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引导块 的英文翻译、例句


boot block
更多网络例句与引导块相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In such condition, whether boot block can be programmed/erased or not will depend on software setting.


The device has the capability to protect the data in the boot block,this feature is enabled by a command sequence.


The #TBL will lock the whole 64Kbytes top boot block, it will not partially lock the 16Kbytes boot block.


The 16 Kbyte Boot Block can be used for small initialization code to start the microprocessor, the two 8 Kbyte Parameter Blocks can be used for parameter storage and the remaining 32K is a small Main Block where the ap- plication may be stored.

16字节的引导块可以用于小型的初始化代码用于启动微处理器,两个8字节的参数块可用于参数存储和使用,其余32K的主楼是一个小地方的AP -折叠术可以被保存。

If the boot block programming lockout is activated, only the data in the other memory sectors will be erased to FF while the data in the boot block will not be erased (remains as the same state before the chip erase operation).


If the DQ0/DQ1 output data is "1," the 64Kbytes/16Kbytes boot block programming lockout feature will be activated; if the DQ0/DQ1 output data is "0," the lockout feature will be inactivated and the boot block can be erased/programmed.


BIOS update as a result of failure or CIH virus damage caused by the BIOS, if guided block (Award BIOS as the BIOS Boot Block, Phoenix BIOS called Flash Recover boot Block) has not been damaged, can be made to re-boot disk set BIOS (site specific methods can refer to the relevant articles, will not repeat them here), if the boot block is also damaged, the available hot-swap method or by the use of security programmer repair.

由于 BIOS 刷新失败或 CIH 病毒造成的 BIOS 受损的问题,如果引导块(Award BIOS 中称为 BIOS Boot Block 、 Phoenix BIOS 中称为 Flash Recover boot Block)未被破坏,可用自制的启动盘进行重新刷新 BIOS(具体方法可以参考本站的相关文章,这里就不再赘述),假如引导块也损坏的话,可用热插拔法或用利用编程器进行安全的修复。

The #TBL will lock the whole 64Kbytes top boot block, it will not partially lock the 16Kbytes boot block.


Its include: barrel, set up in the barrel components of the screw, fuel tanks, motor oil, the radio front plate, Radio Taiwan after the board and guide column, referred to the radio through the bottom of the front plate connected to the guide block guide Column, referred to Taiwan after the radio connected to the rod on the board.


Guide the blocks into the manholes or use the Block Destructor to clear the blocked path.


更多网络解释与引导块相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

boot block:引导块

共享内存可用来作为进程间通信(IPC)的手段,多个进 程通过共享内存来交换信息. Linux支持SYSTEM V的共享内存IPC机制. 一个文件系统包括:引导块(boot block)、超级块(super block)、索引节点表(inode table)、数据块(data block)

BB Boot Block:引导块

BB Black Burst 黑场 | BB Boot Block 引导块 | BB Boundary Beacon 界标


Distort)效果的应用实例引导之一 [杂色](Noise)效果[添加杂色](Add Noise)效果[中间值](Median)效果引导之二 [像素化](Pixelate)效果[彩色半调](Color Halftone)效果[晶格化](Crystallize)效果[彩块化](Facet)效果[点状化](P


然后让学生根据单词设想这样一种情景:小山(hill)中有一座装满(fill)药丸(pill)的面粉厂(mill),直到(till)将要(will)杀死(kill)病(ill)人时才被发现. 教师还可引导学生设想更多的与这些词有关的情景,以进一步巩固记忆这一词块.


gear 齿轮 | gib 滑块引导部 | gripper 夹具


gib 滑块引导部 | gripper 夹具 | gripper feed 夹持进料


然后让学生根据单词设想这样一种情景:小山(hill)中有一座装满(fill)药丸(pill)的面粉厂(mill),直到(till)将要(will)杀死(kill)病(ill)人时才被发现. 教师还可引导学生设想更多的与这些词有关的情景,以进一步巩固记忆这一词块.


然后让学生根据单词设想这样一种情景:小山(hill)中有一座装满(fill)药丸(pill)的面粉厂(mill),直到(till)将要(will)杀死(kill)病(ill)人时才被发现. 教师还可引导学生设想更多的与这些词有关的情景,以进一步巩固记忆这一词块.


然后让学生根据单词设想这样一种情景:小山(hill)中有一座装满(fill)药丸(pill)的面粉厂(mill),直到(till)将要(will)杀死(kill)病(ill)人时才被发现. 教师还可引导学生设想更多的与这些词有关的情景,以进一步巩固记忆这一词块.


fNAH诊断为平滑肌肉瘤1例,鳞状上皮癌2例,腺癌5例.6.3 B超引导下细针吸取超微结构(ultrastructure)检查(FNAU) FNAH取到的组织块较小,部分病例不能进行组织学分类.