英语人>词典>汉英 : 异配子的 的英文翻译,例句
异配子的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与异配子的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ananisogamy The sexual fusion of nonidentical gametes. Anisogamy grades from situations in which the gametes differ only in size to the extreme of oogamy, in which one gamete is a large nonmotile ovum and the other a small motile sperm.


While mammals are characterized by male heterogamety 〔XX female, XY male〕, birds are characterized by female heterogamety〔ZZ male, ZW female〕.


The larger, usually female of two conjugating gametes in a heterogamous organism.


The smaller of a pair of conjugating gametes, usually the male, in an organism that reproduces by heterogamy.


In particular, it has remained unclear how oogamy arose from isogamy, a more simple form of sex in which ery similar reproductie cells take on different "mating types" but do not differentiate as distinct sperm and egg.


Either of two conjugating gametes that differ in structure or behavior, such as the small, motile male spermatozoon and the larger, nonmotile female ovum.


In their new work, the researchers established a genetic connection between male sexuality of an oogamous multicellular green algae species, Pleodorina starrii, and one of the mating types of its isogamous ancestor, the unicellular alga Clamydomonas reinhardtii.

在这项最新研究中,研究人员让一种异配生殖多细胞绿藻(Pleodorina starrii藻)与其同配生殖单细胞祖先(Clamydomonas reinhardtii藻)的其中一种配子类型进行雄性配子结合,从而建立两种藻类的遗传学联系。

In particular, it has remained unclear how oogamy arose from isogamy, a more simple form of sex in which ery similar reproductie cells take on different "mating types" but do not differentiate as distinct sperm and egg.


This heterosynapsis at early stage of meiosis in rearranged autosomes, results in unbalanced germs and pregnancy wastages.


It was preliminarily assumed that Z〓Z〓 hybrids were fertile male, and Z〓W〓 hybrids were abnormal and sterile. Negative interactions between Z chromosome from H. assulta and W chromosome from H. armigera maybe the major reasons for abnormality of hybrids.


更多网络解释与异配子的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在形状和结构上相同,但大小和运动能力不同,大而运动能力迟缓的为雌配子(female gamete),小而运动能力强的为雄配子(male gamete),此两种配子的结合称为异配生殖(anisogamy).

heterogamete:异形配子 (名)

heteroecism 异种寄生 (名) | heterogamete 异形配子 (名) | heterogametic 形成两种胚细胞的; 异形配子的 (形)


heterogametism 异形配子形成 | heterogamety 配子异型 | heterogamous 异形配子的


heterogamety 配子异型 | heterogamous 异形配子的 | heterogamy 花型异性

heterogamous:异形配子的; 世代交替的; 异配生殖的 (形)

heterogametic 形成两种胚细胞的; 异形配子的 (形) | heterogamous 异形配子的; 世代交替的; 异配生殖的 (形) | heterogamy 配子异型; 世代交替; 异配生殖 (名)


如果融合的两个配子在大小、形状上相似,仅生理机能上不同,则称为同形配子(isogamete),同形配子的生殖称同配生殖(isogamy). 如果融合的两个配子在大小、形状及机能上均不相同,则称异形配子(heterogamete),


dig 掘 | digametic 异配子的 | digamist 再婚者


\\"扩散常数\\",\\"diffusion constant\\" | \\"异配子型的\\",\\"digametic\\" | \\"异型配子\\",\\"digamety\\"

digametic:异配子的 (形)

dig up 掘起; 发现; 挖出 | digametic 异配子的 (形) | digamy 再婚 (名)

heterogametic:形成两种胚细胞的; 异形配子的 (形)

heterogamete 异形配子 (名) | heterogametic 形成两种胚细胞的; 异形配子的 (形) | heterogamous 异形配子的; 世代交替的; 异配生殖的 (形)