英语人>词典>汉英 : 开帐单 的英文翻译,例句
开帐单 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bill  ·  bills  ·  billed

render a bill
更多网络例句与开帐单相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Please find enclosed payment per account rendered.


I'll draw up your bill for you.


If certain units need the freight bill letter of credit import cargoes or the technology, China's bank will freeze in its account to be equal in the letter of credit amount fund achievement opens the card earnest money.


He composed the travellers' tariff card in a superior manner, but practised eyes sometimes spied out orthographical errors in it.


This is your room bill, please take it to check out in the Front Counter on the first floor in the end.


He receipted the bill .


An unusual animal inspires the name for this quirky arcade-style shooter! The action in Platypus unfolds in classic, side-scrolling style, as you pilot a duck-billed ship and destroy everything in your path.


My friend's comment start playing out in my head, along with a line from the Richard Gere movie Red Corner"And the cost of the bullet will be billed to your family."


Shily Xiao, a local-government employee, arrived in a battered compact car to pay off her credit-card bill.

当地政府的一位职员Shily Xiao开着一辆破烂的小汽车来付她的信用卡帐单。

The butcher shop will bill+[4] me for the meat I bought this month .


更多网络解释与开帐单相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


手工处理应收帐款时,通常采用的是乡村俱乐部开单法,即将当月发生的所有销货帐单(SalesCheck)寄给顾客,由其确认购货业务确已发生后再开出帐单(Bill). 若采用计算机系统进行应收帐款处理,则恰恰相反.


billbug | 喙甲谷象(其幼虫食谷类植物及谷粒) | biller | 开帐单的人 | billet and bar shears | 钢坯型钢剪切机

Biller Consolidator:开帐单的人合并人

Biller Access 开帐单的人调取 | Biller Consolidator 开帐单的人合并人 | Biller Direct Payment 出票人直接付款

Biller Access:开帐单的人调取

billed cancellation fee 已开帐单的取消费 | Biller Access 开帐单的人调取 | Biller Consolidator 开帐单的人合并人

Biller Service Provider:开帐单服务提供商

Biller Direct Payment 出票人直接付款 | Biller Service Provider 开帐单服务提供商 | biller 开帐单的人

biller's customer number:开帐单的人客户编号

biller 开帐单的人 | biller's customer number 开帐单的人客户编号 | billet 职位

billed cancellation fee:已开帐单的取消费

billed cancellation fee 开票的取消费 | billed cancellation fee 已开帐单的取消费 | Biller Access 开帐单的人调取

Ploceus pelzelni:苗条开帐单的织布工

Bertrand 的织布工, Ploceus bertrandi | 苗条开帐单的织布工, Ploceus pelzelni | Loango 织布工, Ploceus subpersonatus

render account:开出帐目; 结帐; 送呈帐单

remit account 划帐 | render account 开出帐目; 结帐; 送呈帐单 | render an account 开送帐单; 报帐

render an account:开送帐单; 报帐

render account 开出帐目; 结帐; 送呈帐单 | render an account 开送帐单; 报帐 | rent account 租金帐