英语人>词典>汉英 : 强有力的 的英文翻译,例句
强有力的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
impelling  ·  Olympic  ·  magnipotent  ·  Samsonian  ·  jetpropelled  ·  vigoroso

更多网络例句与强有力的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A strong army and a strong airforce are indispensable to the defence of a land locked country.


It is a strong statement by the Fed that it is going to take massive, broad, forceful efforts to try to break the back of the crisis, he said.


But it needs a forceful law and a forceful enforcer to maintain.


Some natural science studies (psychological, biological, and genetic studies)show a biologi-cal basis for sexual orientation, which make" immutable" approach more convincing. But, social constructivists do not a-gree with this essentialist view of homosexual orientation claims. The debate between Essentialism and Constructivism andthe Politics of gay identity suggests that gay right could not get the real power from the claim "we can not help it".


Our perspicacious, insightful and professional editors and journalists are constantly making effort to make it more valuable, more readable and more reliable and become the leadership in the new energy field.


And strong countries, that we have to be self-reflective about what we do; that we have to examine our own motives and our own interests to make sure that we are not simply using our military forces because nobody can stop us.


"Said from the instinct that Hamulaite is a powerful person, he is energetic, the soul is great, he when weakness is also great and powerful, because of spirit formidable person, even if tumbles, also time which rises spiritedly compared to a weak person wise."


And if there be two strong Planets, and one cadent, the journey shall be made ; and if one be strong, and another in this fall, he shall retire back.


A gripping, powerful motion picture -- arguably the most forceful depiction of Jesus' death ever to be committed to film.


A gripping, powerful motion picture -- arguably the most forceful depiction of Jesus' death eve r to be committed to film.


更多网络解释与强有力的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

clarion call:战斗的号召; 强有力的召唤

be called on 被迫而...; 义不容辞... | clarion call 战斗的号召; 强有力的召唤 | close call 幸免; 死里逃生, 危险关头


- vulnerable 易受攻击的, 脆弱的 | - cogent 令人信服的,强有力的 | - worthwhile 值得做的

cogent: a.1:有说服力的,令人信服的,中肯切题的 2.有强制力的,强有力的

dominant: a.1.占优势的,支配的,统治的 2.占首位的,主导的 | cogent: a.1.有说服力的,令人信服的,中肯切题的 2.有强制力的,强有力的 | authoritative: a.1.权威性 2.官方的 3.专断的

cogent reasoning:强有力的推理

coextensive terms 同等外延名词/共外延的词 | cogent reasoning 强有力的推理 | ("cogito ergo sum": 我思故我在


forced?compliance paradigm 硬性依从范式 | forceful 强有力的 | forceless 无力的

hard-hitting:措辞严厉的 强有力的

a potent presence强势介入 | hard-hitting措辞严厉的 强有力的 | even-handed不偏不倚的

hefty:强有力的 大幅度的

9. truly adv. 确实是 真实地, 不假 | 10. hefty 强有力的 大幅度的 | 11. price tag n. 价格标签:附在货物上表明价格的标签


officious 多管闲事的 | 19) potent 强有力的 | potential 潜在的, 可能的

potent a.1:(药等)效力大的,威力大的 2.强有力的,有说服力的

posture n.1.姿势,姿态 2.看法,态度 vi.摆出(不自然的)姿势,装模作样 | potent a.1.(药等)效力大的,威力大的 2.强有力的,有说服力的 | pottery n.1.陶器,陶瓷器皿 2.陶器制造(术) 3.陶器厂

potent a.1:强有力的,有效的;烈性的 2.令人心服的;有权势的

portent n.1.预兆,凶兆 2.怪事,奇迹 --> portend v.预兆 | potent a.1.强有力的,有效的;烈性的 2.令人心服的;有权势的 | potentate n.当权者,统治者