英语人>词典>汉英 : 废石 的英文翻译,例句
废石 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

barren rock
更多网络例句与废石相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on theoretical calculation and in-situ test results,distribution and emissions of radioactive nuclides of uranium tailings impoundment and waste rock pile sites are analyzed in this paper.


This paper introduces the ore drawing process with the natural caving method and the characteristics of each stage, expounds the flow of the ore drawing management with the natural caving method , and probes into some measures that should be adopted in the special condition to reduce the interfusion of waste rock.


This study chose the dahongshan mine which has very important significance to the developing of yunnan iron and steel industry as our work station in which we build six runoff plots according to loss type and chose three place to earth up to observe the rule of the soil moving on the mullock stone and study the eroding rule of the barren side slope with eroding nail experiment.


It shows that the particle vibration velocity is related to the maximum single sound charge,distance from the blasting point uo the measured point,types of explosive and blocking condition.While transforming opencast mining into underground mining,if a goave is filled up with gangues,the surface rock mass of slope ca...


They are subaerially exposed to weathering and disintegration, resulting in leaching and removal of...


At the first, the paper describes the importance and the present status of the application of wasteless mining in our country, and gives a special discussion for its conception ,research approaches, and some apply pathways for wasteless mining, then makes a brief description of decision-making and optimizing theories and methods applied in the paper's design and appraisal for the wasteless mining.


Therefore, it has become an important development direction for our mining industry to protect mine's environment, and to keep mine production with continuance and steadiness for a long periodWithin recent years, many new problems were brought forward through wasteless mining experience, in which, the right design and objective appraise for the wasteless mining is one of its problems.


Basic status on waste rock pile s of an uranium mine in Jiangxi province before its decom- missioning is introduced.


They used limestone of different quality and large-fluctuant-range waste stone in proportion and substituted a part of clay with clay stone to produce cement. And the physical performance of the produced Portland cement was improved greatly-28 d strength increased from 50.4MPa to 54.5MPa, and output of the rotary kiln increased. Moreover, the company also tried to use green shale as admixture to produce compound cement and successfully produced compound Portland cement with a little low early strength and a little higher 28d strength than slag Portland cement. And the cement cost decreased 19.59 yuan per ton.

将CaO含量波动范围较宽的废石与不同品位石灰石按比例搭配使用,将其粘土质特性的废石替代部分粘土生产;而且生产的硅酸盐水泥熟料物理性能有较大提高,28d强度由原来的50.4 MPa提高到54.5 MPa,窑产量也有一定的提高;此外,该公司还进行了将绿色页岩作混合材生产复合水泥的生产探索,成功生产出了早期强度略低,但28d强度略高于矿渣硅酸盐水泥的复合硅酸盐水泥,且使水泥生产成本降低19.59元/t。

At present, the researches at home and abroad concentrate on aquatic environmental influence of mine tailing and coal-gangue, but seldom focus on waste rock , which contrasts sharply with the present status of a large amount of waste rock pile in my country.


更多网络解释与废石相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acid drainage from waste rock:废石酸性排水

pit dewatering 矿坑去水 | Acid drainage from waste rock 废石酸性排水 | Risk of spillage 溢出风险

barren rock:废石

barren layer 废石层 | barren rock 废石 | barricade 隔墙


goat 山羊;转辙机 | gob 采矿区;矿内废石;许多;充填废石 | gobi 戈壁


muller 磨碎机 | mullock 矿山废石堆 | mullocking 装运废石


mullioned 有竖框的 | mullock 废石 | mulriple 多样的


packing material 充填料 | packwall 废石垛墙 | pad 垫


分裂作用 splitting | 氟磷钙石 spodiosite | 废石 spoil


chassis 车底盘 | chats 矿山废石 | check 细缝;侧壁;校核

Thou hast rebuked the proud: they are cursed who decline from thy commandments:匠人弃而不用的废石,反而成了屋角的基石

我感謝你,因為你應允了我,你也將你的救恩... | 匠人棄而不用的廢石,反而成了屋角的基石;Thou hast rebuked the proud: they are cursed who decline from thy commandments. | 那是上主的所行所為,在我們眼中神妙莫測....

dirt band:废石层 ; 冰川碎屑层

"dirt","废石" | "dirt band","废石层 ; 冰川碎屑层" | "dirty sand","泥质砂"