- 更多网络例句与弦乐器的一种相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
A stringed instrument of the harp family used to accompany a singer or reader of poetry, especially in ancient Greece.
A stringed instrument of India; has a long neck and movable frets.
A stringed instrument of the harp family used to accompany a singer or reader of poetry, especially in ''.
As a family of stringed musical instrument of a guitar is a kind of a root through the toggle above the strings of sounds are playing string instruments.
The banjo, a stringed musical instrument, was an African invention brought over with the slaves to the New World.
A stringed instrument played with a bow, having four strings tuned at intervals of a fifth
What follows is a lot like those albums as well, a pan-global excursion centered on Middle Eastern themes and instruments cast into a dramatic exotica. Oud, dumbek, kanoun, hurdy-gurdy, duduk, nyckleharpe (a Swedish-keyed fiddle), and other ancient sounds from the region and beyond ornament her music, though "ornament" might no longer be accurate.
接下来的部分也与以往的专辑颇为相似:跨越全球的旅行,突出了中东主题,乐器的应用也铸就了戏剧般的新奇;另外,装饰她的音乐(尽管装饰一词并不是准确的说法)的还有乌得琴(中东和北非的一种弦乐器)、 dumbek, kanoun, hurdy-gurdy, duduk, nyckleharpe (一种瑞典式的键盘小提琴)以及其他源自这些地区的古老的声音。
A stringed instrument played with a bow, having four strings tuned at intervals of a fifth, an unfretted fingerboard, and a shallower body than the viol and capable of great flexibility in range, tone, and dynamics.
It is sometimes referred to as the saz, a term used to refer to a family of plucked string instruments, long-necked lutes used in this region.
The violin, a string instrument, often played the major role.
- 更多网络解释与弦乐器的一种相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Bank acceptance:银行承兑汇票(已保证承兑的汇票)
banjulele | 弦乐器的一种 | bank acceptance | 银行承兑汇票(已保证承兑的汇票) | bank accommodation | 银行贷款
十六世纪的义大利克雷蒙纳(Cremona)是小提琴的诞生地. 当然,弦乐器不算是新玩意了,早在第八或第九世纪,亚洲人就用弓拉弦乐器了. 有些弦乐器不知以什麼方式成功地传到了欧洲,在欧洲演化成六弦琴,这是十三世纪的一种创作,类似小提琴,
kazoo:卡祖笛 (一种木制或金属制玩具笛子)
Kaval 长笛/牧羊人的笛子 (保加利亚的传统乐器) | Kazoo 卡祖笛 (一种木制或金属制玩具笛子) | Gusli 古斯里琴 (一种俄国古代的弦乐器)
全曲以一种缓慢(Lento)而低喃的速度进行,弥漫著浓郁的哀思,乐句绵延不断产生一种清新脱俗但出世超尘的乐思,搭配上女高音吟咏,彷佛来自於天上仙境. 第一乐章由弦乐器以卡农(Canon)的形式展开,先是低音大提琴而后整个弦乐团渐渐加入,
* 拨奏(Pizzicato) 手指演奏低音提琴等弦乐器的技巧. * 复合节奏(Polyrhythm) 两个或两个以上彼此冲突的节奏同时演奏. * 拉格泰姆乐(Ragtime) 爵士乐问世之前出现的一种切分音乐曲或称粗劣参差的音乐.
法老王朝时期的埃及就已经拥有了所有种类的演奏乐器,如打击乐器(percussion)、吹奏乐器(wind)、弦乐器(stringed)等. 打击乐器通常包括手拎鼓(hand-helddrums)、响板(castanets)、铃铛(bells)、拨浪鼓(sistrum)--一种宗教礼拜时所使用的乐器,
banjul /班珠尔/ | banjulele /弦乐器的一种/ | bankability /银行可贴现性/
bouzouki:布祖基琴 (一种形状似曼陀林的希腊弦乐器)
Boobam 火箭筒鼓 | Bouzouki 布祖基琴 (一种形状似曼陀林的希腊弦乐器) | Cabasa 椰予沙铃/卡巴沙铃/串珠沙铃
Una corda:一根弦 [弹奏钢琴时用弱音踏瓣]
ukulele 龙克里里 [夏威夷结他族的一种四弦乐器] | una corda 一根弦 [弹奏钢琴时用弱音踏瓣] | unaccented beat 轻拍
爱努精神(Spirits From Ainu) 专注在日本最北部北海道爱努民族的传统音乐,但很可惜地,仅收录了两种传统乐器:彤谷丽琴(tonkori)- 一种声音有些类似三味线的五弦乐器,但却拥有独特的风格; 口琴乐器mukkuri 则是一种以口吹奏,类似单簧口琴(Jew's harp)的传统乐器.