英语人>词典>汉英 : 引流管 的英文翻译,例句
引流管 的英文翻译、例句


drainage tube · drainage-tube
更多网络例句与引流管相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main causes were summarized as follows: 1 Patients psychological situation, accounting for 86.45%; 2 Impotency of the drainage tube because of postoperative hemorrhage, or because of tube folding, distortion or displacement, accounting for 45.15%; 3 Direct stimulation from drainage, accounting for 24.83%; 4 Temperature and speed of rinsing fluid, accounting for 15.0%; 5 Rise in abdominal pressure, accounting for 9.67%; and 6 Infection of bladder and urethra, accounting for 1.6%.


Impotency of the drainage tube because of postoperative hemorrhage, or because of tube folding, distortion or displacement, accounting for 45.15


But the 10 cases of control group were not healed within 2 weeks.Conclusions:VSD as a whole infective surface drainage technique,the drainage tube was uneasy blocked;the manipulation of VSD was mastered easily;the effects were reliable for the treatment of the pyogenesis in diabetes mellitus.


LC with four ports: one 10-mm umbilical port, one 10-mm subxiphoid port, and two 5-mm port in the right subcostal position. results There were significant difference between the two groups in terms of resumption of food intake, the duration of analgesic requirement , analgesic consumption, the time of incision pain, postoperative stay and cosmetic results.

结果 与LC组相比MLC组在进食时间,镇痛剂应用时间,应用剂量,切口疼痛时间,术后住院时间,美学满意度上均具有显著性差别,而在手术时间,术中出血量,胆囊破裂有无,腹腔冲洗有无,引流管放置,手术中转及引流管拔管时间上均无显著性差别。

Methods In cases of SAP with severe pancreatic and peripancreatic infection, open surgical debridement and drainage was done, and, about one week later, the drainage tubes were removed and a choledoscope was then used repeatedly to debride and wash out the necrotic and infected foci that were hard to drain out.


It is effective that stomach catheter act as urethra stent and drainage tube in urethroplasty in hypospadias,need not urinary diversion.


Cerebral thalamus and basal nuclei hemorrhage patients with haematoma breaking into lateral cerebral ventricle and the third and fourth ventricle were treared by being put tube into two cornu frontale ventriculi lateralis and haematoma cavityt.


Methods The clinical data of 114 cases with continued external ventricular hemorrhage drainage were analyzed retrospectively, in which 78 cases were used ordinary drainage tube and 36 cases were used airtight drainage tube.


Methods: During a three-year period, 84 DPV and 62 OSV were implanted by two neurosurgeons for adult patients with communicating hydrocephalus. Patients medical charts were analyzed retrospectively for demographic data, diagnosis at shunt implantation, valve type, incidence of shunt complications and surgical revision rate.


The major clinical manifestations of the anastomotic leakage include intermittent or persistent fever, paralytic ileus and discharge of faecal material in the drainage tube.


更多网络解释与引流管相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

intrathoracic drain:胸腔引流管

intrathoracic cannula 胸腔插管 | intrathoracic drain 胸腔引流管 | intrathoracic goiter 胸内性甲状腺肿

sialosyrinx:涎管引流管 涎瘘

sialostenosis 涎管狭窄 | sialosyrinx 涎管引流管 涎瘘 | sialozemia 流涎

cigarette drain:卷烟式引流管,卷烟式引流管,卷烟式引流条

cigarette case with lighter ==> 带打火机烟盒 | cigarette drain ==> 卷烟式引流管,卷烟式引流管,卷烟式引流条 | cigarette in packet ==> 包装卷烟

upper insulating drainage pipe:上绝缘引流管

上集汽环管upper gas collecting ring pipe | 上绝缘引流管upper insulating drainage pipe | 定子线棒stator bar

lower insulating drainage pipe:下绝缘引流管

回液管return hose | 下绝缘引流管lower insulating drainage pipe | 下集液环管lower gas collecting ring pipe

elastic drainage tube:橡皮引流管,弹性引流管

elastic catheter 弹性导管 | elastic drainage tube 橡皮引流管,弹性引流管 | dlastic knee cap 弹性护膝套

elastic drainage tube:橡皮引流管

drainage-tube 引导管 | elastic drainage-tube 橡皮引流管 | glass drainage-tube 玻璃引导管

elastic drainage tube:橡皮引流管,弹姓引流管

elastic catheter 弹姓导管 | elastic drainage tube 橡皮引流管,弹姓引流管 | dlastic knee cap 弹姓护膝套

rubber drainage tube:橡皮引流管

rubber disc 橡皮磨片 | rubber drainage tube 橡皮引流管 | rubber duodenal tube 橡皮十二指肠管

urinary drainage tube:泌尿引流管

urinary catheter 尿管 | urinary drainage tube 泌尿引流管 | urinary drop spectrometer 尿滴分光计