英语人>词典>汉英 : 弓形结构的 的英文翻译,例句
弓形结构的 的英文翻译、例句


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The raw data was processed by using axial, coronal and double oblique multi-planar reformation; Images obtained were graded in terms of quality with a 5-point scale(5=excellent, 4=good, 3=fair, 2=poor, and 1=nondiagnostic). In grading image quality at axial MPR, The radiologic specialists focused on the subarcuate fossa, tendon of tensor tympani, facial recess, vestibular aqueduct and pyramidal eminence, In grading image quality at coronal MPR, attention was given to the scute, crista transversa, fenestra cochleae, lateral malleal ligament and snake eyes signature of cranial nerve, In the grading of the image quality at double oblique MPR, the radiologic specialists concentrated on the malleus, incus, stirrup bone, upper bony semicircular and aquaeductus fallopii, and then to implement statistical analysis. In order to choose the minimum tube current values and the maximum pitch that can satisfy the diagnosis request, image quality of axial, coronal and double oblique reformation images was compared with different tube current groups. 15 ears of volunteers were used to test the validity with the scanning parameter. Subsequently noise, MTF and dose length product were measured by phantoms in different tube current and pitch, the parameters obtained were compared and taken into statistics analysis.

扫描模式使用临床常用的颞骨螺旋扫描方式:管电压120 kV,准直宽度20×0.6 mm,视野200 mm,重建矩阵512×512,旋转时间1 s/r,重建层厚0.6 mm,重建间隔0.3 mm,分别改变管电流(380、300、200、160、120和80 mA)和螺距(0.8、1.0和1.2)进行扫描和重建,然后对颞骨进行横断面、冠状面和双斜面多平面重组,于重组后的横断层面图像上选取弓形下窝、鼓膜张肌腱、面神经隐窝、前庭导水管和锥隆起5个解剖结构,冠状面重组图像上选取盾板、横嵴、蜗窗、面神经的蛇眼征和锤骨外侧韧带5个解剖结构,双斜面重组图像上选取锤骨、砧骨、镫骨、上骨半规管和面神经管5个解剖结构,在双盲的情况下由放射学专家分别对各管电流和螺距下扫描的重组图像进行评分,随后进行统计学处理,从中筛选出满足诊断要求的最低管电流值和最大的螺距,分别采用患者25例(15耳)用该管电流值和螺距验证其可行性;然后利用模体分别测试各管电流和螺距下的图像的空间分辨率、噪声及其剂量长度积,并对测试所得参数数值进行比较和统计学处理。

Base on the summarization of the 50 years safety and high efficient coal mining achievements with hydraulic powered shield supports in Huainan coal mines the paper analyzed the rational layout of the gateway,optimized geometric parameters of thecoal mining face,improvement in potential,reform and invonvation,production process control,mien water and mine fire prevention and control,the siutbal conditions for the pseudo inclined coal mining with flexible shild support and other key technologies.


Of medium length, broad between the ears; forehead line seen in profile is moderately arched; zygomatic arch and stop well developed with strong broad upper and lower jaws.


A number of significant conclusions are proposed. For the first time,double arciform strain of the soil nailing is observed in the miscellaneous fill. It is considered as the result that there are two potential slide planes in the miscellaneous fill. The critical anchorage length is analyzed and determined for the first,which is 9 m in this experiment. T...

首次测得并分析了杂填土中土钉的双弓形应变分布形态,指出这是填土边坡中存在2个或以上潜在滑动面的结果;首次测得并分析了土钉临界锚固长度,指出在本试验条件下,其长度约为9 m,并认为临界锚固长度是应变峰值点、零值点和破坏点同时发生转移而形成,锚固类结构均具有此特点。

An organ or structure having a curved or bowlike appearance, especially either of two arched sections of the bony structure of the foot.


Anatomy An organ or structure having a curved or bowlike appearance, especially either of two arched sections of the bony structure of the foot.


A projecting gallery at the top of a castle wall, supported by a row of corbeled arches and having openings in the floor through which stones and boiling liquids could be dropped on attackers.


A row of small corbeled arches used as an ornamental architectural feature.


The distance difference between 6/8/6/4 taxoids and 5/7/6/4 taxoids indicates that the role of oxetane is to form a suitable bow-shaped skeleton with 6/8/6 tricycle.


The gas burning lime upright stove is improved at Jigang. The cylinder form was changed as rectangular plus arcuate forms, the structure of lime discharge machine was redesigned, the air and gas heat exchangers are connected in series in dedusting flue. The rate of raw and over burning of lime is less than 7%, the breakages of tooth and shafts on lime discharge machine are decreased and gas is saved.


更多网络解释与弓形结构的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


65archeda. 弓形(结构)的 | 66arida. 干旱的 | 67armoureda. 穿戴盔甲的;装甲的

branchial cyst:鳃裂囊肿

(2) 鳃裂囊肿(branchial cyst) 为先天性发育异常. 胚胎期时,颈部发育与鳃弓、鳃裂的衍变关系密切. 鳃弓是中胚层增殖而成的弓形隆起,平行排列,左右共5对. 各鳃弓间则为4对由外胚层上皮组成的鳃裂. 正常情况下,鳃弓、鳃裂最终衍变成颈部肌肉、血管等结构.


上下颌牙的牙根生长在牙槽窝内,其牙冠按照一定的顺序、方向和位置彼此邻接,排列成弓形,称为牙列(dentition)或牙弓(dental arch). 上颌者称为上牙列(弓),下颌者称为下牙列(弓). 上下牙列按照一定的对应关系咬合,合面各凸凹结构密切接触,在接触-分开-再 ...

Sphenodon punctatus:斑点楔齿蜥

两个正常眼睛之间有一松果眼,功能斑点楔齿蜥(Sphenodon punctatus)不详. 在头骨下方眼睛後部有一个骨头突出的弓形结构,由太阳穴部位的两大开口形成(顳窝). 蜥蜴无此结构,故被普遍引为证据说明楔齿蜥不是蜥蜴,而是几乎要灭绝的喙头目的幸存者.


archcore 拱心 | archecentric 建筑的;建筑中心的;与建筑有关的;指定一种建筑的 | arched 弓架结构的;弓形的;拱形的;弧形的