英语人>词典>汉英 : 建议 的英文翻译,例句
建议 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
advise  ·  advising  ·  instance  ·  proposal  ·  propose  ·  proposition  ·  recommendation  ·  submittal  ·  suggest  ·  suggestion  ·  propone  ·  suggesting  ·  advises  ·  instanced  ·  instances  ·  instancing  ·  proponed  ·  proponing  ·  proposes  ·  proposing  ·  propositioned  ·  propositioning  ·  propositions  ·  suggests  ·  propones  ·  suggestions

更多网络例句与建议相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His " A Modest Proposal 《一个小小的建议》" is generally taken as a perfect model.


L " A Modest Proposal 《一个小小的建议》" is a satire written by Swift and it is generally taken as a perfect model of satire.

。 《一个小小的建议》是由斯威夫特写的讽刺剧,它一般被认作是一部完美的讽刺剧典范。

Advice noun 建议 There's lots of advice in the book on baby care.


The advice to strengthen supervision and to enforce punishment is proposed to decrease information hiding phenomena of listed companies (or postponed disclosure, false disclosure) by game theoretic analysis of information disclosure between the companies with supervision or without it.


Based on the successful equity issurance by Kenmec Mechanical Engineering Company and the convertible bond offering by Foxconn Technology Group and the failed financing offered by Mosel Vitalic Inc, the following recommendations are made:(1) To the company seeking financing: The importance of evaluating a company's financing structure and industry development, proper selection of financing tools and timing for financing, and to understand the risks and impact of the choice of financing tools,(2) To the investor: the importance of detailed evaluation of the terms of offering and to understand the company's credit status and financial status and industry status, and be aware of the liquidity risk of the investment,(3) to the Securities and Futures Commission : to loosen up conditions for companies seeking financing, to tighten up control of information disclosure after the financing, allow more flexibility for companies seeking financing.


The labour market under the guidance of national plan should be established to regulate the development of higher education; 2. Providing service to the society should be one of the major functions of higher education institutions, and commercialization of higher education should be avoided meanwhile; 3. The rapid expansion of two or three year colleges should be a strategical goal in the higher education development plan for the seeable future; 4. The more closed links between higher education institutions and shools should be promoted.


Even under disadvantageous external environment, they were still positive. Passing through more than 1 year of resistances and difficult endeavor, finally they achieved the great success, making the European Union withdraw the suit. This is our first victory to European Union in antidumping suit after our country joins WTO. And this is also the first time that our mid- and small-scale enterprises got a win. So as a classical case, this suit is worth studying thoroughly. Through analyzing this case, we can find some experience and lessons behind the success.


The authors do not recommend rectal biopsy in all patients, but they note that "these group differences are important, as they suggest that different types of IBS may have different pathogenic mechanisms. By defining different 'key players' such as mast cells, lymphocytes, and EC cells, they suggest new specific pharmacological targets for therapy. They also suggest new objective measures such as plasma serotonin or serum tryptase with which we can seek to subclassify IBS and to identify those individuals who will respond to specific therapies."

作者并未建议所有患者进行直肠的组织切片检查,但是他们提到,这些组的差异是相当重要的,因为他们建议不同类型的 IBS可能有不同的病理机制,透过定义不同的关键如肥胖细胞、淋巴细胞和 EC 细胞,他们建议针对不同次族群以专一性疗法进行治疗,他们也建议我们以血浆中的血清素或血清中的胰蛋白酵素将IBS分类,如此可以将患者客观分类,进行专门的治疗。

advise 劝告;建议: He counselled them to give up the plan.


The proposal建议 was made by the former school inspector督学 Jim Rose in his preliminary report last year, and runs counter to established evidence about early learning : An over-formal way of working at the start risks switching没兴趣 children off reading - and chool.

这个建议是有前督学Jim Rose在他的去年的初步报告中提出的,并且运行反对建立关于早期教育的证据。一个过于正式的工作方法在开始的风险令孩子在学校-在阅读方面失去兴趣。

更多网络解释与建议相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


AspectJ 使用 建议(advice)一词来描述在 joinpoint 执行的代码. ObjectReplacement aspect 使用一条建议(在上面以蓝色突出显示). 建议本质上讲述"当遇到 JNDI 查找时,返回模仿对象而不是继续调用方法. "一旦模仿对象返回到客户机,

advise sb not to do sth:建议(劝)某人不要做某事

advise sb. against doing sth 建议(劝)某人不要做某事 | advise sb not to do sth 建议(劝)某人不要做某事 | advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事

advise sb not to do sth:建议某人(不)做某事

advise sth.建议某事 | advise sb. (not) to do sth.建议某人(不)做某事 | advise doing sth.建议做某事

advise sb. not to do sth = adcise sb. against doing sth:建议某人不要做

advise sb. to do sth 建议某人做...... | advise sb. not to do sth = adcise sb. against doing sth 建议某人不要做...... | advise doing sth 建议做......

The doctor advised a change of air:医生建议换换空气

advise v. 建议 | The doctor advised a change of air. 医生建议换换空气. | advise ding sth. 建议做某事


系列 型号 继数(本) 仕舞寸法(cm) 自重(g) 先径/元径(mm) 标准全长(m) 建议子线 建议零售价(RMB)系列 型号 继数(本) 仕舞寸法(cm) 自重(g) 先径/元径(mm) 标准全长(m) 建议子线 建议零售价(RMB)系列 型号 继数(本) 仕舞寸法(

Making suggestions:建议

注:提出建议(Making Suggestions)和约会(Making Appointments)均是>所规定的日常交际用语项目. 这两个日常交际用语项目均包括在本单元中,以提出建议为主. 我们可以这样理解:提出什么建议呢?应该是关于孩子们约定在何时、何地会面的建议.

Making suggestions:提出建议

注:提出建议(Making Suggestions)和约会(Making Appointments)均是>所规定的日常交际用语项目. 这两个日常交际用语项目均包括在本单元中,以提出建议为主. 我们可以这样理解:提出什么建议呢?应该是关于孩子们约定在何时、何地会面的建议.

Making suggestions:建议

注:提出建议(Making Suggestions)和约会(Making Appointments)均是<<大纲>>所规定的日常交际用语项目. 这两个日常交际用语项目均包括在本单元中,以提出建议为主. 我们可以这样理解:提出什么建议呢?应该是关于孩子们约定在何时、何地会面的建议.

Making suggestions:提出建议

注:提出建议(Making Suggestions)和约会(Making Appointments)均是<<大纲>>所规定的日常交际用语项目. 这两个日常交际用语项目均包括在本单元中,以提出建议为主. 我们可以这样理解:提出什么建议呢?应该是关于孩子们约定在何时、何地会面的建议.