英语人>词典>汉英 : 开垦地 的英文翻译,例句
开垦地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
assart  ·  thwaite

更多网络例句与开垦地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Taiwan area often have typhoon attracting during summer times. Typhoon brings abundant rainfall and the rainfall concentrates to the river, naturally washes out the main channel and the river high alluvion. When flood retreat, the exposed high alluvion can be widely used. Agriculture, plant and wetland, these places can increase zoology. On the other hand ,they baffle current of water flow. So this research focuses on different arrangement of flexible vegetation.


This is not just a stagecoach robbery in the Texas backwoods, but a key moment in world history, when an intelligent decision will mean the difference between life and death for thousands of innocent people.


Folklorist Francis Lee Utley has referred to this area of religious legends as "an uncharted wilderness" that requires the use of numerous sources, both written and oral, for its successful exploration.


Doth the plowman plow all day to sow? doth he open and break the clods of his ground?

28:24 那耕地为要撒种的,岂是常常耕地呢,岂是常常开垦耙地呢。

But these plant beds wedged into the Quartier Mombele – one of the unpaved slums of Kinshasa, the sprawling capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo – are examples of what many aid experts believe could save hundreds of thousands of people from hunger and malnutrition: urban gardens in the developing world's fast-growing cities.

但是这些地镶嵌在Quartier Mombele地区里-这是刚果民主共和国在山林中开垦出来的首都金沙萨-的一处贫民窟-这些土地是个样板,许多援助专家相信这可以将成千上万的人摆脱饥荒和营养不良:在发展中国家成长最快的城市推行市区种植地。

Fancy me yielding and melting, as I am doing: human love rising like a freshly opened fountain in my mind and overflowing with sweet inundation all the field I have so carefully and with such labour prepared — so assiduously sown with the seeds of good intentions, of self-denying plans.


The main results were summarized as follows: 1 After forestland was destroyed into farmland, the main erosion type changed from sheet erosion to intensive rill and severe shallow gully erosion, accelerated soil erosion was severe and erosion intensity was hundreds to thousands times greater than those in the forestland prior to deforestation.


In the coming years more wasteland will be opened up in a planned way.


The analyses of social and economic development indicate that, up to 1998, the total population in Yijinholo County is 143, 949 persons, the population density is 24 persons per square kilometer, large population number results in land exploitation for food and overgrazing in rangeland. The change in temporal and spatial pattern of landuse from 1977 to 1998 demonstrates that mobile sand dunes was replaced by rangeland and woodland and partial shrubland in the middle of study area changed into rangeland and farmland from 1977 to 1987, while mobile sand dunes and rangeland transformed into shrubland and farmland in a small parts from 1987 to 1998, the above-mentioned change is proved by the change of fractal dimension index and fragmentation index at landscape and its element levels.


In the wake of the Humans' departure, the crafty Goblin Trade Princes arrived on the jungle's shores and quickly set up their mining and deforesting operations.


更多网络解释与开垦地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

assart:开垦,开垦地 开垦

Assamese | 阿萨姆人, 阿萨姆的 | assart | 开垦,开垦地 开垦 | assassin | 暗杀者, 刺客


开胃酒 aperitif | 开垦地 assart | 揩油 hijack


backwind 使风转向 | backwoods 未开垦地 | backwoodsman 边远地区的

backwoods:未开垦地, (偏僻的森林地带)

backwood | 未开垦地, (偏僻的森林地带) | backwoods | 未开垦地, (偏僻的森林地带) | backwoodsman | 住在边远地区的人


backwind /回绕/倒片/ | backwoods /未开垦地/边远地区的人/ | backwoodsman /住在边远地区的人/

uncultivated land:未耕地,未开垦地

uncultivated field 未耕地 | uncultivated land 未耕地,未开垦地 | uncus of vertebral body 椎体钩

unreclaimed field:未改良的土地,未开垦地

unreclaimed area 未复田区 | unreclaimed field 未改良的土地,未开垦地 | unrecombined atoms 未重新组合的原子

virgin land;virgin soil:生荒地,未开垦地

生动的叙述/graphic narration | 生荒地,未开垦地/virgin land;virgin soil | 生活多变迁者/rolling stone

backwood:未开垦地, (偏僻的森林地带)

backwinder key | 回卷钥匙 | backwood | 未开垦地, (偏僻的森林地带) | backwoods | 未开垦地, (偏僻的森林地带)

reclaimed land:开垦地

reciprocal translocation 相互易位 | reclaimed land 开垦地 | reclaimed soil 开垦土