英语人>词典>汉英 : 康复医院 的英文翻译,例句
康复医院 的英文翻译、例句


convalescent hospital
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Objective: To analyze the causes of arrearage in China Rehabilitation Research Center through statistical methods.


To meet this need, a great many nursing homes and convalescent hospitals have been built.


DU Rong-gui,ZHAO Lin-lei.Department of geratology, Gansu Rehabilitation Center Hospital, Gansu 730000,China

作者:杜绒贵,赵琳蕾作者单位:730000 甘肃兰州,甘肃省康复中心医院老年病康复科

The time that you need to spend recovering from the surgery in hospital is about 24 hours.


Spring Kang the recovery equipment already developed, the brain paralysis child is restored to health the series, the hearing spoken language recovery series, hemiparalysis recovery series, the life auxiliary series, the non-barrier product line, listens the strength product line, the physical therapy series, the function appraisal series, the amputation patient is restored to health the series and so on 20 series 300 many kinds of specification model product, for the national 20 province's numerous General hospitals, the recover center, the FIMITIC system, the Welfare institution, organizations and so on sanatorium has provided the mass recovery equipment successively, satisfied disabled friend and senior citizen's demand.


The doctors were charmed by her undefeatable spirit.


She was transferred to a specialized rehabilitation hospital in the San Francisco Bay area. Whatever therapies could be applied to her case were used, the therapists were charmed by her undefeatable spirit. They taught her about imaging—about seeing herself walking. If it would do nothing else, it would at least give her hope and something positive to do in the long waking hours in her bed. Angela would work as hard as possible in physical therapy, in whirlpools and in exercise sessions. But she worked just as hard lying there faithfully doing her imaging, visualizing herself moving, moving, moving!


Methods Two towns with more DALs were selected as pilot areas to set up a station for CBR in township hospital respectively. Under the leadership of governments on local county and township levels and using the health resources of township hospital recovery service was offered freely to DALs periodically. Certainly, the DALs were willing to participate the program, the township hospital and doctors offered service should be paid by local county health bureau.


There had been more than ninety years of Pilate's history; there are more than 20 equipments and tools physical fitness training and rehabilitation program. Joseph Pilates began devising apparatus to aid in the rehabilitation of the disabled and sick, thus it helps out lots of physical therapy in hospital.


She was transferred to a specialized rehabilitation hospital in the San Francisco Bay area.


更多网络解释与康复医院相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

nursing home:护理院

这类服务提供者主要有两类:护理院(nursing home)、部分生活辅助设施(assisted living facility)、附设在医院里的护理或康复设施、临终关怀机构. 在机构里的老年人一般称之为居民(residents),而不是患者(patients).


另外,疼痛的副作用不仅是体能上的而且是心理上(PSYCHOLOGICAL)的,使病人处于精神抑郁萎靡状态,也不利于术后康复. 在西方,麻醉住院医生四年培训毕业后,还有专门培训一年做疼痛治疗专业的PAIN FELLOWSHIP. 所以,麻醉医生不仅在医院为外科医生开刀做麻醉服务,

Scottish Terrier:蘇格蘭梗犬

一只懂英语的苏格兰梗犬(Scottish Terrier)到大坪宠物医院(大坪宠物诊所,大坪动物诊所)看病. 一天的治疗后,犬康复了. 犬主人刘小姐带犬来巩固治疗时,讲述了这只梗犬的传奇经历.


延河岸旁散步至由享利四世所创设的St Louis(圣路易医院),就连院内的环境也是这样的宁静安逸,相信病人在这样的环境休养一定能康复的很快. 地铁(Metro)共有14条线,以1~14表示郊区快速线(RER)共有5条线,以ABCDE表示联电车(Tramway)共有两条线,以T1,T2表示

traumatology hospital:创伤医院

rehabilitation hospital 康复医院 | traumatology hospital 创伤医院 | maternity and child care center 妇幼保健站

ulnar nerve:尺神经

同年7月,一名神经顾问医生检查出起诉人的尺神经(ulnar nerve)严重受损. 国大医院手部及重造显微手术部门的高级顾问医生则建议起诉人接受康复治疗,并等候半年至九个月,看病情有没有改善. 吕国宝指出,即使起诉人没有表明同意接驳神经的手术,

Orthopaedics Hospitals:骨科医院

职业病医院 Occupational Disease Hospitals | 骨科医院 Orthopaedics Hospitals 3 100 | 康复医院 Rehabilitation Hospitals 5 66