英语人>词典>汉英 : 延髓的 的英文翻译,例句
延髓的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
medullary  ·  bulbar  ·  oblongatal

更多网络例句与延髓的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some structure occur lately, and the neurons emerge earlier, such as the hypoglossal nucleus, nucleus ambiguous and reticular formation.


The parasympathetic innervation of the heart originates in the medulla oblongata.


The above results show that the RTN has axonal connections with the pontine and medullary respiratory related structures.


Our vocal-control nuclei were studied in Fringilla montifringilla.


After HRP application to the rostral area (n=10), quite a number of labelled cells were distributed at the ventrolateral part of the nucleus of trapezoid body, the lateroventral periolivary nucleus and the retrotrapezoid nucleus. After HRP application to the caudal area (n=10), HRP labelled cells were mainly located at the lateral reticular nucleus and the ventral part of at the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus LPGi. After HRP application to the intermediate area (n=6), only 8HRP labelled cells were observed at the in 6rats. After HRP application to the control area (n=4), only 6HRP labelled cells were found at the rostral ventrolateral reticular nucleus.


The results are as follows:(1) immunoreactive neurons of NPY in medulla oblongata of Taihe silky fowl, New jianghan domestic chicken are mainly localized in the inferior olivary nucleus.


Increased expression of PENK mRNA was more marked in the ipsilateral dorsal horn of the spinal cord, especially in lamina Ⅲ-Ⅳ and the contralateral medulla, especially in the gigantocellular reticular nucleus, lateral paragigantocellar reticular nucleus and lateral reticular nucleus.

本实验用原位杂交技术对电针刺激后前脑啡肽mRNA在脊髓和延髓的表达进行了观察,发现给予大鼠单侧后肢电针刺激引起脊髓和延髓中PENK mRNA阳性神经元数显著增加,尤其是同侧脊髓背角各层PENK mRNA的表达,和对侧延髓网状结构如网状巨细胞核α部、网状巨细胞外侧旁核及外侧网状核中的PENK mRNA表达增加,这与脊髓上传的信号由同侧脊髓交叉到对侧脑干的走行方式是一致的。

The trilobed structure of the brain, lying posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata and inferior to the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemispheres, that is responsible for the regulation and coordination of complex voluntary muscular movement as well as the maintenance of posture and balance.


Cell bodies in the nucleus intermedius and the most anterior of nucleus motorius dorsalis nervi vagi et nucleus nervi glossopharyngei were labeled.

分别在延髓的内侧核(Nucleus intermediu,简称IM)和舌咽—迷走神经背运动核(Nucleus motorius dorsalis vagi nervi et nucleus nervi glossopharyngei,简称nⅨ—Ⅹ)的最首端获得标记细胞。

Antiemetic effect of small doses of inhibition medulla oblongata of the emetic chemical feelings areas, high doses inhibit the vomiting center.


更多网络解释与延髓的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

medulla oblongata:延髓

1)延髓(medulla oblongata)为脊髓伸入颅腔的延续部分. 下界平齐枕骨大孔,上界邻接脑桥下缘. 延髓前面的结构与脊髓相近似,有前正中裂、前外侧沟,前正中裂两侧有纵行隆起为锥体(pyramis),是皮质下行的锥体束构成. 在延髓的下半部,锥体束形成若干小束,


1.延髓(medulla)延髓居于脑的最下部,与脊髓相连;其主要功能为控制呼吸、心跳、消化等. 2.脑桥(pons)脑桥位于中脑与延脑之间. 脑桥的白质神经纤维,通到小脑皮质,可将神经冲动自小脑一半球传至另一半球,使之发挥协调身体两侧肌肉活动的功能.


medullary 髓质的 | medullary 延髓的 | medullary 骨髓的

suboccipital puncture:枕下穿刺,小脑延髓池穿刺:同

sternal puncture 胸骨穿刺:用适当的针从胸骨柄内抽取骨髓 | suboccipital puncture 枕下穿刺,小脑延髓池穿刺:同cisternal puncture | thecal puncture 脊椎膜穿刺


\\"味蕾\\",\\"bulb,taste\\" | \\"球状,延髓的\\",\\"bulbar\\" | \\"延脑中枢\\",\\"bulbar center\\"


bulbodium | 球茎 | bulbonuclear | 延髓神经核心的 | bulbospinal animal | 延髓动物

cisternal puncture:小脑延髓池穿刺:通过枕寰韧带穿刺小脑延髓池以抽取脑脊液

Bernard's puncture Bernard穿刺:实验医学上穿刺第四脑室底某点以造成糖尿的穿刺... | cisternal puncture 小脑延髓池穿刺:通过枕寰韧带穿刺小脑延髓池以抽取脑脊液 | diabetic puncture 糖尿穿刺:同Bernard餾 punctu...

rachidian bulb:延髓

rachidian 脊柱的 | rachidian bulb 延髓 | rachilysis 弯脊矫正术


spindle wave 梭波 | spinobulbar 脊髓延髓的 | spinobulbar tract 脊髓延髓径

spinobulbar tract:脊髓延髓径

spinobulbar 脊髓延髓的 | spinobulbar tract 脊髓延髓径 | spinocerebellar 脊髓小脑的