英语人>词典>汉英 : 张力 的英文翻译,例句
张力 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
strain  ·  tensility  ·  tension  ·  strains  ·  tensioned  ·  tensions  ·  pullup

tensile force · tono- · pulling force · stretching force
更多网络例句与张力相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the business card printing and membership card making to be represented by tension controller to control business card printing and membership card making constant tension, is the key to so overprinter accurate, tension control system is any drum business card printing and membership card making machine one of the main body, to a large extent determine the prints overprinter accuracy, tension and control institutions are primarily provided at bleeder part business card printing and membership card making-position-and-drop your material up institutions, material roll output you need to turn the material roll resistance, inertia, coiling has it own tension values, together with the business card printing and membership card making speed uponsize traction, Business card printing and membership card during various color group overprinter on the resistance of the material makes it possible to put volume, the business card printing and membership card production, letoff institution of tension control is important, the size of the tensility control should see materials of munltivariable, of the material used-narrow to decide.


Basic Study on Erection Planning Method for Beam String Structure 2,Study on Structural Characteristic of Hybrid Skeleton with Tension Strings 3, Proposal of Reversed Progress Teclmique for Tension Structures and Its Application 4,Mechanical Behavior of Hybrid Skeleton with Tension String during Construction 5,Experimental Studies on Structurel Characteristic of Hybrid Skeleton with Tension Strings 6,Mechanical analysis of a type hybrid spatiaI structure composed of cables,bars and beams 7, Tensile force compensation analysis method and application in construction for hybrid structures 8,Tensile forces emulationaI analysis of prestressed cables for multistage tension construction method 9,Reverse analysis method of construction centrel tensile force for prestressed space structures

1 ,基础研究规划方法架设张弦梁结构 2 ,结构特征研究混合骨架张力弦 3 ,建议反进展Teclmique张力结构及其应用 4 ,力学性能的混合骨架张力字符串施工 5 ,实验研究Structurel特征混合骨架张力弦 6 ,机械分析型杂交spatiaI结构组成的电缆,酒吧和梁 7 ,张力补偿的分析方法及应用在建筑混合结构 8 ,拉伸部队emulationaI分析的多级预应力锚索张拉施工方法 9 ,逆向分析方法的建设centrel张力的预应力空间结构

The stepping-motor-driven warp let-off unit is applied to 1515-PJR flexible rapier loom. The warp tension is measured by using IBM-PC and CRAS software package. A new measuring index of warp tension for comparing the performance of warp let-off motion is given. The statistical analysis on the warp tension in the weaving process from full warp beam to empty is conducted. Also, the spectrum of the dynamic warp tension is analyzed, and the influences of the warp let-off motion' timing on warp tension are discussed.


The amount of web material added to, subtracted from and present in the tension zone in a sample time period is then converted to an unstrained amount of web material that when combined provides an estimate for the present amount of unstrained web material present in the tension zone.


During hollow spindle spinning, the yarn package rotates at a high speed, yarn untwists from the package and forms a balloon. The yarn balloon phenomenon exists commonly in spinning processes. The shape of yarn balloon is a general displacement of the forces acts on the balloon yarn. There is a close relationship between the yarn balloon shape and the forces acts on the balloon. The balloon shape is decided by the spinning force, on the contrary, we can find the value of the spinning force according to the yarn balloon shape. To a great extent, the spinning tension impacts the yarn structure and quality.


When the business card printing and membership card making paper road during periods of low, this number can be reduced when the tension is easier to control; when the business card printing and membership card making way more paper should be appropriate to increase the value of the motor speed ratio in order to meet the innermost paper on tensility, but other paper tape tension you can adjust the feed roller and business card printing and membership card numerical Studio tension.


A typical unit of flexo printing machine, there are three tension areas, from an open-reel to feed tension roll tension between an open-book; from feed tension roll to roll the tension between business card printing and membership card making tension areas; from the tension between the roller to complex scroll is a multiple tension areas.


