickel phosphides. The HDN activity of nickel phosphide catalyst was dramatically reduced by the presence of H2S and DBT, probably due to the strong adsorption of H_2S and DBT on active sites which inhibited the adsorption of quinoline.


I heard his voice stop for a moment and then he went on.'I have always…felt strongly about you,Miss Charlotte,and…my feelings are stronger,much stronger,than you know.


更多网络解释与强烈的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


consumerism 用户至上主义 | consuming 强烈的 | consumingly 强烈地

keen desire:强烈的欲望

3. adjective 强烈感觉(或觉察)的;强烈的,激烈的 | keen desire : 强烈的欲望 | a keen scent : 强烈的臭迹

exquisite a.1:精美的,精致的 2.敏锐的,有高度鉴赏力的 3.剧烈的,感觉强烈的

necessitate vt.使成为必要,需要 | exquisite a.1.精美的,精致的 2.敏锐的,有高度鉴赏力的 3.剧烈的,感觉强烈的 | paradise n.天堂,乐园

exquisite a.1:精美的,精致的 2.敏锐的,有高度鉴赏力的剧烈的,感觉强烈的:考试吧网

acquisitive a.1.想获得的, 有获得可能性的, 可学到的2.渴望得到的,贪婪的 | exquisite a.1.精美的,精致的 2.敏锐的,有高度鉴赏力的剧烈的,感觉强烈的:考试吧网 | perquisite n.额外补贴, 定期的临时津贴

fervent: a.1:炽热的 2.热情的,热诚的,强烈的

enlightened: a.开明的,有知识的,摆脱偏见(或迷信)的,文明的 | fervent: a.1.炽热的 2.热情的,热诚的,强烈的 | undermine: v.1.侵蚀...的基础 2.暗中破坏,逐渐损害(或削弱)

hot pants; hot rocks:强烈的性欲

强烈的葡萄酒/dessert wine | 强烈的性欲/hot pants; hot rocks | 强烈的欲望/burning desire


任何强烈的(intense)个人体验,比如濒死体验,都不能作為死后状态的证据,因為这些都不是真正的死亡体验. 至於无形实体(比如精灵、去世的亲人或宗教人物)的出现,也都不能作為死后状态的证据,因為这些实体总是在身体-心智生物体存在的情况下出现的,

Strong Lyrics:强烈的粗口歌词:比粗口歌词更深一度

Strong Language - 强烈的粗口:直接的侮辱或者骂人话 | Strong Lyrics - 强烈的粗口歌词:比粗口歌词更深一度 | Strong Sexual Content - 强烈的性主题:描写性行为的图片,可能含有裸体内容

The elaborating, the intense, the chocolate monsters:细致的,强烈的,巧克力的怪物

戴安娜的雕像在火车站 The statue of Diana in the rai... | 细致的,强烈的,巧克力的怪物 The elaborating, the intense, the chocolate monsters. | 海洋下面是压碎的潮水,强烈的,Under the ocean there are crushin...

fervent anti-communist writer:强烈**的作家

将会面临重大考验will face a major test | 强烈**的作家fervent anti-communist writer | 强烈反对vehemently opposed