英语人>词典>汉英 : 弄卷 的英文翻译,例句
弄卷 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
curl  ·  curls

更多网络例句与弄卷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To straighten hair by a chemical process conk .


To straighten by a chemical process; conk.


She got out her curling iron. She turned her short hair into many little curls.


My hair is naturally curly, so I'd like it straightened.


One of his hands curled in on itself and the tendons in his solid forearm shifted.


Bindings worn, some corners showing cardboard at tips, hinges rubbed, most hinges starting to crack at top and bottom, 3 upper hinges cracked along half the length but covers still holding, some spines slightly chipped at top or bottom, title label missing on Volume I, label slightly chipped on 3 volumes, inscription to all pastedowns, occasional light staining and light soiling mainly to margins and chiefly in Volume I, some ink splashed on fore-edges of Volume II, just showing at edge of title page, small piece torn from fore-edge of 1 page in Volume I with loss of about 3 words on recto and verso, small closed tear to margin in Volume III, 2 in Volume IV, 1 just entering text, all neatly repaired with no loss of text, small piece missing from 1 corner in Volume V, no loss of text, title page of Volume VII slightly browned and with small piece missing from fore-edge margin, small hole in 1 text page with loss of a few letters, all still easily legible, map of the world has several repairs to reverse, no loss of image, plus several misfolds, lightly browned along 1 vertical fold, some calculations in old ink on reverse of 1 map, tiny hole in 1 map with very slight loss, a small brown stain to 1 plate, 3 tiny holes in lower margin of 1 plate.


Jun giggled as she watched him uncurl, uncoil, his long legs just going on and on and on.

/ 当她看的时候,六月吃吃地笑,他不弄卷,解,仅仅继续的他长腿和在之上。

Ken forced his fists to uncurl.

/ 肯恩压迫了他的拳头不弄卷

Your hair wants to make it is curlier to do it straight?


He set Sara down on the beat-up sofa, where she curled under her blanket and dropped off again.


更多网络解释与弄卷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


材料:薄熏鲑鱼片5片儿,洋生菜内叶5片儿,纯酸乳酪1/2个,捣碎的洋葱2大匙,马槟榔(caper)与鱼子酱或燕鱼子少许. 制作过程:将洋生菜片弄成圆形,大小能一口吃下,在上面放上切成适当大小的鲑鱼后卷起来,


"第二首说:"况从丱(guan)角游,弄兹莲叶碧. "第三首说:"恭承骨肉惠,永奉笔墨欢. "第五首说:"念我同胞生,旃裘拥戈寐,"这是兼忆子猷从军的话(>卷三叶七>一诗,可证). 第九首则说:"伯氏值数奇,形骸恒放荡.


手头有卷胶带,要弄一段下来贴东西,可是手头又没剪刀,用牙齿吧实在是味道不太好--相信这生活中的小场景大家都遇到过,Paul Sandip更是深有体会,于是他设计了一款叫做带虫(TapeWorm)小玩意.


uncured 未处治的 | uncurl 弄直卷着东西 | uncurl 使变直


uncured /未处治的/ | uncurl /弄直卷着东西/使变直/ | uncus /钩回/


unwound 未卷绕的 | unwrap 打开 | unwrinkle 将弄平

weft crackiness:稀弄

"纬纱管;纾管","weft cop" | "稀弄","weft crackiness" | "纬卷缩","weft curling"


ringleted 弄成卷发的 | ringleted 有卷发的 | ringmaster 表演指导者


ringleader 魁首 | ringleted 弄成卷发的 | ringleted 有卷发的

Get some burritos or something:弄点墨西哥卷饼或什么的

I'm about to go get some|celebratory Slushees.|我去买点冰镇饮料庆祝一下 | Get some burritos or something.|弄点墨西哥卷饼或什么的 | Something to drink too.|Something good.|再买点喝的,好喝的