英语人>词典>汉英 : 底色 的英文翻译,例句
底色 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
impression  ·  backgrounds

bottom color · bottom colour · dead colour
更多网络例句与底色相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'd like to buy a medium-sized cloisonne vase with alight blue background.


I'd like to buy a medium-sized cloisoe vase with alight blue background.


If you want to use offset printing technology background colour printed large collesting.


The background color and the character printing color are Huawei white.


As a result, Business card printing and membership card removal without making the background color of the color printing and large area when possible drying fast, large envirogluvtm thixotropism.


Itewe-Indian red background color when printing transparent yellow top overprint magenta gloss effect.


The author presents for ours this oil painting, color of take the sea - black , deep black, dark blue as the bottom color, has the depth feeling of shadow, by the prominent condensation function, causes the main image bright eye-catching, has one kind of stereoscopic effect; Simultaneously chose the contrast intense white clouds, the snowy peak has come with the sea to face each other across a great distance, the color was bright, has had the striking feeling; Chose the rich vitality green seacoast, the nattierblue hill has made the sea the sideline, has had the gently beautiful feeling; Chose the color variegated light beam to make the sea the central color, the reflection function is intense, the entire picture was bright immediately, the deep color transferred the half tint, has had the lively sprightly feeling; Adds on moon's inverted image, bird's soaring, eagle's convolution, constituted one refinedly to catch fish the chart, also the difficult style which caught fish with the old person has formed the harmonious unification, played the exaggeration role, had achieved the perfect unification, demonstrated the old person just had the suppleness, supple had the just disposition characteristic.


The background of the sword is black, whose surface is bestrewn with silvery white multi-cycle and multi-line patterns. All of them are made of plane and natural patterns. Though pictures can be taken for them, they are not to he made into rubbings. They do not lack ease and grace, but they are still subjected to certain rules.


Have a pure white background, off-white background is not acceptable


The last Alclad paint uses a special formula, it changes colour when the finish is viewed at different angles.

因为恐怕两种深色底色会有太近似的效果,所以用了 101 这个不算深色的颜色作底色,以增加色差。

更多网络解释与底色相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The background color and the character printing color are Huawei white:底色及文字印刷颜色为华为白

底盘接地 enclosure grounding | 底色及文字印刷颜色为华为白 The background color and the character printing color are Huawei white. | 底座 base

background reflectance:底色反射

后台阅读机 background reader | 底色反射 background reflectance | 后台区域 background region

Blotch printing:满地印花,底色印花

漂毛剂:Blankit | 满地印花,底色印花:Blotch printing | 微孔弹性辊(又称排吸水轧辊):breathing pad roller

Blotch printing:底色印花;单面印花

底色印花图案 blotch print pattern | 底色印花,单面印花 blotch printing | 满底花纹辊筒 blotch roller

Blotch printing:满地印花、底色印花

牐牷旌先玖 blended dyes | 牐犅地印花、底色印花 blotch printing | 牐犛』棉布、平纹布 calico

blotch ground:满地花纹,印花底色

bloomy lustre 鲜明光泽,丝绒光泽 | blotch ground 满地花纹,印花底色 | Blotch-Roll-Flash-Age technic 刮浆快蒸印花法

copal varnish:柯巴上光油(用于透明底色和上光)

determine on 决定 | copal varnish 柯巴上光油(用于透明底色和上光) | seniti [单复同]n.分(汤加辅币名)

seal off stain:封闭底色(工序);底色封闭

sea water immersion test 海水浸渍试验 | seal off stain 封闭底色(工序);底色封闭 | sealing bare wood 白茬涂封闭底漆;白茬封闭;白坯封闭[施工];木胎钻生;木胎吃生[大漆]

tin-plate roller coating:适用于金屑软管滚涂底色的塞孔油墨. 印铁滚涂塞孔油墨

适用于金属软管印刷工艺的塞孔油墨. 软管滚涂塞孔油墨 collapsible tu... | 适用于金屑软管滚涂底色的塞孔油墨. 印铁滚涂塞孔油墨 tin-plate roller coating | 适用于涂锡薄铁皮滚涂底色的塞孔油墨. 复写纸塞孔油墨 c...


一次性完成直接画法(ALLA PRIMA) 一种略施底色(UNDERPAINTING)或不施底色的一次性涂色(PIGMENTS)的绘画技法. 伊斯兰教(ISLAM) 穆斯林(MUSLEMS)的宗教. 根据先知穆罕默德(MOHAMMED)的说法和>的记载,