英语人>词典>汉英 : 异常 的英文翻译,例句
异常 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abnormality  ·  abnormally  ·  abnormity  ·  thundering  ·  unconventionality

out of the common · out of the ordinary
更多网络例句与异常相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The SSTA of February and August in 1998 had two peaks, while the wind speed reached its maximum minus anomalies in January and August. In order to find the circulation anomaly in the South China Sea, the circulation of 19952000 had been calculated by the ECOM hydrodynamic numerical model. The elevation and circulation of January and August in 1998 indicated that there were great anomaly of elevation and circulation after this El Nio event.(1)In January, the whole South China Sea had positive sea level anomaly and anticyclonic velocity anomaly, so the cyclonic circulation was weaker than normal.(2) In August, the South China Sea had positive sea level anomaly, especially stronger in the east of Vietnam, and cyclonic velocity anomaly in south, anticyclonic velocity in north, especially strong in the east of Vietnam. So the cyclonic gyre in the north and the anticyclonic gyre in the south were both weaker than normal, and an anticyclonic gyre appeared in the east of Vietnam.


As for 60 patients with MV, 45 suffered from motion sckness; 20 were sensitive to motion; 32 had photophobia and phonophobia; 45 had migraine ; 16 had abnormal ocular motion function; 3 had abnormal cerebral MRI and 40 had abnormal results in high stimulating rate ABR.


By using these anomaly evaluation methods, we fail to have a good understanding of the superficial appearance and essence from the development and evolution of the petrogenetic and metallogenic system, and the constraining of anomalies by supergene factors, genetic mechanism of anomalies and geological-geochemical environment produced by anomalies are less studied and only the information of the anomaly itself is extracted and used.


Results Of 10 cases with internal impingements,MR showed infraspinatus abnormalities were 8 cases.Supraspinatus abnormalities were 4 cases.Labral abnormalities were 9 cases.Posterosuperior humeral head damage were 10 cases.10 cases with subacromial impingement.MR showed infraspinatus abnormalities were 2 cases.Supraspinatus abnormalities were 8 cases.Labral abnormalities were 0 case.

结果 10例内在撞击综合征MR表现为冈下肌腱异常者8例,冈上肌腱异常者4例,盂唇异常者9例,肱骨头后上部异常10例。10例肩峰下撞击综合征MR表现为冈下肌腱异常者2例,冈上肌腱异常者8例,盂唇异常者0例,肱骨大结节异常8例。

Conventional MR showed supraspinatus abnormalities were two cases,MR arthrography showed supraspinatus abnormalities were four cases.Conventional MR showed Labral abnormalities were three cases,MR arthrography showed Labral abnormalities were six cases.Conventional MR showed capsule abnormalities were 0 cases,MR arthrography showed capsule abnormalities were four cases.Conventional MR showed bone abnormalities were eight cases,MRarthrographyshowedboneabnormalities were eight cases.


The analysis result shows that the basement fault anomalies control a few major large hidden batholiths and their associated orefieldsthat the anomalies of cover structure confine most Cu-Au deposits and Fe-Cu deposits within their scopethat the geochemical anomalies and lithofacies-paleogeographical anomalies are major geological factors leading to trataboundness of some Cu-Au depositsthat the anomalies of rock operties provide the favorable chemical and physical conditions for the ore-forming process, including the seepage, circulation,convergence and deposit of ore-bearing hydrothermal solutionthat the anomalous ctive stage of Mesozoic magmatite is almost consistent with the major mineralization epoch of the Fe,Cu deposits, and the structure of multi-levels,and the zoning in magmatic system determine the spatial distribution of the mineralization system.


By synthetically analyzing the variation characteristics of pre-earthquake anomaly before five moderate-strong earthquakes in East China since 1990,discussing the pre-earthquake anomalous shape of b value and so on we obtained the comprehensive criteria for medium and short-term earthquake anomaly before moderately strong earthquake in East China:high YH value anomaly—low b value anomaly—low C and YH value anomaly—low Ds and Dt and Σ value anomaly and high b value anomaly—earthquake.

通过对华东地区1990年以来5次中强以上地震震前异常变化的综合分析,探讨了b值,Ds,Dt,C值, YH值,Σ值震前异常形态,并归纳出华东地区中强地震发生前测震学中短期异常的综合判据:YH值高值异常(主要出现在震前3年前后)—b值低值异常(平均出现在震前2年前后)—C、YH值低值异常(大体出现在震前1~2年前后)—Ds,Dt值低值异常、Σ值低值异常、b值高值异常(主要出现在震前1年内或稍长)—发震的模式。

If these abnormities were laid according as frequency among 2-6 months,reflex abnormities are knee tendon reflex, palmar grasp reflex,...