Tensility tensility that is, the business card printing and membership card during feeding system tensile force on paper, cards and membership cards making excessive tension will make longer paper business card printing and membership card after removing the inevitable tension, paper-back, so that when the page appears with the short time scale, which in turn affects the distribution page.


Tension control in winding/unwinding system is the key technology, the precision and stability of tension control can make a direct impact on the final quality and the suitability to raw film. For the purpose of study, the main task is design winding/unwinding tension control system to suit the production of metallised film for high quality capacitor.


The paper dispenser M600 is zero speed the paper that the tension between roller is as the first tensities, quick-roller is out of paper storage of paper Road between the enlarged the paper easy-to-moment; reserve-roller is the following two tensities roll, from tensities motor-driven, and close to the pressure roller, increase the pressing of the paper; and then there are the adjustment to detect tape tension, to meet business card printing and membership card production requirements, stable b tensities role in regulating improper adjustment roll will affect overprinter precision; reserve-roller is followed by a correcting device, its purpose is to control the paper tape into the business card printing and membership card production unit, on the left and right position paper tape tension changes.


更多网络解释与张力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


张力缺失 atonia | 张力缺失的 atonic | 张力缺乏性 atonicity

atonic seizure:失张力发作

6.失张力发作 (atonic seizure) 是姿势性张力丧失所致,部分或全身肌张力突然降低导致垂颈(点头),张口,肢体下垂(持物坠落)或躯干失张力跌倒或猝倒发作,持续数秒至1min,短者意识障碍不明显,长者短暂意识丧失,发作后立即清醒和站起,

interfacial tension gradient:界面张力梯度

interfacial tension force 界面张力 | interfacial tension gradient 界面张力梯度 | interfacial tension 界面张力

interfacial tension force:界面张力

interfacial tensiometry 界面张力测定法 | interfacial tension force 界面张力 | interfacial tension gradient 界面张力梯度

muscle tone:肌肉张力

1.肌肉张力表现:以关节被快速的摆动下所引起的肌肉表现我们称之为肌肉张力(muscle tone),骨骼像是帐棚钢架,肌肉就像是帐棚外的帆布,搭帐棚时帆布松垮就无法搭好帐篷,而肌肉张力较低的孩童就是如此,例如威廉式症候群、迪乔治式症(DiGeorge's Disease,


hypothyroidism 甲状腺功能减退,甲状腺功能减退症,甲状腺机能减退 | hypotony 张力减退,张力过低 | hysteria 癔病,歇斯底里

tensionless jigger:无张力卷染机

"无张力热风烘乾机","tensionless jet drier" | "无张力卷染机","tensionless jigger" | "张力计","tensometer"


张力异常(dystonia)是一组由身体骨骼肌的协同肌和拮抗肌的不协调,间歇持续收缩造成的重复的不自主运动和异常扭转姿势的症状群. 故又称肌张力异常综合征(dystonic syndr...肌张力异常简介:肌张力异常(dystonia)是一组由身体骨骼肌的协同肌和拮抗肌的不协调、间歇持续收缩造成的重复的不自主运动和异常扭转姿势的症状群.

segmental dystonia:节段性肌张力障碍

(2)节段性肌张力障碍(segmental dystonia): 累及临近几个部分的肌张力障碍. (3)多灶性肌张力障碍( multifocal dystonia) 累及不相临近多个部位的肌张力障碍. (4)偏侧肌张力障碍(hemidystonia): 指累及同侧的上下肢和躯干的肌张力障碍.

Tension Line:张力横条/张力不匀 纱线在编织中受到的张力不平均,造成表面横纹疵点

油针 可以在布面任何位置且连续性出现,类似针路 Oil Needle | 张力横条/张力不匀 纱线在编织中受到的张力不平均,造成表面横纹疵点 Tension Line | 折痕 坯布在卷布辊处受到外力挤压后形成的纵向折痕 Crease Mark