英语人>词典>汉英 : 开辟新天地 的英文翻译,例句
开辟新天地 的英文翻译、例句


break new ground · break fresh ground
更多网络例句与开辟新天地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is in accidentally, open up a of Chinese media new scope of operation.


China will break the ground in this field.


Because I want to break new ground here, the spread of Buddhism throughout the world, and this is my wish to power.


As the industry leader, we will, as always, play to our strengths, keep making progress, in order to quickly grasp the market demand, break new ground.


Break new ground in science.


Lasses are as beautiful as flowers, lads are bright and broad minded, for the sake of establishing a new world, we are shaking the still mountains awake and making the rivers over.


Also, without being actually positive, it struck him a great field was to be opened up in the line of opening up new routes to keep pace with the times apropos of the Fishguard-Rosslare route which, it was mooted, was once more on the tapis in the circumlocution departments with the usual quantity of red tape and dillydallying of effete fogeydom and dunderheads generally.


Moyan, an author for army, has created red broomcorn family , comrade in arms meet again , golden baby , fly , the woman cherishing flower , all of which broke the mode for depicting army men and opened a new field for army literature.


As part of it, Hubei oil painters, in the past two decades, had undergone an experimental process in their exploration from "new generation","short-distance","neo-objective","cynical realism","unfamiliarized schema" before they turned to approach to art itself.


The construction of the remarkable Three Gorges Project all over the world, migration and exploitation in the reservoir areas injected new vitalities to the development of Chongqing.


更多网络解释与开辟新天地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

break new ground:开垦处女地, 开辟新天地

break fresh ground 开垦处女地, 开辟新天地 | break new ground 开垦处女地, 开辟新天地 | break ground 破土, 动工, 开业[航海]开船

break new ground:开辟新天地

10: body of curators:大学管理部(馆长/管理者) | 11: break new ground:开辟新天地 | 12: life-support machine:呼吸机

Break the new ground:开辟新天地

Fed watcher 美联储观察员 | Break the new ground 开辟新天地 | Underscore vt. 强调

life-support machine:呼吸机

11: break new ground:开辟新天地 | 12: life-support machine:呼吸机 | 13: have a epileptic fit:癫痫病发作

break matrimony:通奸

break loose | 挣脱 | break matrimony | 通奸 | break new ground | 开垦处女地, 开辟新天地

thin on the ground:为数不多; 寥寥无几的

19 break new ground开垦处女地,开辟新天地; 创新 | Lose ground失去地盘; 处于不利的地位 | Thin on the ground为数不多; 寥寥无几的

Tiger Woods:(伍 兹)

在美商艺电位于硅谷的公司总部,游戏开发人员欣喜地发现 Wiimote 为> (The Godfather) 、> (Tiger Woods) 等游戏开辟了新的天地. 公司专为Wii游戏机开发了一款新游戏> (MySims) ,它将于今年秋季问世;

in the groove:轻而易举地完成;处于最佳状态,流行中(劲舞团)

17 lose your grip失去控制局面的能力 | 18 in the groove轻而易举地完成;处于最佳状态,流行中(劲舞团) | 19 break new ground开垦处女地,开辟新天地; 创新


创新: 创新(INNOVATING)是许多事业获得成功的诀窍.要办好任何一项事业,都要敢于走新的路.开辟新的天地.否则总是踏着前人的脚印走,是不可能取得卓著的成就的.创新在管理循环之中处于轴心的地位.成为推动管理循环的原动力.2.最早对经济思想进行系统论述的学者.首推美国经济学家.亚当,

body of curators:大学管理部(馆长/管理者)

9: appropriate a large sum of money:拨了大笔款项(earmark) | 10: body of curators:大学管理部(馆长/管理者) | 11: break new ground:开辟新天地