其中 2— 6个月组,4个方面的异常项目按出现多少分别排列为:①反射异常:膝反射、手持握反射、巴氏征、非对称性颈肢反射、踝阵挛、坐位平衡反应、踏步反射、交叉伸展反射、紧张性迷路反射、躯干侧弯反射、拥抱反射;②姿势异常:仰卧翻成侧卧头后仰≥ 15°、立位悬垂、平卧颈后空隙≥1cm、俯卧悬垂、侧位悬垂、拉起、紧张性头偏斜、自发姿势异常;③肌张力异常:足背屈角、上肢围颈、手握拳、扶立足跟抬起≥ 3 0°、拇指交叉达掌心、窝角、内收角、跟耳角;④其他异常:头围≤ x -2s、斜视、主动运动减少/异常、听觉异常、视觉异常、眼颤、癫痫。

We also used the latent heat daily data、sensible heat daily data、relative humidity data and OLR daily data from NCEP-DOE Reanalysis2 which formed as 2.5-degree latitude x 2.5-degree longitude global grid with 144x73 points(1982~2005). The data of subtropic high ridge offered by Bational Climate Center . With singular value decomposition analysis, we studied key region of ocean-atmosphere interaction in the mid-latitudes in the Pacific. Second, by using wavelet analysis to study the character of the key regions of SST.Moreover the correlation analysis can help us to understand the reason of the cold water formed and the physical process of ocean-atmosphere interaction in the mid-latitudes in the Pacific. There are three mostly SVD modes which contribution reach to 70%,So the three mostly modes can reflect the mostly structure in the key region.


This earthquake occurred at edge of 2003 year seismically risk zone. In this paper, on the basis of main evidence of the year risk zone and anomaly tracking, the authors analyzed the precursory anomalies including groundwater level of Dadianzi well and Kulun; water radon of Kailu well before MS5. 9 earthquake. At the same time, the authors also analyzed and studied the precursory anomalies around Inner Mongolia region. The ...


更多网络解释与异常相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

异常损耗 abnormal spoilage 异常损耗:abnormal spoilage

8 1 abnormal cost 异常成本 abnormal cost 异常成本 | 9 1 abnormal spoilage 异常损耗 abnormal spoilage 异常损耗 | 10 1 above par 超过票面价值 above par 超过票面价值

checked exception:被检查的异常

异常先占了个位子,以 后就可以抛出这种异常而不用修改已有的代码.在定义抽像基类和接口时这种能力很重要,这样派生类或接口实现就能够抛出 这些预先声明 的异常.这种在编译期被强制检查的异常称为"被检查的异常" (checked exception) .

exception handling:异常处理、异常处理机制

exception declaration 异常声明 | exception handling 异常处理、异常处理机制 | exception specification 异常规范

exception declaration:异常宣告 异常声明

exception ;异常情况 ;异常 | exception declaration ;异常宣告 ;异常声明 | exception handling ;异常处理/异常处理机制 ;异常处理/异常处理机制

exception declaration:异常声明 异常宣告

exception Handling Unwinding 异常处理回溯 异常处理回溯 | exception declaration 异常声明 异常宣告 | exception handler 异常处理常式 异常处理常式


e) 2.5 异常(Exceptions) 2.5.1 异常类型及其处理过程 2.5.2 异常优先级(Exception Priorities)和异常向量(Exception Vectors) 2.5.3 应用程序中的异常响应 2.5.4 异常返回 2.6 复位 2.7 协处理器接口 2.7.1 协处理器概述 2.7.2 ARM7TDMI与协处理器的协同关系 2.7.3 协处理器使用中的若干问题 习题 2第3章 ARM指令的特点和寻

exception handler:(异常处理器)

运行时系统向后搜寻调用堆栈,从错误发生的函数,一直到找到一个包括合适的异常处理器(exception handler)的函数. 一个异常处理器是否合适取决于抛出的异常是否和异常处理器处理的异常是同一种类型. 因而异常向后寻找整个调用堆栈,

runtime exception:运行时异常

Exception: 由程序处理的异常,分为运行时异常(Runtime Exception)和非运行时异常(None Runtime Exception). 运行时异常就是编译器编译的时候发现不了,只有在运行的时候才报错的异常;而非运行时异常则是指编译的时候就能发现的异常.


第4章 异常处理 4.1 异常类的层次 4.2 间接抛出异常(throws) 间接抛出异常(throws) 4.3 直接抛出异常(throw) 直接抛出异常(throw) 4.4 trytry-catch 异常处理结构 4.5 自定义异常 4.6 正确使用异常 4.1 异常类的层次 1.Error类 .


肌张力异常(dystonia)是一组由身体骨骼肌的协同肌和拮抗肌的不协调,间歇持续收缩造成的重复的不自主运动和异常扭转姿势的症状群. 故又称肌张力异常综合征(dystonic syndr...肌张力异常简介:肌张力异常(dystonia)是一组由身体骨骼肌的协同肌和拮抗肌的不协调、间歇持续收缩造成的重复的不自主运动和异常扭转姿势的症状群.