- 更多网络例句与廉价葡萄酒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Last week figures were released for the 2006 English wine harvest (which includes the produce of Welsh vineyards – the term English is retained to distinguish the produce of fresh grapes grown in Britain from "British wine", a much less appetising animal made from reconstituted grape concentrate imported in bulk from cheap suppliers).
Should I make more of a fuss about the cost of fine wine, or just bring plonk?
She was 'a moving party', Richard ineloquently explained one Wednesday as we sat on the sofa, drinking cheap wine.
Canada's wine industry 加拿大葡萄酒业 Outsourcing terroir 外包葡萄种植地 Sep 10th 2009 | OTTAWA From The Economist print edition Blended deceit from the nanny state 保姆政府的障眼法 Bottled here, not just cellared 这儿不仅酿造,而且还灌装葡萄酒 THE idea of Canadian wine invites disbelief in those who think of the country as being a frozen wilderness.
Even though they buy in smaller quantities, they save money by buying cut-price goods from cheaper outlets: kerbside haircuts not salons; open-air stalls not supermarkets; toddy not wine.
Even though they buy in smaller quantities, they save money by buying cut-price goods from cheaper outlets: kerbside haircuts not salons; open-air stalls not supermarkets; toddy not wine.
- 更多网络解释与廉价葡萄酒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
很不幸,麝香葡萄酒家族已经受到了名称相仿的马斯喀特尔葡萄酒(Muscatel)的牵连,那是一种廉价的加度葡萄酒,通常,有人专门为它的高酒精含量而饮用它. 在葡萄酒商店中所能看到的大多数麝香葡萄酒的风格跟这个可恶的劣酒没有多少相似之处.
Rose Water:玫瑰水
因为制自葡萄酒的酒精含有葡萄花醚. 如用马铃薯或玉蜀黍所制之酒精,必须先行脱臭. 将上述各种香油溶于浓酒精中,静置数日,时加摇震,然后用滤布滤过,使之澄清即成. 如欲造成廉价品,可用适量之玫瑰水(Rose Water)将之冲淡.
viniculture /葡萄栽培/ | viniferous /产葡萄酒的/适于酿造葡萄酒的/ | vino /廉价葡萄酒/
viniferous /产葡萄酒的/适于酿造葡萄酒的/ | vino /廉价葡萄酒/ | vinosity /酒质/