英语人>词典>汉英 : 弄甜 的英文翻译,例句
弄甜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dulcify  ·  dulcified  ·  dulcifies  ·  dulcifying

更多网络例句与弄甜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Soup does very well without--Maybe it's always pepper that makes people hot-tempered,' she went on, very much pleased at having found out a new kind of rule,'and vinegar that makes them sour--and camomile that makes them bitter--and--and barley-sugar and such things that make children sweet-tempered.


For I told him we must not presume to eat of our patroon's bread, he said that was true; so he brought a large basket of rusk of their kind, and three jars with fresh water into the boat


For I told him we must not presume to eat of our patroon's bread, he said that was true; so he brought a large basket of rusk of their kind, and three jar s with fresh water into the boat


Drupe obliquely ovoid to oblong-ovoid, compressed, 3–4.3 × 2–3 cm, densely pubescent, base mostly subtruncate, apex pointed to somewhat obtuse; mesocarp thin, splitting at maturity; endocarp yellowish white to brown, ovoid, broadly ellipsoid, or shortly oblong, asymmetric on both sides, 2.5–3(–4) cm, hard to fragile, ventral suture curved and ± acutely keeled, dorsal suture generally straight, surface smooth and pitted with or without shallow furrows, base obliquely truncate to orbicular-truncate. Seed sweet or bitter.

花柱长于雄蕊核果的斜卵球形到长圆形卵球形,压扁, 3-4.3 * 2-3 厘米,密被短柔毛,多数基于,顶指向稍钝;中果皮薄,成熟时劈开;内果皮淡黄白色的到棕色,卵圆形,宽椭圆形或者不久长方形,不对称的两面, 2.5-3(-4)厘米,对脆,腹面缝硬弄弯和尖锐龙骨状的多少,种子甜的或难以接受。

Meanwhile, a Turkish native named David Avayou, who had owned several ice cream shops in New Jersey, claimed that he started selling edible cones at the St. Louis Fair because he'd long known about French ice cream cones of pastry, or even of paper or metal.

同时,一位名叫David Avayou的土耳其当地人,其在新泽西拥有几间冰淇淋店,声称是他在圣路易斯世博会上首创可食用的锥形筒,因为他早就认识到用薄饼、纸或者金属弄成锥形制作的法国甜筒。

更多网络解释与弄甜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


dulcet /优美的/美妙的/美味的/悦耳的/ | dulciana /风琴音栓的一种/ | dulcify /弄甜/使愉快/使柔和/


dulcettoothsomeyummy 美味的 | dulcify 弄甜 | dulcify 使柔和


dulcify 弄甜 | dulcify 使柔和 | dulcifyexhilarate 使愉快


calcify 使硬化,钙化 | dulcify 把...弄甜,使愉快,使柔和 | edify 陶冶,启发

美妙的(声音) (dulcify v. 把...弄甜;使愉快):dulcet adj

muted adj. (声音)减弱的,变得轻柔的 | dulcet adj. 美妙的(声音) (dulcify v. 把...弄甜;使愉快) | euphonious adj. 悦耳的

mashed potatoes:马铃薯泥

肉汁(Gravy)~美国人很爱这道菜,用牛肉罐头汤底或是煮肉留下来的高汤弄的浓浓稠稠,洒在马铃薯泥(Mashed Potatoes)上,吃起来才有味道. 调味比台湾卤肉汁口感层次少了很多,单纯的咸咸稠稠酱汁. 焗烤甜蕃薯泥(Sweet Potatoes Cassrole)~内层是甜软的红甜蕃薯泥,


sweetening /把味道弄甜/使味道变甜美之物/甜的调味料/ | sweeter /全景分析器/ | sweetheart /情人/爱人/爱慕/求爱/

Thanks, sweetie:谢谢 甜心

Need a roadie?|需要经理人吗? | Thanks, sweetie.|谢谢 甜心 | Should I call mom, and we can just make thisa full-fledged humphrey affair?|我该给妈妈打电话吗? 我们可以把它弄成一个Humphrey家族活动

half a minute later:半分钟后

put it in a blender 摆进搅拌机里 | half a minute later 半分钟后 | i got myself one big sweet cranberry milkshake 我为自己弄好了一大杯的甜红梅奶昔