英语人>词典>汉英 : 弄圆 的英文翻译,例句
弄圆 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
orb  ·  round  ·  orbing  ·  orbs

更多网络例句与弄圆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I like the color of this corduroy roll bag. White gets dirty easily, but it will brighten up your look.


17 To 12 * 12 * 11 The result is, most great to see a doctor to eat Pills Queensland, on BC-month follicle is a very good round, but did not succeed failed to grasp the opportunity this month to eat do not know the drugs are of no use, there is no chance of immature follicles, the largest non-up may be due to washing foot massage, doctors said he would let the弄散follicle, it is no wonder there are many follicles but not dominant follicle, what I eat now Pills follicle-kun will you grow up, week 2 to BC, I hope it will be great together.


He rounded a corner and a large hulking goon appeared before him, cutting him off.


His eyes had rounded in fright and agitation, and he battered her in his struggling to escape.


Pipefish out my tweezers, first lock on the fan rotor to chip removed, that is kind of like a circle, a small gap in the middle of the ring, do not lost Oh.


I just rounded the corners so it will be comfortable enough to hold.


Jay rounded him, unexhausted, reaching back for his shuriken's sheath to finish him off.

鸟把他弄圆了,未尽的,为他的 shuriken's 的鞘向后地到达结束他的性命。

Preshape the pieces by gently pressing on them and then pulling the edges to meet in the center, as if you were forming a pouch.


Lymphatic sub-type constitution characterized by condensed, rounded, well-defined, less converging, white to off-white tophi, with beginnings of pigmentation.

被浓缩被表示的特色淋巴的子类型组织,把~弄圆,定义明确的,比较少量聚合,白色的 tophi 的白色,藉由染色的开始。

There are two types of switches :"heavy"X-shaped ones and "soft" round ones soft switches are activated when any part of your block presses it.hard switches require much more pressure,so your block must be standing on its end to activate it.

有 switches:&的二类型重的\&X-作形了一和把他弄圆当你的区段的任何部份压 it.hard 开关的时候,软的开关被刺激需要更多压力,因此你的区段一定在它的结束上站立刺激它。

更多网络解释与弄圆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

crumple up:起皱, 打垮, 使崩溃

crumpet | 一种松脆的圆饼 | crumple up | 起皱, 打垮, 使崩溃 | crumple | 弄皱, 压皱, 变皱, 崩溃, 垮台

Finger grips:指套 剪刀的环套

Finger dry 手梳法 利用指头划过头发来将头发弄干的方法 | Finger grips 指套 剪刀的环套 | Finger round cut 指圆剪 利用手指弯曲将头发整型

Finger grips:觉得撒韩国进口答复进口 指套 剪刀的环套

Finger dry 手梳法 利用指头划过头发来将头发弄干的方法 | Finger grips 觉得撒韩国进口答复进口 指套 剪刀的环套 | Finger round cut 指圆剪 利用手指弯曲将头发整型


然后返回我被困的船舱(Hold),先以湿海绵弄掉招贴画(Poster),再以木塞起子把墙上的圆木块(Knob)拔掉. 由洞往外看,见到黑人约拉巴(Yoruba). 经过一番交谈,我保证让他得到自由后,约拉巴给了我一把刀子(Knife). 向右转便会见到木柱(Post),


向左转,可看到一个水泵(Pump),先以油润滑手柄(Use oil on Handle),再用水泵抽走水(Use Handle). 拿走铁链上的木塞起子(Corkscrew). 然后返回我被困的船舱(Hold),先以湿海绵弄掉招贴画(Poster),再以木塞起子把墙上的圆木块(Knob)拔掉.


当他俯伏在板伏地挺身(push up)板时,呈充血状态的阳具,竟离奇困在1吋直径(约2.5公分)的圆孔内,无法拔出,只好报警求助. 救援人员赶至时,发现事主的短裤褪至大腿并痛苦呻吟,医护人员替其打镇静针,但弄至阳具流血仍无法脱困.


当他俯伏在板伏地挺身(pushup)板时,呈充血状态的阳具,竟离奇困在1吋直径(约2.5公分)的圆孔内,无法拔出,只好报警求助. 救援人员赶至时,发现事主的短裤褪至大腿并痛苦呻吟,医护人员替其打镇静针,但弄至阳具流血仍无法脱困.

round on sb:反驳[攻击]某人, 告某人的密

round in [航海]拉紧索 | round on sb. 反驳[攻击]某人, 告某人的密 | roundout 变圆, 完成, 弄齐全

Round to:(艇)顶风停下, 恢复健康

round on sb. 反驳[攻击]某人, 告某人的密 | roundout 变圆, 完成, 弄齐全 | round to (艇)顶风停下, 恢复健康


bobble || 轻摇, 失误 漏接,弄坏 | bobbly || 跳动的不平的圆块状的 | bobby calf || 初生之犊