英语人>词典>汉英 : 引导卡 的英文翻译,例句
引导卡 的英文翻译、例句


guide card
更多网络例句与引导卡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Their determination shaped the Acadia spirit - a spirit which continues to guide the University today.


HP iPAQ rx5965 is a sleek and sexy Windows Mobile 5.0 PDA handheld device that features 400 Mhz Samsung processor, 3.5-inch antiglare touch screen, integrated GPS antenna, SiRF Star II GPS receiver, built-in GPS navigation software, pre-installed Tom Tom Navigator 6.0 maps in the flash memory, voice-guided turn-by-turn navigation instructions, 'Quick Launch' button for GPS, WorldMate Standard Edition, world clocks, packing list organiser, weather forecasts worldwide, currency conversion application with an online exchange rate service, integrated 802.11b/g wireless LAN, Bluetooth 2.0, mini-USB synchronization and supports SD or MMC memory cards.

惠普iPAQ rx5965是一个圆滑的和性感的Windows Mobile 5.0的PDA手持设备为特点的400 MHz的Samsung处理器, 3.5英寸antiglare触摸屏,集成GPS天线, sirf明星第二GPS接收机,内置在GPS导航软件,预先安装的汤姆汤姆领航员6.0地图,在快闪记忆体,语音引导,从而由之交导航的指示,'快速启动'按钮,为全球定位系统,了Worldmate标准版,世界时钟,包装清单,组织者,天文台的天气预测,全球的货币转换的应用与网上汇率服务,集成的802.11 b / g无线局域网,蓝牙2.0 ,迷你USB同步,并支持SD或MMC记忆卡。

These threads, linked by an apparent suicide, eventually lead Carlos to Cardinal Baldi, to an American spy, and ultimately to Los Angeles, where Jennifer Narody unwittingly holds the key to the mystery that the Catholic Church, the U.S. Defense Department, and the journalist are each determined to decipher

这些线,被一个明显的自杀联编,最后引导卡洛斯走向主要的 Baldi,对一位美国间谍,而且最后到珍妮佛 Narody 不知情地支撑秘密的关键天主教的教堂,美国国防部的洛杉矶,而且新闻记者每个决定译解。

First, the use of "BIOS BOOT BLOCK guide block" to restore, normally there is a BIOS will not be set to retain part of that process BOOT BLOCK, even if the BIOS update failure, Boot Block, or to control ISA card and floppy drive.

一是利用"BIOS BOOT BLOCK引导块"恢复,通常情况下BIOS中会有一个保留部分不会被刷新,那就是BOOT BLOCK程序,即使BIOS刷新失败,Boot Block还是能够控制ISA显卡与软驱。

Although Zakaria's print and television appearances over the past two years may lead readers to assume that his book is about the "clash of civilizations" between Islam and the West, most of it is about what Zakaria regards as the excessive respect for pure democracy in the United States—the reliance on polling, the popularity of ballot initiatives, the insistence on making all institutions "answerable to the public."


Methods: One hundred and sixty patients receiving systematic 13-core biopsy of the prostate were randomized into two groups. Group A (84 cases) received an injection of 5 ml 1% lidocaine into the prostatic neurovascular bundles on each side at the base of the prostate under ultrasound guidance. Group B (76 cases) received 10 ml of intrarectal 2% lidocaine gel five minutes before the procedure.

160例接受经直肠超声引导13点前列腺系统穿刺活检术的患者随机分为A、B两组。A组患者84例,在经直肠超声引导下,于前列腺基底部,左、右两侧精囊与前列腺交接处分别注射1%利多卡因5 ml,B组患者76例,于活检前5 min直肠内灌注2%利多卡因凝胶10 ml。

Methods: By using microelectrode technique the action potentials on guinea pig papillary muscle AP(subscript PM and AP on sinuatrial node AP(subscript SN were induced and the effects of Zaoboniug granula on AP and AP were observed.

豚鼠20只分为早搏宁冲剂组(n=10)与盐酸普鲁卡因胺组(n=10), 2组均采用累积浓度给药法给药,常规微电极技术引导豚鼠心室乳头肌快反应动作电位AP(下标 PM。另取豚鼠16只分为早搏宁冲剂组(n=10)与盐酸普鲁卡因胺组(n=6),同法给药、引导窦房结优势起搏细胞动作电位AP

See right picture. PXE process is started when client computer hind, the BootRom meeting broadcast on its net card guides request frame FIND, the bag in this frame contains the net of client computer to block MAC address, after Server end starts a service remotely to receive frame of FIND of client computer beamed, take according to the place in frame...


Serum reagents guide card: suitable for the use of Chinese ethnic origin.


In particular, its business card printing and membership card making functional properties is publicity guide a packaging business card printing and membership card making, rather than selling ink merchandise, special-purpose business card printing and membership card making ink if you changed to another type of packaging printer carrier characteristics, this ink than other ink quality advanced.


更多网络解释与引导卡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Asset Tag:资产编号

个人用户只会有服务编号,大客户批量购买的机器才会有资产编号(Asset Tag)和所有权编号(Ownership Tag). 个人用户不需要网络引导,建议设置成允许(Enabled)即可. 使用磁带式Dv的朋友不多,1394并非必须打开;但有闪存卡的朋友一定不少,

remote boot:远程引导

(19)远程引导(Remote Boot)远程引导允许用户从文件服务器上而不是从本地工作站上通过磁盘来引导(启动)工作站入网. 求该工作站网卡上必须有相应的PROM(可编程只读存储器). (22)注册正本(Login Script)又称为注册脚本.

He is the divining rod that will lead us to Akator:他是能带我们去阿卡托的引导者

We ain't done a thing. It's the bloody skull.|我们什么都没做... | He is the divining rod that will lead us to Akator.|他是能带我们去阿卡托的引导者 | But we need someone to interpret him for us.|但我们需...


这一对立把"做(doing)"哲学的意义限制为,用约翰.D.卡普托的巧妙措词来说,"逻辑引导文字(letting the logic lead the letter)"(>,83),或者说,限制为遵照先于其再现的,对哲学位于(located)文本内部(inside),


提供了Linux x86下高性能的OpenGL支持. 这个臭虫(BUG)在动态的装载器的更旧的版本存在. 供这个选项. 这个选项对8位色深很有用,这里RENDER通常能获得(steal)使用XFree86 Int10模块来软件引导(soft-boot)所有的二级卡,而不是记录(POSTing)这些卡


RIG Reuse library Interoperation Group 再使用库配合动作组 | Righteous "正义"系列显卡(生产商:Orchid) | RIGS Radio Inertial Guidance System 无线电惯性引导系统


他们引导同盟排拒所有的人性. 棘秘魑族拥有重塑血肉的异能,可以藉由毁损对手躯体,塑造自己惊人的美貌. 卡瑪利拉允許高層的秘密會議(Conclave)事前否決親王的命令,參與秘是還未被介紹給親王認可的吸血鬼,他們也未被自己的尊長(Sire)所


雄猫舰;引导出来飞机卡帚航之水面舰 tomcat | 炮口塞 tompion | 最高阶层 top echelon



card lever strip:卡片底部空白带

card ledger || 卡片式分类帐 | card lever strip || 卡片底部空白带 | card loader || 卡片引导程序