英语人>词典>汉英 : 度蜜月 的英文翻译,例句
度蜜月 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
honeymoon  ·  honeymooned  ·  honeymooning  ·  honeymoons

on one's honeymoon
更多网络例句与度蜜月相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I read one book in Acapulco, Ernest Becker's The Denial of Death — heavy reading for a honeymoon, but I was only a year older than my father was when he died, and I had just taken a big step.


I want to spend our honeymoon in seaside...i want to wear bikini ...


I hope that the end of the wedding, my bridegroom and I go to my honeymoon abroad


British client Jonathan spent 4950 dollars (add up to a RMB about 33867 yuan) buy the horsemanship match entrance ticket that holds in Hong Kong to this website, he thinks fiancee originally a surprise, his fiancee is caballero of a profession, they plan to go to Hong Kong having honeymoon formerly.


While on honeymoon in Italy in 1833, the photographic pioneer William Fox Talbot used a camera lucida as a sketching aid.


If I got married, I'd have to take a Dictaphone , two secretaries.


Write down traffic is disadvantageously at that time, we have honeymoon to big gorge, a person employed a burro.


Do not postpone the honeymoon saying that you will take it later; tomorrow never comes for honeymoons.


Our family held a reunion when mother was88 years old, with grandchildren and greatgrandchildren attending.


The honeymooners who go to experience a luxury honeymoon holiday can always be joyful they had such an experience at the start of their married life.


更多网络解释与度蜜月相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

honeymoon trip:度蜜月

46 Graduation Trip 毕业旅行 | 47 Honeymoon Trip 度蜜月 | 48 Business Trip 商务旅行

Second Honeymoon:二度蜜月

" Playing Games " "做游戏" | " Second Honeymoon " "二度蜜月" | " Full of Surprises " "意外的惊喜"


Homeboy 老乡,老伙计,谦逊随和的人,同性恋男子 | Honeymooner 度蜜月的人 | Hooligan,thug,ruffian 流氓,恶棍,暴徒


family rate 家庭房价 | honeymooner 度蜜月者 | tent card 桌卡

Honeymooner:度蜜月的人 (名)

honeymoon 度蜜月 (动) | honeymooner 度蜜月的人 (名) | honeysuckle 忍冬; 金银花 (名)

15 Second Honeymoon:15二度蜜月)

14 Playing Games(14做游戏) | 15 Second Honeymoon(15二度蜜月) | 16 Full of Surprises(16意外惊喜)

going away:出发度蜜月; (体育比赛)领先甚多

going and coming 没有出路, 逃脱不了 | going away 出发度蜜月 (体育比赛)领先甚多 | going on 接近, 快到


4 buffet style reception 自助餐式的招待会 | 5 honeymooning 度蜜月 | 6 must have cost a fortune 一定价格不菲

We'll go honeymooning in Hawaii:我们将去夏威夷度蜜月

5 No formal wedding. 不要很正规的婚礼. | 6 We'll go honeymooning in Hawaii. 我们将去夏威夷度蜜月. | Telling friends and family告诉朋友和家人

What have you got against honeymoons? It's basically sex with room service:那干嘛去度蜜月? 蜜月就是嘿咻外加客房服务

Then it's a "whatever."|-不是就... | What have you got against honeymoons? It's basically sex with room service.|那干嘛去度蜜月? 蜜月就是嘿咻外加客房服务 | You have to have a real honeymoon.|你得有个真正...