英语人>词典>汉英 : 异种组织 的英文翻译,例句
异种组织 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

heterologous tissue
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Objective To investigate bio characteristics of bone stromal cells in different concentrations of alginate combined with xenograft.

目的 探讨不同浓度的海藻酸盐凝胶与去抗原异种骨构建组织工程载体的生物学性能。

In this paper, callus culture, derived from leaf or petal, and capitulum culture combined with irradiation of γ-ray for mutation were introduced.


So study on bone tissue engineering are becoming one of the hot points in the field of Orthopaedic research.


This improved establishment xenogenic deproteinizated bone scaffold immunogenicity is lower, do not affect autogeneic MSCs ossify, and if it compound with rhBMP2, its ossify ability equivalency with autogenous bone.

改良法制备异种脱蛋白骨能够作为组织工程支架修复山羊胫骨大段骨缺损; 4。

That first, these are organized by the animal transplanting often is able to be discriminated against by human being's immunity system; Secondly, these animal self's a little virus is in the cards meeting be infected by to human being body inner; After once again, last phase dies because xenogenesis organ transplants since in 1990's, the more and more few people is ready to attempt xenogenesis organ transplanting.


Methods The specimens which were identified as osteosarcoma were cultured primarily in vitro. The surviving cells underwent morphological observation, histochemical staining, isoenzyme pedigree determination, cell cycling analysis, karyotype analysis and heterotransplantation.


The experimental model of the spinal fusion in the lumbar intertransverse process was produced in 24 male goats aged 6-8 months, which were divided into 3 groups according to different implant graft.


The experimental model of the spinal fusion in the lumbar intertransverse process was produced in 24 male goats aged 6-8 months, which were divided into 3 groups according to different implant graft.


Methods MSCs were cultured with inbred line small-ear cancellous bone of Ban Na pigs . A 1.5 centimeter segmental defect was created in the mid-upper part of the radial shaft of adult rabbit. The defects were implanted into composited xenogeneic bone in experimental group and xenogeneic bone alone in control group , the defects were not filled with anything in blank group . The repair capability of the defects was assessed by scan electron microscope before operation and physical , histology, X-ray , transmission electron microscope, SPECT and bone mineral density examinations 4 , 8 and 12 weeks after operation .


To provide basic parameters of evaluating the biological safety of xenotransplantation from pig to human, ear tissues from 31 individuals were randomly collected from a Shazi Ling pig population. PCR and RT-PCR were performed to detect porcine endogenous retrovirus proviral DNA and mRNA respectively. The sensitivity of the PCR was evaluated using a positive control.

为评价从猪到人异种移植的生物安全性提供依据,从湖南沙子岭猪的保种群内随机采集31头个体的耳样组织,应用PCR和RT-PCR技术分别检测这些组织中内源性逆转录病毒(porcine endogenous retrovirus,PERV)的前病毒DNA和mRNA,并对PCR扩增的灵敏性进行评估。

更多网络解释与异种组织相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


heterophthalmia 两眼异色 | heteroplasia 发育异常 | heteroplasty 异种组织移植术


heterophytic 异养植物的 | heteroplasia 组织异生 | heteroplastic graft 异种移植片


异形吸虫 Heterophyes heterophyes | 异地产生,发育异常 heteroplasia | 异种组织 heteroplasm


heteroplasia 发育异常 | heteroplasty 异种组织移植术 | heteroploidy 异倍体性

Plastic Surgery:整形外科学

整形外科学(plastic surgery)的治疗范围主要是皮肤、肌肉及骨骼等创伤、疾病、先天性或后天性组织或器官的缺陷与畸形. 治疗包括修复与再造两个内容. 以手术方法进行自体的各种组织移植,也可采用异体、异种组织或组织代用品来修复各种原因所造成的组织缺损或畸形,以改善或恢复生理功能和外貌

Tissue Engineering:组织工程

"组织工程"(tissue engineering)的发展为解决这一问题带来新的希望. 应用组织工程的方法再造组织与器官所用的各类细胞统称为种子细胞,是组织工程的基本要素. 组织工程食管的种子细胞主要来源为自体、同种异体及异种组织的细胞等,


所谓同种的(homologous)指正常见于子宫之组织,如平滑肌、内膜基质(endometrial stroma)、血管及纤维组织;异种的(heterologous)则指非子宫原有之组织,如软骨、数百万在校女学生将会接受疫苗,在她们拥有性生活前,提前预防人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV).


heteroplanobios 河流漂浮生物 | heteroplasm 异种组织 | heteropl asmon 异质体

heteroplastic graft:异种移植片

heteroplasia 组织异生 | heteroplastic graft 异种移植片 | heteroplasty 异种移植

heteroplastic transplantation:异种组织移植

异型游走孢子 heteroplanogametes | 异种组织移植 heteroplastic transplantation | 异倍性(染色体) heteroploidy