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引导分区 的英文翻译、例句


boot partition
更多网络例句与引导分区相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A Solaris boot partition is a primary partition, and must be active in order to boot Solaris.


All above methods won't touch the MBR nor the boot area of any partition.


Step 1. Get the boot sectors of the partition and save to a file MYPART.

步骤 1。获取分区的引导扇区然后保存为一个文件 MYPART。

Step 1. Get the boot sectors of the partition and save to a file MYPART.TMP.

步骤 1。获取分区的引导扇区然后保存为一个文件 MYPART。

As a well-known antivirus software, KV3000 also has a very powerful and the Master Boot Record partition repair function.


Fourth, if there GHOST and the partition table, boot sector backup, using them to restore the most insurance


Zero once the damaged track will be the primary boot hard drive and the partition table information will be seriously damaged, resulting in the hard disk can not boot. 0 tracks damaged judge: System self-test pass, but the boot partition C disc lost or directory is missing, there are laws of the hard disk "... creak ... creak" seek the sound of running SCANDISK scanning C disk, in the first cluster a red "B", or can not find Fdisk the hard disk, DM died in the 0 track, the track such a situation that is zero damage!


It is plain enough that a computer hard drive itself, the hard disk at startup, first of all, hard to read the contents of master boot area, the hard drive partition information is read into the cache, then the basis of information sent by the host to read goal of the operation of the Boot partition information, the target partition to decrypt the content guide information, and then the next table to read FAT and root directory, so that the target partition can read any file.


The image disk switch is similar to -ia, but also copies the boot track, as in -ib, extended partition tables, and unpartitioned space on the disk.

image disk转换参数与-ia类似,但是它还复制引导磁道类似、扩展分区表以及磁盘上未分区的空间。

Fdisk is not only a zoning process, it has a very convenient feature to restore the main boot sector, but only modify the main boot sector, other sectors of the write operation is not carried out, so for those who are still using Windows 9x friend the case of no doubt is a very good tool to repair the partition table.

Fdisk 不仅是一个分区程序,它还有着非常便捷的恢复主引导扇区功能,而且它只修改主引导扇区,对其他扇区并不进行写操作,因此对于那些还在使用 Windows 9x 的朋友而言无疑是个非常理想的分区表修复工具。

更多网络解释与引导分区相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

boot partition:引导分区

在 System p 硬件上,OpenFirmware 从一个引导分区(Boot Partition)装载可引导的系统映像. 尽管这不是 OpenFirmware 的惟一功能,但它是与 Linux 安装相关的惟一功能. 作为本机安装的替代方案,可以将 Linux 安装在 System p 逻辑分区(LPAR)中.

BP Boot Partition:自引导程序分区,开机磁区

BP Bilevel Printer 双级打印机 | BP Boot Partition 自引导程序分区,开机磁区 | BP British Patent 英国专利

partition boot sector:分区引导扇区

partition / 分区 | partition boot sector / 分区引导扇区 | password / 密码

PBR Partition Boot Record:分区引导记录

PBP Push Button Panel 按钮板 | PBR Partition Boot Record 分区引导记录 | PBS Place Based System 基于地点的系统

Set an active partition - specify one partition to be the boot partition:设置一个活动分区-指定一个分区的引导分区

Hide and unhide partitions - protect important... | Set an active partition - specify one partition to be the boot partition设置一个活动分区-指定一个分区的引导分区 | Preview the effects of partitioning...

Boot sector:引导扇区

二)恢复软盘上的数据 软盘的逻辑结构有点象硬盘某分区的结构: 引导扇区(Boot sector)(占用一个扇区) 第一个FAT (用的是FAT12系统) 第二个FAT 根目录区 数据区 (用来存放各种文件的数据) 不知道你有没有遇到这样的情况,

not found:未找到

Not enough room to merge the entire file 没有足够的空间合并整个文件 | Not found 未找到 | Only non-bootable partition exist 只存在不可引导的分区

Display Hard Disk Partition Table:显示硬盘分区信息

7. Restore Boot Record and kill boot virus 恢复备份的主引导记录和各分区引导区并清除引导区病毒 | 8. Display Hard Disk Partition Table 显示硬盘分区信息 | 9. Destory Hard Disk MBR 清除主引导记录扇区标志

Volume Label:磁盘卷标

只有当该设备是一个引导设备时,这个值才有意义扩展引导标签(Extended Boot Signature) 本字段必须要有能被Windows 2000所识别的值0x28或0x29分区序号(Volume Serial Number) 在格式化磁盘时所产生的一个随机序号,它有助于区分磁盘卷标(Volume Label) 本字段只能使用一次,

PBR PartitionBootRecord:分区引导记录

PBP PacketBurstProtocol 数据分组瞬时脉冲群协议 | PBR PartitionBootRecord 分区引导记录 | PBS ProgramBufferStorage 程序缓冲器存储体